• Q : What is the magnitude of objects acceleration....
    Physics :

    An object is on a frictionless inclined plane. The plane is inclined at an angle of 24.9 degrees with the horizontal. Using the accerlation due gravity from your reference table. What is the magnitu

  • Q : Change in the frequency of the sound....
    Physics :

    Describe the change in the frequency of the sound emitted when the tension in a wire increased.

  • Q : Find out the electric potential energy of the system....
    Physics :

    Three equal point charges, each with charge 1.30 mu C, are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose sides are of length 0.600 m. What is the electric potential energy U of the system?

  • Q : Finding the speed of the block....
    Physics :

    A 260 g block on a 54cm -long string swings in a circle on a horizontal, frictionless table at 90 rpm. What is the speed of the block? What is the tension in the string?

  • Q : Find the volume of the paperweight....
    Physics :

    A paperweight, when weighed in air, has a weight of W = 7.4 N. When completely immersed in water, however, it has a weight of Win water = 4.4 N. Find the volume of the paperweight.

  • Q : Find out the tension in the wire just after the collision....
    Physics :

    An 9.00kg ball, hanging from the ceiling by a light wire 140cm long, is struck in an elastic collision by a 1.80 ball moving horizontally at 6.50 m/s just before the collision. Find the tension in

  • Q : What is the breaking strength of the string....
    Physics :

    A string under a tension of 76 N is used to whirl a rock in a horizontal circle of radius 3.8 m at a speed of 21.84 m/s. The string is pulled in, and the speed of the rock increases. When the strin

  • Q : What is the sphere radius....
    Physics :

    A solid cylinder with a radius of 4.0 {rm cm} has the same mass as a solid sphere of radius R. If the cylinder and sphere have the same moment of inertia about their centers, what is the sphere's ra

  • Q : Estimate average angular speed of the grindstone....
    Physics :

    A grindstone of a radius 4.0 m is intially spinning with a radius of 8 rad/s. The angular speed is then increased to 12 rad/s over the next 4.0 seconds. Assume that the angular acceleration is cons

  • Q : Feelings of personal responsibility....
    Physics :

    When people are in a crowd, the likelihood of them helping another person is lessened due to a decrease in feelings of personal responsibility to act because others are present. This phenomenon is

  • Q : Determine power input....
    Physics :

    Rosie (mass 56 kg) pushes a box with a horizontal force of 110 N 924. 728 lb) at a speed 17 m/min. What is Rosie's power input? Answer in units of W.

  • Q : Coefficient of kinetic friction between suitcase and floor....
    Physics :

    Find the tension in the strap, given that the suitcase moves with constant speed and that the coefficient of kinetic friction between the suitcase and the floor is 0.40.

  • Q : Approximate final temperature....
    Physics :

    A hot 70 C lump of metal has a mass of 250g and a specific heat of 1.05 J/gC. the metal is dropped into a 500g calorimeter containing 75 g of water at 20 C the calorimeter has its own specific heat

  • Q : What will the force on each charge....
    Physics :

    Two charges separated by one meter exert 1-N forces on each other. If the charges are pulled to a 3-m separation distance what will the force on each charge be?

  • Q : Estimate the number of electrons....
    Physics :

    Estimate the number of electrons present in a (neutral) 1.0 block of carbon.

  • Q : Find the densities of the metal and the inknown liquid....
    Physics :

    A piece of metal weighs 50.0 n in air, 36.0 in water, and 41.0 in an unknown liquid. Find the densities of the metal and the inknown liquid

  • Q : Find the mass of oxygen in the cylinder....
    Physics :

    In a portable oxygen system, the oxygen (O2) is contained in a cylinder whose volume is 0.0027 m3. A full cylinder has an absolute pressure of 1.9 107 Pa when the temperature is 300 K. Find the mass

  • Q : Find the thermal conductivity of the box....
    Physics :

    A closed box is filled with dry ice at a temperature of -73.0°C, while the outside temperature is 16.0°C. The box is cubical, measuring 0.390 m on a side, and the thickness of the walls is 3

  • Q : Calculate bottom of the spring oscillates....
    Physics :

    The scale of a spring balance reading from 0 to 240N has a length of 12.0cm. A fish hanging from the bottom of the spring oscillates vertically at a frequency of 2.05Hz.

  • Q : Mass of the object....
    Physics :

    When a certain force is applied to the standard body its acceleration is 5.00 m/s2. When the same force is applied to another object its acceleration is 1/3.33 as much. The mass of the object is ??

  • Q : Calculate its average speed for the entire trip....
    Physics :

    A horse canters away from its trainer in a straight line, moving 118 away in 15.1s . It then turns abruptly and gallops halfway back in 5.0s. Calculate its average speed for the entire trip.

  • Q : Magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity....
    Physics :

    A superball with mass equal to 50 grams is dropped from a height of . It collides with a table, then bounces up to a height of. The duration of the collision (the time during which the superball is

  • Q : Find the coefficient of kinetic friction of skis on snow....
    Physics :

    Sam, whose mass is 79.0 , takes off down a 52.0 high, 8.00 slope on his jet-powered skis. The skis have a thrust of 220 . Sam's speed at the bottom is 45.0 . What is the coefficient of kinetic frict

  • Q : What is the diameter of the piston....
    Physics :

    Exerting a force of 84 N on the circular piston of a syringe causes a pressure increase in the barrel of 1.3 atm. What is the diameter of the piston?

  • Q : Calculate average velocity of particle....
    Physics :

    The position of a particle moving along the x axis is given in centimeters by x = 5.50 + 2.50t^3, where t is in seconds. Consider the time interval t = 2.00 s to t = 3.00 s.

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