• Q : Dragging the sled across the field with ropes....
    Physics :

    Football coach sits on a sled while two of his players build their strength by dragging the sled across the field with ropes. The friction force on the sled is 1100 N and the angle between the two r

  • Q : Calculate distance covered by object between times....
    Physics :

    An object, at the top of a very tall building, is released from rest and falls freely due to gravity. Neglect air resistance and calculate the distance covered by the object between times t1 = 5.54

  • Q : What is the weight of heaviest bear that the ice can support....
    Physics :

    The density of ice is 917 kg/m3 and the density of sea water is 1025 kg/m3. A swimming polar bear climbs onto a piece of floating ice that has a volume of 5.2 m3. What is the weight of the heaviest

  • Q : What rms voltage....
    Physics :

    A transformer with 50 turns in the primary and 25,000 turns in the secondary is attached to a 230 V (rms) a.c source. What peak voltage may be obtained from the secondary coil? What rms voltage?

  • Q : What minimum horsepower must a motor have....
    Physics :

    What minimum horsepower must a motor have to be able to drag a 330 kg box along a level floor at a speed of 1.25 m/s if the coefficient of friction is 0.50?

  • Q : Thermal radiation law....
    Physics :

    The anode of an x-ray tube may reach temperatures near the melting point of tungsten, 3380 degrees C. How much more rapidly would it radiate heat there than at room temperature (22 degrees C)?

  • Q : What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box....
    Physics :

    A box weighing 610 N is pushed along a horizontal floor at constant velocity by a force of 210 N parallel to the floor. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the floor?

  • Q : Filament power supply....
    Physics :

    The resistance of an x-ray tube filament is 2 ohms, and about 5 A of d.c. current is required to achieve 2200 degrees C. What voltage must the filament power supply put out

  • Q : What mass of water lost an electron to the lightning....
    Physics :

    A strong lightning bolt transfers about 25 c to earth  if each water molecule donates one electron to the lightning, what mass of water lost an electron to the lightning? one mole of water has

  • Q : Launch speed needed to hit the bulls-eye....
    Physics :

    Suppose that the tower height is h = 10.80 m, and that the bulls-eye's horizontal distance is d = 3.8 m from the launch point. If the pumpkin is thrown horizontally, what is the launch speed needed

  • Q : What is the kinetic energy of the aircraft....
    Physics :

    An aircraft with a mass of 843 kg accelerates from 0 to 99 m/s in 9.8 seconds, at which time the aircraft launches. What is the kinetic energy of the aircraft when the aircraft launches?

  • Q : How many km2 of forest is burned....
    Physics :

    A map of a burned area obtained from remote sensing contains 120 pixels. The remote sensing image shows that the fire is isolated to 73 of the 120 pixels.

  • Q : What will be the force....
    Physics :

    Two charged dust particles exert a force of 4.30×10-2 N on each other. What will be the force if they are moved so they are only one-sixth as far apart?

  • Q : Calculate g for space shuttle territory....
    Physics :

    Many people mistakenly believe that the astronauts that orbit Earth are "above gravity." Calculate g for space shuttle territory 150 km above Earth's surface. Assume Earth's mass is 6.0 1024 kg, and

  • Q : Boat move toward the shore it is facing....
    Physics :

    Romeo (75.0 kg) entertains Juliet (52.0 kg) by playing his guitar from the rear of their boat at rest in still water, 2.80 m away from Juliet who is in the front of the boat. After the serenade, Ju

  • Q : Find the velocity of the center of mass....
    Physics :

    A 2.06 kg particle has a velocity (2.07 ihat - 3.01 jhat) m/s, and a 2.97 kg particle has a velocity (0.94 ihat + 6.05 jhat) m/s. (a) Find the velocity of the center of mass.

  • Q : What is the length of the wire that is inside magnetic ?eld....
    Physics :

    The magnetic force acting on a wire that is perpendicular to a 5.2 T uniform magnetic ?eld is 8.0 N. If the current in the wire is 5.0 A, what is the length of the wire that is inside the magnetic ?

  • Q : Velocity graph of a car accelerating from rest....
    Physics :

    The velocity graph of a car accelerating from rest to a speed of 60 km/h over a period of 30 seconds is shown. Estimate the distance, d traveled during this period. (Use M6 to get the most precise

  • Q : How high above the starting point does the pebble fly....
    Physics :

    You shoot a 47-g pebble straight up with a catapult whose spring constant is 320 N/m. The catapult is initially stretched by 0.20 m. How high above the starting point does the pebble fly? Ignore air

  • Q : What constant force is exerted on the bullet....
    Physics :

    A 7.4 g bullet leaves the muzzle of a rifle with a speed of 493.1 m/s. What constant force is exerted on the bullet while it is traveling down the 0.8 m length of the barrel of the rifle?

  • Q : What is the induced current in the coil during the time....
    Physics :

    A 200 turn coil of 10cm radius and 20 ohm resistance is perpendicular to a magnetic field that increases uniformly from .2 to .7 T in 0.02 c. what is the induced current in the coil during this tim

  • Q : Ratio of kinetic energy of asteroid-kinetic energy of earth....
    Physics :

    An asteroid, whose mass is 7.8 × 10-4 times the mass of Earth, revolves in a circular orbit around the Sun at a distance that is 2.5 times the Earth's distance from the Sun. (a) Calculate the

  • Q : What is the tension in the rope....
    Physics :

    The 1.0 kg block in the figure is tied to the wall with a rope. It sits on top of the 2.0 kg block. The lower block is pulled to the right with a tension force of 20 N. The coefficient of kinetic fr

  • Q : Find the force exerted by the rope on the bucket....
    Physics :

    A 4.1 kg bucket of water is raised from a well by a rope. If the upward acceleration of the bucket is 3.3 m/s2, find the force exerted by the rope on the bucket.

  • Q : Degrees counterclockwise....
    Physics :

    A hiker's trip consists of three segments. Path A is 8.0 km long heading 60 degrees north of east. Path B is 7.0 km long in a direction due east. Path C is 4.0 km long heading 315 degrees counterclo

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