• Q : Type of energy....
    Physics :

    Explain what type of energy both objects have just before they are released. Do both objects initially have the same amount of energy? Explain what type of energy both objects have just before they

  • Q : Angle between the transmission axes of the two sheets....
    Physics :

    Unpolarized light is incident on a series of two Polaroid sheets. The intensity of the light emerging from the second sheet is 18.4% of the intensity of the light incident on the first sheet. Find

  • Q : What is the orbital period of the faster planet, in years....
    Physics :

    Two newly discovered planets follow circular orbits around a star in a distant part of the galaxy. The orbital speed of the planets are determined to be 43.3 km/s and 58.6 km/s. The slower planet's

  • Q : Determine immediate emergency landing in a pasture....
    Physics :

    A plane leaves the airport in Galisto and flies 170 at 68.0 east of north and then changes direction to fly 230 at 48.0 south of east, after which it makes an immediate emergency landing in a pastu

  • Q : Maximum weight of the bucket....
    Physics :

    Determine the maximum weight of the bucket that the wire system can support so that no single wire develops a tension exceeding 0.5 kN. Assume that the system is in equilibrium.

  • Q : What is the tension in the string when the object is at top....
    Physics :

    A 0.400-kg object attached to the end of a string of length 0.500 m is swung in a circular path and in a vertical plane. If a constant angular speed of 8.00 rad/s is maintained, what is the tension

  • Q : What area of the mirror is used to reflect the rays....
    Physics :

    Suppose you are 90 cm from a plane mirror. What area of the mirror is used to reflect the rays entering one eye from a point on the tip of your nose if your pupil diameter is 5.5 mm.

  • Q : Drawing on eratoshthenes method....
    Physics :

    Drawing on Eratoshthenes' method, if two observers are due north and south of each other and are seperated by 400 km, what is the circumference of their spherical world if they see the same star on

  • Q : What will the new water temperatures....
    Physics :

    25g of copper pellets are removed from a 300 degree C oven and immediately dropped into 80 mL of water at 23 degree C in an insulated cup. What will the new water temperatures be?

  • Q : How long was the toe of the person....
    Physics :

    a 430-g soccer ball at rest on the ground is kicked with a force of 600 n and flies off at 15 m/s. How long was the toe of the person who kicked the ball?

  • Q : Crate is raised a vertical distance....
    Physics :

    Pete slides a crage up a ramp at an angle of 30 degrees by exerting a 225-N force parallel to the ramp. The crate moves at constant speed. The coefficient of fricition of .28. How much work has bee

  • Q : Light rays from an on-axis distant source....
    Physics :

    A 20 times telescope has a 12-{rm cm}-diameter objective lens. What minimum diameter must the eyepiece lens have to collect all the light rays from an on-axis distant source?

  • Q : What must the tension in the string be....
    Physics :

    A piece of string 5.30 m long has a mass of 14.0 g. What must the tension in the string be to make the wavelength of a 128 Hz wave 120.0 cm?

  • Q : Nucleus exerts on an orbiting electron....
    Physics :

    Calculate the electrical attraction that a proton in a nucleus exerts on an orbiting electron if the two particles are 1.41×10-10 apart.

  • Q : Cubic meters and cubic centimeters....
    Physics :

    A house is 49.0 ft long and 30 ft wide, and has 8.0-ft-high ceilings. What is the volume of the interior of the house in cubic meters and cubic centimeters?

  • Q : Coefficiend of kinetic frictoin between the chair and floor....
    Physics :

    A 29 kg chair initially at rest on a horizontal floor requires a 373 N horizontal force to set it in motion. Once the chair is in motion, a 342 N horizontal force keeps it moving at a constant veloci

  • Q : Air bubble is always in the thermal equilibrium....
    Physics :

    What is the bubble's diameter just as it reaches the surface of the lake, where the water temperature is 20^circ {rm C}? Assume that the air bubble is always in thermal equilibrium with the surroun

  • Q : What is the wire linear charge density....
    Physics :

    A proton orbits a long charged wire, making 2.00 times 10^{6} revolutions per second. The radius of the orbit is 1.40 cm. What is the wire's linear charge density

  • Q : What are the period of the motion....
    Physics :

    A woman rides a carnival Ferris wheel at radius 20 m, completing 4.7 turns about its horizontal axis every minute. What are (a) the period of the motion, and the magnitude of her centripetal acceler

  • Q : Electric field at a point in space....
    Physics :

    The electric field at a point in space is E_vec = ( 200 hat{ i }+ 400 hat{ j } ) ;{rm N}/{rm C}. What is the x-component of the electric force on a proton at this point?

  • Q : Determine the volume of the kettle....
    Physics :

    A copper kettle contains water at 24 0 C. When the water is heated to its boiling point the volume of the kettle expands by 1.2 x 10 - 5 m 3. Determine the volume of the kettle at 24 0 C.

  • Q : Length of the bar after the temperature change....
    Physics :

    Silver bar 0.25 meter long is subjected to a temperature change from 200 degrees C to 100 degree C. What will be the length of the bar after the temperature change?

  • Q : Find the length of the rough patch....
    Physics :

    On an essentially frictionless ice rink, a skater moves at 3 m/s. They encounter a rough patch of ice (with friction) that reduces their speed by 45% due to a friction force that is 25 % of their we

  • Q : What is the frequency of the oscillation....
    Physics :

    A mass m is gently placed on the end of a freely hanging spring. The mass then falls 32.4 cm before it stops and begins to rise. What is the frequency of the oscillation?

  • Q : Determine potential difference....
    Physics :

    It takes 3.0 {mu {rm J}} of work to move a 15 {rm nC} charge from point A to B. It takes -6.0 {mu {rm J}} of work to move the charge from C to B. What is the potential difference V_{rm{C}} - V_{rm{A

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