• Q : Oscillation frequency of the two-block system....
    Physics :

    A block hangs in equilibrium from a vertical spring. When a second identical block is added, the original block sags by 7.00 cm.What is the oscillation frequency of the two-block system?

  • Q : Find the minimum angle at which the box starts to slip....
    Physics :

    A box of textbooks of mass 24.7 kg rests on a loading ramp that makes angle a with the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction is .25 and the coefficient of static friction is .37. Find the

  • Q : How far does starship move as it pulls the shuttle-craft....
    Physics :

    A Federation starship (1.0 106 kg) uses its tractor beam to pull a shuttlecraft (1.0 104 kg ) aboard from a distance of 8 km away. The tractor beam exerts a constant force of 4.0 104 N on the shuttl

  • Q : What is the speed of sound....
    Physics :

    A closed organ pipe 0.8 m long has a diameter of 7.0 cm. The air in the church is 15oC. What is the speed of sound at 15oC?

  • Q : Horizontal barrel of the cannon....
    Physics :

    A toy cannon uses a spring to project a 5.40 g soft rubber ball. The spring is originally compressed by 5.09 cm and has a force constant of 7.97 N/m. When the cannon is fired, the ball moves 15.3 cm

  • Q : How fast must the bucket move at the top of the circle....
    Physics :

    A bucket of mass 2.00 is whirled in a vertical circle of radius 1.45 . At the lowest point of its motion the tension in the rope supporting the bucket is 23.0 .Q. WHAT IS THE SPEED OF THE BUCKET AND

  • Q : Find the resonance angular frequency of the system....
    Physics :

    A 2.10-kg object attached to a spring moves without friction (b = 0) and is driven by an external force given by the expression F = 3.20sin(2πt), where F is in newtons and t is in seconds. The f

  • Q : Minimum stopping distance for the same car....
    Physics :

    The minimum distance required to stop a car moving at 35.0 mi/h is 40.0 ft. What is the minimum stopping distance for the same car moving at 87.0 mi/h, assuming the same rate of acceleration?

  • Q : Stuntman jumps from a window....
    Physics :

    An 79-kg stuntman jumps from a window of a building situated 33 m above a catching net. Assuming that air resistance exerts a 100-N force on the stuntman as he falls, determine his velocity just be

  • Q : Friction between the road and the cars tires related problem....
    Physics :

    A car of mass M = 800 kg traveling at 40.0 km/hour enters a banked turn covered with ice. The road is banked at an angle theta, and there is no friction between the road and the car's tires.

  • Q : Determine the rotational frequency of the wheel....
    Physics :

    A space station in the form of a lorge wheel, 124 m in diameter, rotates to provide an "artificial gravity" of 9.3 m/s^2 for people located on the outer rim. Find the rotational frequency of the whe

  • Q : Find the work done by nonconservative forces....
    Physics :

    A 18000 airplane lands with a speed of 72 on a stationary aircraft carrier deck that is 115 long. Find the work done by nonconservative forces in stopping the plane.

  • Q : Find the magnitude of induced emf between the tips of wings....
    Physics :

    An airplane with a wing span of 30 m flies horizontally at a location where the downward component of the Earth's magnetic field is 5.0 × 10-5 T. Find the magnitude of the induced emf between

  • Q : Displacement downstream followed by upstream....
    Physics :

    A boat moves through a river at 8.0 m/s relative to the water, regardless of the boat's  direction. If the water in the river is flowing at 3.0 m/s, how long does it take the boat to make a rou

  • Q : Determine the magnitude of the average force of the bat....
    Physics :

    A 0.30 kg softball has a velocity of 12 m/s at an angle of 35° below the horizontal just before making contact with the bat. The ball leaves the bat 2.0 ms later with a vertical velocity of magn

  • Q : Determine the water level h in the tank....
    Physics :

    A tank of water sits at the edge of a table of height 2.2 m. The tank springs a very small leak at its base, and water sprays out a distance of 2.0 m from the edge of the table. What is the water l

  • Q : Golfer can hit a golf ball a horizontal distance....
    Physics :

    A golfer can hit a golf ball a horizontal distance of over 300 m on a good drive. What maximum height will a 301.5 m drive reach if it is launched at an angle of 25.0 degrees to the ground?

  • Q : Determine the average resistance force exerted....
    Physics :

    A 74 kg diver steps off a 14 m tower and drops from rest straight down into the water. If he comes to rest 4.4 m beneath the surface, determine the average resistance force exerted on him by the wate

  • Q : Determine rms speed of nitrogen molecules....
    Physics :

    What is the rms speed of nitrogen molecules contained in an 7.6 m^3 volume at 2.2 atm if the total amount of nitrogen is 1200 mol?

  • Q : Draw a force diagram for the desk....
    Physics :

    A person pulls on a 50 kg desk with a 200N force acting at a 30 degree angle above the horizontal. The desk does not budge. Draw a force diagram for the desk.

  • Q : Determine the angular speed of the minute....
    Physics :

    Determine the angular speed of the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock(in radians per minute).

  • Q : How far up the ladder can a person climb....
    Physics :

    An 8.0 m, 300 N uniform ladder rests against a smooth wall. The coefficient of static friction between the ladder and the ground is 0.55, and the ladder makes a 50.0° angle with the ground. How

  • Q : What is the head time constant....
    Physics :

    The 15 head of a bobble-head doll oscillates in SHM at a frequency of 4.0Hz . The amplitude of the head's oscillations decreases to 0.50 in 4.0. What is the head's time constant?

  • Q : Find speed of block after it has moved to certain distance....
    Physics :

    A 2.98 kg block initially at rest is pulled to the right along a horizontal surface by a constant, horizontal force of 19.8 N. The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.11. The acceleration of gravi

  • Q : What is the radius of an automobile tire....
    Physics :

    What is the radius of an automobile tire that turns with a frequency of 8 Hz and has a linear speed of 26 m/s?

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