• Q : Magnitude of the normal force which the floor exerts....
    Physics :

    A chair of weight 105 lies atop a horizontal floor; the floor is not frictionless. You push on the chair with a force of = 35.0 directed at an angle of 43.0 below the horizontal and the chair slides

  • Q : Distance between the centers of adjacent atoms....
    Physics :

    Iron has a density of 7.87 g/cm3, and the mass of an iron atom is 9.27 × 10-26 kg. If the atoms are spherical and tightly packed, (a) what is the volume of an iron atom and (b) what is the di

  • Q : Find the speed-mass of sand....
    Physics :

    An empty freight car of mass M starts from rest under an applied force P. At the same time, sand begins to run into the car at steady rate b from a hopper at rest along the track. Find the speed whe

  • Q : Spring line up with the ruler marks problem....
    Physics :

    A spring with 55 hangs vertically next to a ruler. The end of the spring is next to the 20- mark on the ruler.If a 3.0- mass is now attached to the end of the spring, where will the end of the sprin

  • Q : Determine the maximum speed the stone can attain....
    Physics :

    A stone with a mass of 0.900kg is attached to one end of a string 0.900 m long. The string will break if its tension exceeds 60.0 N . The stone is whirled in a horizontal circle on a frictionless ta

  • Q : Retarding force on the sled....
    Physics :

    A 4.0- sled with ropes, as indicated in the figure . Both teenagers pull with a force of 55 at an angle of 35 relative to the forward direction, which is the direction of motion. In addition, the sn

  • Q : Weight of the particle....
    Physics :

    A small piece of dust of mass m = 2 g travels horizontally through an electric air cleaner in which the electric field is 545 N/C. The electric force on the particle is equal to the weight of the p

  • Q : Finding out the speed of the bullet....
    Physics :

    The bullet first passes through the left disk and then through the right disk. It is found that the angular displacement between the two bullet holes is θ = 0.320 rad. From these data, determi

  • Q : Find the constants kemf and kt....
    Physics :

    Assume that one of the pumps uses a ¼ hp DC shunt motor with an input voltage of 115 VDC that pulls 1.6 A running at 1,500 rpm. The field resistance for the motor is 600 Ω and the arma

  • Q : Kinetic friction between the block and the surface....
    Physics :

    A 1.27-kg block slides across a rough surface such that it slows down with an acceleration of 1.40 m/s2. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the surface?

  • Q : Friction and resistance from air and water lubricating....
    Physics :

    Starting from rest at the top, a child slides down the water slide at a swimming pool and enters the water at a final speed of 5.95 m/s. At what final speed would the child enter the water if the wa

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the normal force exerted on the car....
    Physics :

    What is the magnitude of the normal force exerted on the car by the walls of the cylinder at point A (at the bottom of the vertical circle)?

  • Q : Magnitudes-centripetal-tangential accelerations....
    Physics :

    A race car starts from rest on a circular track of radius 520 m. The car's speed increases at the constant rate of 0.400 m/s2. At the point where the magnitudes of the centripetal and tangential acc

  • Q : At what maximum angle should the ramps be built....
    Physics :

    The engineer has done a survey and found that almost no one complains if the force directed up the ramp is no more than 20. Ignoring friction, at what maximum angle should the ramps be built, assumi

  • Q : Determine the kinetic energy of the baseball....
    Physics :

    A baseball outfielder throws a 0.150 kg baseball at a speed of 35.0 m/s and an initial angle of 26.0°. What is the kinetic energy of the baseball at the highest point of its trajectory?

  • Q : Magnitude of the chickens acceleration....
    Physics :

    The infamous chicken is dashing toward home plate with a speed of 5.7 m/s when he decides to hit the dirt. The chicken slides for 1.0 s, just reaching the plate as he stops (safe, of course). What

  • Q : Determine the velocity of the puck after the collision....
    Physics :

    A 0.302 kg puck, initially at rest on a horizontal, frictionless surface, is struck by a 0.177 kg puck moving initially along the x axis with a speed of 2.38 m/s. After the collision, the 0.177 kg p

  • Q : What is the reading on the kelvin scale....
    Physics :

    The fahrenheit temperature is 98 on a hot summer day. What is the reading on the Kelvin scale?

  • Q : Calculate the ratio of the time....
    Physics :

    To explain why he seems to hang in the air, calculate the ratio of the time he is above ymax/2 moving up to the time it takes him to go from the floor to that height. You may ignore air resistance.

  • Q : Determine the net horizontal force on the canoe....
    Physics :

    Two horizontal forces, 225 N and 165 N, are exerted on a canoe. If the these forces are applied in the same directions, find the net horizontal force on the canoe.

  • Q : Speed of the command module....
    Physics :

    A space vehicle is traveling at 5200 km/h relative to the Earth when the exhausted rocket motor is disengaged and sent backward with a speed of 77 km/h relative to the command module. The mass of t

  • Q : Negative x axis in the third quadrant....
    Physics :

    Two forces, and , act at a point, as shown in the picture. has a magnitude of 9.00 and is directed at an angle of = 62.0 above the negative x axis in the second quadrant. has a magnitude of 6.40 and

  • Q : What is the value of the normal force....
    Physics :

    A man pulls a 50 kg box at constant speed across the floor with a rope. He applies a 200N force at an angle of 30 degrees. Sum the forces in the x-direction. 1) what is the frictional force opposing

  • Q : What average force was exerted on the ball....
    Physics :

    After falling from rest from a height of 28 m, a 0.46 kg ball rebounds upward, reaching a height of 18 m. If the contact between ball and ground lasted 1.7 ms, what average force was exerted on the

  • Q : Determine the acceleration of the cannonball....
    Physics :

    What is the acceleration of the cannonball just before it hits the balloon?

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