• Q : Find the magnitude of the electric field....
    Physics :

    An object with a charge of -3.1 mu C and a mass of 1.7×10-2 kg experiences an upward electric force, due to a uniform electric field, equal in magnitude to its weight. Find the magnitude of t

  • Q : What was the tension in the string....
    Physics :

    The ball reaches a height 600 cm above the floor.What was the tension in the string an instant before it broke?

  • Q : What is the diameter of the moons image....
    Physics :

    An image of the moon is focused onto a screen using a converging lens of focal length f= 34.3 cm. The diameter of the moon is 3.48×106 m, and its mean distance from the earth is 3.85×10

  • Q : Calculate the total distance covered by the train....
    Physics :

    A train starts at rest at a station and accelerates at a rate of 2.0 m/s^2 for 20 seconds. Then, this train runs at a constant speed for 100 seconds and slows down at a rate of 5.0 m/s^s until it st

  • Q : Model in gold from the original dies....
    Physics :

    A major motor company displays a die-cast model of its first automobile, made from 9.35 kg of iron. To celebrate its one-hundredth year in business, a worker will recast the model in gold from the

  • Q : What is the car''s speed at the bottom of the dip....
    Physics :

    The weight of passengers on a roller coaster increases by 59% as the car goes through a dip with a 36m radius of curvature. what is the car's speed at the bottom of the dip?

  • Q : What is the thinnest soap film....
    Physics :

    What is the thinnest soap film (excluding the case of zero thickness) that appears black when viewed by reflected light with a wavelength of 480 {rm nm}? The index of refraction of the film is 1.33

  • Q : Scenarios on basis of angle of first interference....
    Physics :

    Rank these scenarios on the basis of the angle of the first interference maximum. Rank from largest to smallest. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them.

  • Q : Gravitational potential energy relative to the ground....
    Physics :

    How high a tree would a 79.0 kg person have to climb to increase his gravitational potential energy relative to the ground by that amount?

  • Q : What minimum horsepower must a motor have....
    Physics :

    What minimum horsepower must a motor have to be able to drag a 330 box along a level floor at a speed of 1.10 if the coefficient of friction is 0.50?

  • Q : How high does she rise during this interval....
    Physics :

    A 26-kg girl is bouncing on a trampoline. During a certain interval after leaving the surface of the trampoline, her kinetic energy decreases to 210 J from 430 J. How high does she rise during this

  • Q : Estimating wire linear charge density....
    Physics :

    A proton orbits a long charged wire, making revolutions per second. The radius of the orbit is cm. What is the wire's linear charge density?

  • Q : Determine magnitude and direction of electric field....
    Physics :

    A charge of -4.0 nC is at the origin and a second charge of 14.0 nC is at x = 3.00 m. Find the magnitude and direction of the electric field halfway in between the two charges.

  • Q : Estimate maximum height reached by rocket....
    Physics :

    A model rocket is launched straight upward with an initial speed of 53.9 m/s. It accelerates with a constant upward acceleration of 1.82 m/s2 until its engines stop at an altitude of 159 m. What is

  • Q : How many turns of wire would be on a solenoid....
    Physics :

    How many turns of wire would be on a solenoid carrying a current 4 A if the solenoid is 13 cm in diameter, 200 cm long, and the field at the center is 2.1 × 10-3 T .

  • Q : Description of the image formed....
    Physics :

    A 10 meter object is placed at a distance of 175 meters in front of a lens whose focal length is 50 meters. Which of the following describes the image formed? (a) it is 4 meters long and inverted (

  • Q : Over what distance must the airbag stop you....
    Physics :

    If you are in a car accident with an initial speed of 119 km/h and you are stopped by an airbag that inflates from the dashboard, over what distance must the airbag stop you for you to survive the c

  • Q : Determine magnitude of the train acceleration....
    Physics :

    A toy train is pushed forward and released at x_0=2.0;{rm m} with a speed of 2.0 {rm m/s}. It rolls at a steady speed for 2.0 {rm s}, then one wheel begins to stick. The train comes to a stop 6.0 {

  • Q : Ropes making an angle with the horizontal....
    Physics :

    Two blocks are placed in contact on a horizontal frictionless surface. The smaller box has less mass than the larger box. A force F is applied to the small box as shown so that the boxes accelerate

  • Q : Strenght of the earth gravity....
    Physics :

    Compare with the strenght of the earth's gravity at its surface, how much weakeris gravity at a distance of 10 earth's center?

  • Q : With what initial kinetic energy must it be launched....
    Physics :

    If the probe is to achieve a maximum distance of 8.0 106 m from the center of Zero, with what initial kinetic energy must it be launched from the surface of Zero?

  • Q : Total vector displacement....
    Physics :

    A motorist drives south at 22.0 m/s for 3.00 min, then turns west and travels at 25.0 m/s for 2.40 min, and finally travels northwest at 30.0 m/s for 1.00 min. For this 6.40 min trip, find the follo

  • Q : Contact of a charged metal ball....
    Physics :

    Why are you are not harmed with the contact of a charged metal ball, even though its voltage may be very high. Is the reason similar to why you are not harmed by the greater-than-10000 C sparks fro

  • Q : Determining the wire linear charge density....
    Physics :

    A proton orbits a long charged wire, making 1.10 times 10^{6} revolutions per second. The radius of the orbit is 1.10 cm. What is the wire's linear charge density?

  • Q : Rotational energy of disk shaped pulley....
    Physics :

    A block of mass m is suspended from a string a height h above the ground. The string is wrapped around a disk shaped pulley with mass m and radius R. Find the tension T in the string. (Your answer

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