• Q : Mass of the candies in the container....
    Physics :

    Assume that the volume of the empty spaces between the candies is negligible. If the height of the candies in the container increases at the rate of 0.29 cm/s, at what rate (kilograms per minute) do

  • Q : What is the maximum compression of the spring....
    Physics :

    A .50-kg block, starting at rest slides down a 34.0 degree incline with kinetic friction coefficient 0.20. After sliding 85 cm down the incline, it slides across a frictionless horizontal surface a

  • Q : Crosses the finish line....
    Physics :

    Two ants race across a table 68 cm long. One travels at 5.9 cm/s and the other at 3 cm/s. When the first one crosses the finish line,how far behind is the second one?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the horizontal force component....
    Physics :

    (a) What is h if the ball is on the verge of leaving the track when it reaches the top of the loop? (b) If the ball is released at height h = 6.00R, what is the magnitude of the horizontal force com

  • Q : Calculate the net work done by the force of friction....
    Physics :

    A weightlifter lifts a weight of mass 35.0 kg through a distance of 0.630 m, then lowers it gently. He does this 26 times. Calculate the net work done by the force of friction due to the rope rubbi

  • Q : Displacement of the airplane....
    Physics :

    Define the displacement of the airplane while the radar was tracking it:RBA=RB-RA . What are the components of RBA?

  • Q : What is the reading on each of the scales....
    Physics :

    A 64 woman stands on a very light, rigid board that rests on a bathroom scale at each end. 1.5m left of her and 2.0m total. what is the reading on each of the scales?

  • Q : Determining the direction of the initial velocity....
    Physics :

    A golf ball is struck with a five iron on level ground. It lands 90.8 m away 4.07 s later. What was the direction of the initial velocity? Give the angle counterclockwise relative to the horizontal

  • Q : At what coordinate on the axis is the net electric field....
    Physics :

    Two particles are fixed to an x axis: particle 1 of charge q1 = +2.1 10-8 C at x = 20 cm and particle 2 of charge q2 = -4.00q1 at x = 70 cm. At what coordinate on the axis is the net electric field

  • Q : What is the coefficient of kinetic friction....
    Physics :

    A horizontal force of 142 N is used to push a 44 kg packing crate a distance of 5 m on a rough horizontal surface. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2. If the crate moves with a constant veloci

  • Q : Average speed of the person....
    Physics :

    A ball is thrown upward from the top of a 27.2-m-tall building. The ball's initial speed is 10.2 m/s. At the same instant, a person is running on the ground at a distance of 39.4 m from the buildin

  • Q : Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the proton....
    Physics :

    A proton and an electron are moving due east in a constant electric field that also points due east. The electric field has a magnitude of 2.0 x104 N/C. Determine the magnitude of the acceleration o

  • Q : Change in momentum of the ball while in contact with the bat....
    Physics :

    A .3kg softball has a velocity of 15 m/s at an angle of 35 degrees below the horizontal just before making contact with the bat. What is the magnitude of the change in momentum of the ball while in

  • Q : Determining the maximum height reached by rocket....
    Physics :

    A model rocket is launched straight upward with an initial speed of 47.8 m/s. It accelerates with a constant upward acceleration of 2.07 m/s2 until its engines stop at an altitude of 157 m. What is

  • Q : What is the potential difference between the plates....
    Physics :

    The plates of a parallel-plate capacitor are 2.50 {rm mm} apart, and each carries a charge of magnitude 85.0 {rm nC}. The plates are in vacuum. The electric field between the plates has a magnitude

  • Q : Find the depth of the crevasse....
    Physics :

    A boy exploring a cave drops a rock into a dark crevasse. He hears the rock strike the bottom 10.8 s after dropping it. The speed of sound is 330 m/s. Find the depth of the crevasse. HINT: Show that

  • Q : Meant by the wave function of a particle....
    Physics :

    (a) What is meant by the wave function of a particle? (b) A beam of electrons passes through a single slit and a beam of protons passes through a second, but identical slit. If the electrons and pr

  • Q : What is the electric potential energy u of the system....
    Physics :

    Three equal point charges, each with charge 1.80 mu C, are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose sides are of length 0.500 m. What is the electric potential energy U of the system?

  • Q : Determining the final kinetic energy....
    Physics :

    A proton is initially at rest at a point where the potential is 461 V. Some time later the proton is at a point where the potential is 192 V. If no force other than the electrostatic force acts on

  • Q : Remote sensing image....
    Physics :

    A map of a burned area obtained from remote sensing contains 120 pixels. The remote sensing image shows that the fire is isolated to 73 of the 120 pixels.

  • Q : Magnitudes of components of ship displacement vector....
    Physics :

    An ocean liner leaves New York City and travels 31.0° north of east for 187 km. How far east and how far north has it gone? In other words, what are the magnitudes of the components of the ship

  • Q : What is the runner''s top speed....
    Physics :

    An 80 kg runner accelerates out of the starting block at the rate of 2.0 m/s2. He reaches his top speed in 10 seconds.

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the net force on the car....
    Physics :

    A 1600 kg car is traveling along a straight road at 17 m/s. Two seconds later its speed is 24m/s. What is the magnitude of the net force on the car during this time?

  • Q : Length of the vector and the angle....
    Physics :

    Express and in terms of the length of the vector and the angle, with the components separated by a comma.

  • Q : How much energy transformed to internal energy in collision....
    Physics :

    A railroad car of mass 2.50 104 kg, is moving with a speed of 4.09 m/s. It collides and couples with three other coupled railroad cars, each of the same mass as the single car and moving in the sam

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