• Q : Net charge on the electroscope....
    Physics :

    If 3.43×108 electrons flow through the ground wire to Earth and the ground wire is then removed, what is the net charge on the electroscope?

  • Q : Photoelection emitted from the surface....
    Physics :

    Given the wavelength of visible lights is from 380 to 730 nm and the work function of sodium is 2.28eV.  Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelection emitted from the surface. Ske

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the field at point-b....
    Physics :

    The electric field lines on the left have twice the separation of those on the right. If the magnitude of the field at point-A is 60 V/m, what is the magnitude of the field at point-B? (A is on the

  • Q : Compute the speed of the fetal heart....
    Physics :

    a) Calculate the speed of the fetal heart wall at the instant this measurement is made.

  • Q : What is the horizontal component of the ball''s velocity....
    Physics :

    A volleyball is spiked so that it has an initial velocity of 16 m/s directed downward at an angle of 60° below the horizontal. What is the horizontal component of the ball's velocity when the op

  • Q : What is the thickness of electroplated gold....
    Physics :

    Modern electroplaters can cover a surface area of 60.0 m2 with one troy ounce of gold (volume = 1.611 cm3). What is the thickness of the electroplated gold?  

  • Q : Speakers to experience the first intensity minimum....
    Physics :

    Two loudspeakers are placed at either end of a gymnasium, both pointing towards each other. The sound emitted by the speakers are in phase and are of frequency of 256Hz. An observer midway between t

  • Q : How fast will each be moving....
    Physics :

    Two identical +9.5uC point charges are initially 3.5cm from each other. If they are released at the same instant from rest, how fast will each be moving when they are very far away from each other?

  • Q : Determine the average acceleration of the ball....
    Physics :

    A ball falls from rest for 0.67 seconds, reaching a final speed of 6.57 m/s (downward or -) just prior to hitting the ground. Determine the average acceleration of the ball in m/s/s.

  • Q : Diet or start eating more candy....
    Physics :

    Before going into orbit, an astronaut has a mass of 55kg. While in orbit, a measurement determines that a force of 100N causes her to move with an acceleration of 1.90m/s2. To regain her original w

  • Q : What is the ratio of the man''s kinetic energy....
    Physics :

    A man weighing 660 and a woman weighing 430 have the same momentum. What is the ratio of the man's kinetic energy to that of the woman ?

  • Q : What is the shaft''s angular speed....
    Physics :

    shaft of a pump starts from rest and has an angular acceleration of 3.00 rad/s2 for 18.0 s. At the end of this interval, what is (a) the shaft's angular speed and (b) the angle through which the sha

  • Q : Find how many maxima it detects....
    Physics :

    Two radio-frequency point sources separated by 3.0 m are radiating in phase with λ = 0.50 m. A detector moves in a circular path around the two sources in a plane containing them. Without wr

  • Q : Conservation of momentum....
    Physics :

    A rocket exhausts fuel with a velocity of 1500 m/s, relative to the rocket. It starts from rest in outer space with fuel comprising 80 per cent of the total mass. When all the fuel has been exhaust

  • Q : What is the time interval it took to hit the box....
    Physics :

    A woman is reported to have fallen 144 ft from a building, landing on a metal ventilator box, which she crushed to a depth of 18 in. She suffered only minor injuries.

  • Q : How far short of the target does it strike the ground....
    Physics :

    An arrow is fired horizontally with speed of 100 m/s directly at the bull's eye of a target 80 m away. when it is fired, the arrow is 2 m above the ground. how far short of the target does it strik

  • Q : What is the speed at the bottom of the swing....
    Physics :

    Tarzan swings on a 27.0 m long vine initially inclined at an angle of 39.0? with the vertical. The acceleration of gravity if 9.81 m/s2 . What is his speed at the bottom of the swing if hepushes off

  • Q : Sound wave travels via a pregnant womans abdomen....
    Physics :

    =A 1.60-rm MHz sound wave travels through a pregnant woman's abdomen and is reflected from the fetal heart wall of her unborn baby. The heart wall is moving toward the sound receiver as the heart b

  • Q : Find the normal force exerted by the pavement....
    Physics :

    (a) the normal force exerted by the pavement on the tires(b) the frictional force exerted by the pavement on the tires(c) the minimum coefficient of static friction between the pavement and the tire

  • Q : Find the ratio m-q for this particle....
    Physics :

    After being accelerated to a speed of 1.70×10^5 m/s, the particle enters a uniform magnetic field of strength 1.00 T and travels in a circle of radius 34.0 cm (determined by observing where it

  • Q : Compute the velocity of the boat....
    Physics :

    Calculate the velocity of the boat immediately after, assuming it was initially at rest. The mass of the child is 29.0 {rm kg} and that of the boat is 40.0 {rm kg}

  • Q : Calculate the momentum of the gun....
    Physics :

    A 26 kg gun is standing on a frictionless surface. The gun fires a .0573 kg bullet with a muzzle velocity of 323 m/s. The positive direction is that of the bullet immediately after the gun was fired

  • Q : Downward-directed electric field of magnitude....
    Physics :

    What must the charge (sign and magnitude) of a 1.44-g particle be for it to remain stationary when placed in a downward-directed electric field of magnitude 690?

  • Q : What is the velocity of the ice skater....
    Physics :

    What is the velocity of the ice skater after throwing the snowball? Disregard the friction between the skates and the ice.

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the train''s angular acceleration....
    Physics :

    A toy train rolls around a horizontal 2.0--diameter track. The coefficient of rolling friction is 0.15. What is the magnitude of the train's angular acceleration after it is released?

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