• Q : Determine the temperature of air after the compression....
    Physics :

    In a diesel engine, the piston compresses air at 306 K to a volume that is 0.0622 of the original volume and a pressure that is 48.2 times the original pressure. What is the temperature of the air

  • Q : Estimating the final temperature of horseshoe....
    Physics :

    A blacksmith heats a 1.9 iron horseshoe to 460, then plunges it into a bucket containing 20 of water at 19. What is the final temperature?

  • Q : Determine the magnitude of the velocity....
    Physics :

    On a very muddy football field, a 120 kg linebacker tackles an 75 kg halfback. Immediately before the collision, the linebacker is slipping with a velocity of 8.6 m/s north and the halfback is slidi

  • Q : What is the elastic potential energy....
    Physics :

    What is the elastic potential energy of the system when the 2.0-kg block is replaced by a 4.1-kg block?

  • Q : Coefficient of friction between clothes and earth....
    Physics :

    A 67.0 kg base runner begins his slide into second base when moving at a speed of 3.7 m/s. The coefficient of friction between his clothes and Earth is 0.70. He slides so that his speed is zero just

  • Q : Compute the tension in the ropes....
    Physics :

    A 47.0- person takes a nap in a backyard hammock. Both ropes supporting the hammock are at an angle of 16.0 above the horizontal. Find the tension in the ropes.

  • Q : What is the temperature on a spring day....
    Physics :

    A carbon resistor is to be used as a thermometer. On a winter day when the temperature is 4.00, the resistance of the carbon resistor is 217.4 . What is the temperature on a spring day when the resi

  • Q : What is the vertical component of super-hero displacement....
    Physics :

    A superhero flies 156 m from the top of a tall building at an angle of 35 ? below the horizontal. What is the vertical component of the super-hero's displacement?

  • Q : Magnitude of the acceleration of the boy toward the girl....
    Physics :

    Suppose a 64-kg boy and a 48-kg girl use a massless rope in a tug-of-war on an icy, resistance-free surface. If the acceleration of the girl toward the boy is 3.0 m/s2, find the magnitude of the ac

  • Q : Baseball thrown at a certain angle....
    Physics :

    A baseball is thrown at an angle of 28 degrees relative to the ground at a speed of 25.6m/s. The ball is caught 55.3841m from the thrower. The acceleration due to gravity is 9.81m/s square. How lon

  • Q : Calculate the magnitude of the dipole moment....
    Physics :

    An electric dipole p makes an angle of 30° with a uniform electric field of magnitude 300 N/C. If the torque on the dipole is 3.00 × 10-12 N · m then calculate the magnitude of the

  • Q : Find out the magnitude of the acceleration of the rock....
    Physics :

    A rock of mass 47 kg accidentally breaks loose from the edge of a cliff and falls straight down. The magnitude of the air resistance that opposes its downward motion is 252 N. What is the magnitude

  • Q : Tension in the string an instant....
    Physics :

    A 160.0 g ball on a 70.7 cm long string is swung in a vertical circle about a point 184.0 cm above the floor. The string suddenly breaks when it is parallel to the ground and the ball is moving upw

  • Q : What is the vertical component of initial velocity....
    Physics :

    A projectile, fired with unknown initial velocity, lands 18.8 s later on the side of a hill, 3140 m away horizontally and 433 m vertically above its starting point. What is the vertical component o

  • Q : Coefficient of kinetic friction on snow....
    Physics :

    Sam, whose mass is 60 kg, takes off across level snow on his jet-powered skis. The skis have a thrust of 280 N and a coefficient of kinetic friction on snow of 0.15. Unfortunately, the skis run out

  • Q : What is the pressure increase in the fluid....
    Physics :

    A nurse applies a force of 4.40 N to the piston of a syringe. The piston has a radius of 4.00 mm. What is the pressure increase in the fluid within the syringe?

  • Q : How much work does he do on the desk....
    Physics :

    A man pushes horizontally on a desk that rests on a rough wooden floor. The coefficient of static friction between the desk and floor is 0.750 and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.600. The

  • Q : Find net downward force on tank flat bottom....
    Physics :

    Find the net downward force on the tank's flat bottom, of area 1.60 m^2, exerted by the water and air inside the tank and the air outside the tank.

  • Q : Calculate rms speed of nitrogen molecules....
    Physics :

    What is the rms speed of nitrogen molecules contained in an 9.0-{rm m}^3 volume at 2.9 atm if the total amount of nitrogen is 2000 mol?

  • Q : What distance would the bird cover....
    Physics :

    If a bird were to start out from the origin (where the student starts) and fly directly (in a straight line) to the school, what distance would the bird cover?

  • Q : Estimate the wire linear charge density....
    Physics :

    A proton orbits a long uniformly charged wire along a circular path. It makes 1.0 million revolutions per second. The radius of the orbit is 1.0 cm. What is the wire's linear charge density?

  • Q : Through what angle has the tire rotated....
    Physics :

    A spot of paint on a bicycle tire moves in a circular path of radius 0.33 {rm m}. When the spot has traveled a linear distance of 1.70 m, through what angle has the tire rotated? Give your answer in

  • Q : Calculate the volume of a spherical balloon....
    Physics :

    Calculate the volume of a spherical balloon which has a surface area of 0.0681 m2

  • Q : What is the force of friction the car....
    Physics :

    A force of 2N is used to propel a toy car across the ramp at a constant velocity of 20cm/sec. What is the force of friction the car experiences with the ramp

  • Q : Determine the initial speed of the arrow....
    Physics :

    An archer shoots an arrow horizontally at a target 15 m away. The arrow is aimed directly at the center of the target, but it hits 60 cm lower. What was the initial speed of the arrow? (Neglect air

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