• Q : Find the average speed and velocity....
    Physics :

    A horse canters away from its trainer in a straight line, moving 118 m away in 14.0 s. It then turns abruptly and gallops halfway back in 5.0 s. Find the average speed and velocity

  • Q : Arrow is firing from a bow based problem....
    Physics :

    A 87 arrow is fired from a bow whose string exerts an average force of 120N on the arrow over a distance of 78cm. What is the speed of the arrow as it leaves the bow?

  • Q : Determine net electrostatic force....
    Physics :

    A charge of -3.80 nC and a charge of -6.80 nC are separated by a distance of 40.0 cm. Find the position at which a third charge of +7.60 nC can be placed so that the net electrostatic force on it i

  • Q : What is the work of lift with weight....
    Physics :

    What is the work of lift with weight = 1.29×10^3 kg accelerating uniformly from rest to 10.8 m/s in 2.10 s.

  • Q : Determining the magnification....
    Physics :

    A student examines a ladybug using a magnifying glass with focal length of 5.0 cm. He holds the magnifying glass 3.5 cm above the ladybug. What is the magnification?

  • Q : Determine the average pressure of the expanding gas....
    Physics :

    The barrel has a length of 0.60 m and an opening whose radius is 2.8 10-3 m. A bullet (mass = 2.7 10-3 kg) has a speed of 380 m/s after passing through this barrel. Ignore friction and determine the

  • Q : Isolated spherical capacitor on an insulating rod....
    Physics :

    For instance, we have an isolated spherical capacitor on an insulating rod with a conducting base. Why do you get the most accurate vale for capacitance when applying a guard voltage to the base and

  • Q : Estimating the speed of the car....
    Physics :

    A car was seen driving off the edge of a cliff at an angle of 10.° above the horizontal. The cliff is 95. m high and the car impacted the ground at a distance of 156. m from the base of the cli

  • Q : Determining speed at which the belt of the ramp is moving....
    Physics :

    Clifford is in a real hurry, however, and skips the speedramp. Starting from rest with an acceleration of 0.39 m/s2, he covers the same distance as the ramp does, but in one-fourth the time. What is

  • Q : Determine the charge on the dust particle....
    Physics :

    A small piece of dust of mass m = 1.4 g travels horizontally through an electric air cleaner in which the electric field is 495 N/C. The electric force on the particle is equal to the weight of the

  • Q : Problem related to constant acceleration....
    Physics :

    A model rocket is lauched straight upward with an initial speed of 80.0 m/s. it accelerates with a constant acceleration of 2.00 m/s^2 until its engines stop at an attitude of 200 m. the rocket cont

  • Q : What is the potencial energy of an elevator....
    Physics :

    What is the potencial energy of an elevator with a mass of 8.00x 10^2 kg at the top of manila hotel, 3.80 m. above the street level?

  • Q : Calculating the mass of the object....
    Physics :

      An object is found to move with an acceleration of magnitude 8 m/s2 when it is subjected to a force of magnitude 222 N. Find the mass of the object.

  • Q : Determining the magnitude of the torque....
    Physics :

    An athlete at the gym holds a 1.2 kg steel ball in his hand. His arm is 64 cm long and has a mass of 4.0 kg. What is the magnitude of the torque about his shoulder if he holds his arm straight, but

  • Q : Evaluating the magnitude of f....
    Physics :

    The vertical component of this force is 128 newtons, while the horizontal component is 145 newtons. Calculate the magnitude of F.

  • Q : Galvanometer in a wheatstone bridge circuit....
    Physics :

    When the galvanometer in a wheatstone bridge circuit shows no deflection, why are the voltages across opposite branches on each side of the galvanometer necessarily equal?

  • Q : Angular velocity of the stick....
    Physics :

    A thin stick of mass M = 4.3 kg and length L = 1.4 m is hinged at the top. A piece of clay, mass m = 0.5 kg and velocity V = 0.8 m/s hits the stick a distance x = 0.75 m from the hinge and sticks t

  • Q : Work done by the gravitational force....
    Physics :

    A grocery cart with a mass of 13 kg is being pushed at a constant speed up a flat 16 degree ramp by a force Fp which acts at an angle of 17 degrees below the horizontal. Find the work done by the: (

  • Q : Find the length of the slide....
    Physics :

    A swimmer slides freely from rest from the top of a water slide and reaches the bottom with a horizontal speed. He hits the water 4.6 meters from the slide 0.8 second later. Find the length of the s

  • Q : What is the specific heat constant for the metal....
    Physics :

    A 250 gram sample of a metal is warmed from 60 °C to 85 °C when 1000 cal are added. What is the specific heat constant for the metal?

  • Q : Gravitational acceleration on surface of planet....
    Physics :

    Having landed on a newly discovered planet, an astronaut sets up a simple pendulum of length 1.17 m and finds that it makes 577 complete oscillations in 1590 s. The amplitude of the oscillations is

  • Q : Work-energy theorem to calculate how far the car will travel....
    Physics :

    The driver of an 2000 kg car traveling at 20.0 m/s slams on the brakes, locking the wheels on the dry pavement. The coefficient of kinetic friction between rubber and dry concrete is typically 0.65

  • Q : Determining the length of the driveway....
    Physics :

    A 2.1 by 10 to the power of 3 kg car starts from rest at the top of a driveway that is sloped at an angle of 20.0 with the horizontal. An average friction force of 4.0 by 10 to the power of 3 N impe

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of the resultant force....
    Physics :

    Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force, given the vertical component of a force vector is 580 N and the horizontal component is 200 N.

  • Q : Magnitude of electric flux through bottom of car....
    Physics :

    A vertical electric field of magnitude 1.80x10^4 N/C exits above the Earth's surface on a stormy day. A car with a rectangular size of 5.50m by 2.00m is traveling along the horizontal roadway. Find

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