• Q : What is the angular acceleration of the rod at instant....
    Physics :

    A thin uniform rod (length = 1.2 m, mass = 2.0 kg) is pivoted about a horizontal, frictionless pin through one end of the rod. (The moment of inertia of the rod about this axis is ML 2/3.) The rod

  • Q : Direction of displacement....
    Physics :

    What is the direction of the displacement that will return the explorer to his hut? Express your answer using two significant figures.

  • Q : Volume of gas inside the patient lungs....
    Physics :

    A registered pulmonary function technologist is performing lung testing on a patient. The patient inhales 1.5 L from the spirometer. What will happen to the volume of gas inside the patient's lungs

  • Q : Magnitude of deceleration....
    Physics :

    A 27 pound meteorite struck a car, leaving a dent 26 cm deep in the trunk. If the meteorite struck the car with a speed of 620 m/s, what was the magnitude of its deceleration, assuming it to be con

  • Q : Determine the minimum nonzero thickness....
    Physics :

    A nonreflective coating of magnesium fluoride (n = 1.31) covers the glass (n = 1.52) of a camera lens. Assuming that the coating prevents reflection of yellow-green light (wavelength in vacuum = 568

  • Q : Objective corresponds to what distance....
    Physics :

    A certain telescope has an objective of focal length 1580 cm. If the Moon is used as an object, a 1.4 cm long image formed by the objective corresponds to what distance, in miles, on the Moon? Assu

  • Q : What is the coefficient of kinetic friction....
    Physics :

    A box weighing 470 N is pushed along a horizontal floor at constant velocity by a force of 260 N parallel to the floor. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the floor?

  • Q : Calculate the force exerted by the man....
    Physics :

    A 330-kg piano slides 3.6 m down a 28º incline and is kept from accelerating by a man who is pushing back on it parallel to the incline (Fig. 6-36). The effective coefficient of kinetic frictio

  • Q : How much time did it take to go around the moon....
    Physics :

    During an Apollo lunar landing mission, the command module continued to orbit the Moon at an altitude of about 100 km. How much time did it take to go around the Moon once? Give your answer in secon

  • Q : Condition of static equilibrium....
    Physics :

    A gorilla weighs 8.00*(10*10) N and swings from vine to vine. as the forilla grabs a new bine, both vines make an angle of 30 degrees with the vertical, sin such a condition of static equilibrium,

  • Q : Runner average acceleration....
    Physics :

    A world-class sprinter accelerates to his maximum speed in 3.8 s. He then maintains this speed for the remainder of a 100-m race, finishing with a total time of 10.3 s. What is the runner's average

  • Q : What will be the final temperature....
    Physics :

    A hot (70^{circ}C) lump of metal has a mass of 250 g and a specific heat of 0.25 cal/g.^{circ}C. John drops the metal into a 500-g calorimeter containing 75 g of water at 20^{circ}C. The calorimete

  • Q : Equivalent number of miles in scientific notation....
    Physics :

    Write the number 2,500,000 light-years in scientific notation. Write the equivalent number of miles in scientific notation. Please show workings.

  • Q : Average mass for each inhabitant....
    Physics :

    What apparent free-fall acceleration is experienced by the managers remaining at the rim? Assume that the average mass for each inhabitant is 65.0 kg.

  • Q : Volume of a spherical beach ball....
    Physics :

    What is the percent uncertainty in the volume of a spherical beach ball whose radius is r = 3.84 0.10 m?

  • Q : Average net force on the airplane....
    Physics :

    An airplane (mass=12,000 kg) is catapulted off an aircraft. what is the average net force on the airplane when it starts from rest and reaches a speed of 50 m/s in 70m?

  • Q : Find the period of the motion....
    Physics :

    A simple harmonic oscillator takes 12.0 s to undergo six complete vibrations. (a) Find the period of its motion.

  • Q : Horizontal distance from the bottom of ladder to building....
    Physics :

    A ladder 7.05 m long leans against the side of a building. If the ladder is inclined at an angle of 79.5° to the horizontal, what is the horizontal distance from the bottom of the ladder to the

  • Q : What is the pressure exerted by the floor....
    Physics :

    A 50.0-kg ballet dancer stands on her toes during a performance with four square inches (26.0 cm2) in contact with the floor. What is the pressure exerted by the floor over the area of contact (a) i

  • Q : Simple harmonic motion related problem....
    Physics :

    A particle is in simple harmonic motion with period T. At time t = 0 it is at the equilibrium point. At which of the following times is it furthest from the equilibrium point?

  • Q : Horizontal distance from the press box to second base....
    Physics :

    The press box at a baseball park is 32ft above the ground. A reporter in the press box looks at an angle of 15.0 degree below the horizontal to see second base. What is the horizontal distance from

  • Q : What is the time needed to take off for plane....
    Physics :

    A plane accelerates from rest at a constant rate of 5.00 along a runway that is 1800 long. Assume that the plane reaches the required takeoff velocity at the end of the runway. What is the time nee

  • Q : How much heat flows through this window per minute....
    Physics :

    A glass window 0.60 cm thick measures 63 cm by 42 cm. How much heat flows through this window per minute if the inside and outside temperatures differ by 16°C?

  • Q : Constant angular acceleration problem....
    Physics :

    How many radian does a 0.300 m radius automobile tire rotate after starting from rest and accelerating at a constant angular acceleration of 2 rad/s2 over a 5.00 s interval?

  • Q : What is the force on the block from the wall....
    Physics :

    A 14 N horizontal force pushes a block weighing 5.4 N against a vertical wall. The coefficient of static friction between the wall and the block is 0.59, and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0

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