• Q : Minimum average speed....
    Physics :

    Suppose that you loft the ball with an initial speed of v = 17.7 m/s, at an angle of θ = 50.7° above the horizontal. At this instant your opponent is d = 11.1 m away from the ball.

  • Q : What is the minimum angle that the ladder can make....
    Physics :

    An 8.0 m, 100 N uniform ladder rests against a smooth wall. The coefficient of static friction between the ladder and the ground is 0.4, What is the minimum angle that the ladder can make with the

  • Q : Fraction of volume submerged change....
    Physics :

    If the temperature is raised to 28 C, will the cube float higher or lower in the mercury? By what percent will the fraction of volume submerged change?

  • Q : Net heat current radiation....
    Physics :

    Sphere, 0.30 m in radius, has a surface emissivity of 0.48 and is at a temperature of 600 K. The sphere is surrounded by a concentric spherical shell, of which the inner surface has a radius of 0.9

  • Q : How much friction force will be required....
    Physics :

    A 1400 kg car rounds a curve of radius 70 m banked at an angle of 12°. If the car is traveling at 80 km/h, how much friction force will be required?

  • Q : Rhino average velocity....
    Physics :

    A rhinoceros is at the origin of coordinates at time t1 = 0. For the time interval from t1 = 0 to t2 = 22.0 s, the rhino's average velocity has x-component -4.5 m/s and y-component 4.5 m/s.

  • Q : How far behind is the second ant....
    Physics :

    Two ants race across a table 61 cm long. one travels at 4.23 cm/s and the other at 3.99999 cm/s. when the first one crosses the finish line, how far behind is the second one?

  • Q : Mass of volume of water....
    Physics :

    A rectangular container measuring 25 × 39 × 63 is filled with water. What is the mass of this volume of water?  

  • Q : Magnitude of the force on point charge due to dipole change....
    Physics :

    If the charge of the point charge in the figure were -2Q (instead of +Q), by what factor would the magnitude of the force on the point charge due to the dipole change?

  • Q : Determine the initial speed of the bullet....
    Physics :

    An 8.0 gram bullet is fired into a 250 gram block that is initially at rest at the edge of a table of height 1.00 m. The bullet remains in the block, and after the impact the block lands 2.00 meter

  • Q : What vertical height will he attain....
    Physics :

    A basketball player achieves a hangtime of 1.08s in dunking the ball. What vertical height will he attain? The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s.

  • Q : Monochromatic light used in the experiment....
    Physics :

    A Michelson interferometer is used to measure the wavelength of light emitted from a monochromatic source. As the adjustable mirror is slowly moved through a distance DA = 0.0265 mm, an observer co

  • Q : Determine value of charge on each ball....
    Physics :

    Two small charged cork balls, each of mass 2.00 g, are supported on 1.00 m long lines of thread. The distance between the balls is 24.0 cm, and their charges are of the same magnitude. Determine th

  • Q : Positive charges in hand-unbalanced-negative charge....
    Physics :

    For round numbers, we shall assume that all the weight of each hand is due to the calcium in the bones, and we shall treat the hands as point charges. One mole of {rm Ca} contains 40.18 {rm g}, and

  • Q : What was the drivers rate of acceleration....
    Physics :

    A driver of a car enters a new 110-km/h speed zone on the highway. the driver begins to accelerate immediately and reaches 100km/h after driving 500m. if the original speed was 80km/h, what was the

  • Q : Move off in opposite directions....
    Physics :

    Two friends, Al and Jo, have a combined mass of 164 kg. At the ice skating rink, they stand close together on skates, at rest and facing each other. Using their arms, they push on each other for 1 s

  • Q : At what time does the wheel stop....
    Physics :

    Through what total angle did the wheel turn between and the time it stopped? At what time does the wheel stop? What was the wheel's angular acceleration as it slowed down?

  • Q : How much does the temp of block rise....
    Physics :

    A 70 g metal block moving at 200 cm per second and it slide across the tabletop a distace of 83 c beofre it comes to rest.  Assuming 75% of the heat goes in to the block, how much does the tem

  • Q : Find the first intensity minimum....
    Physics :

    Two loudspeakers are placed 3 meters apart. They emit 440 Hz sounds in phase. A microphone is placed 3.20 m distant from a point midway between the two speakers, and an intensity maximum is recorde

  • Q : How high did the ball travel before being caught....
    Physics :

    A baseball is thrown at an angle of 25° relative to the ground at a speed of 23.0 m/s. If the ball was caught 42.0 m from the thrower, how long was it in the air? How high did the ball travel be

  • Q : Determining the magnitude of average acceleration....
    Physics :

    A 747 airliner reaches its takeoff speed of 184 mi/h in 31.9 s. What is the magnitude of its average acceleration?

  • Q : How far above the target is the point....
    Physics :

    A gun shoots bullets that leave the muzzle with a speed of 205 m/s. If a bullet is to hit a target 151 m away at the level of the muzzle, the gun must be aimed at a point above the target. How far

  • Q : What is his speed at the bottom of the swings....
    Physics :

    Tarzan swings on a 30.0-m-long vine initially inclined at an angle of 370 with the vertical. What is his speed at the bottom of the swings if he starts from rest?

  • Q : What was the particle initial velocity....
    Physics :

    A particle has an acceleration of 6.24 m/s^2 for 0.280 s. At the end of this time the particle's velocity is 9.41 m/s. What was the particle's initial velocity?

  • Q : Object at the bottom of the circle....
    Physics :

    A 0.40 kg object is swung in a circular path and in a vertical plane on a 0.5 m length string. If the angular velocity at the bottom is 8.0 rad/s, what is the tension in the string when the object

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