• Q : Contrasting explanations of andy behaviour....
    Physics :

    Andy, age 16, lacks self-discipline, fails to plan ahead, and is quickly frustrated by challenging tasks. He is anxious and overly critical of others. Use the psychoanalytic, humanistic and social-

  • Q : Determine the velocity of boat after they have both dived....
    Physics :

    A 180-lb man and a 120-lb woman stand at opposite ends of a 300-lb boat, ready to dive, each with a 16 ft/s velocity relative to the boat. Determine the velocity of the boat after they have both di

  • Q : Number of beats heard per second....
    Physics :

    Two identical flutes produce fundamental notes of frequency 300 Hz at 27 degre3es. if the temperature of the air in one flute is increased to 31 degrees, what will be the number of beats heard per s

  • Q : What is the rotational kinetic energy....
    Physics :

    If an object has a moment of inertia 21 kg·m2 and rotates with an angular speed of 111 radians/s, what is its rotational kinetic energy?

  • Q : Evaluate the magnitude of the average force....
    Physics :

    A 61.9 kg person jumps from rest off a 2.86 m-high tower straight down into the water. Neglect air resistance during the descent. She comes to rest 1.13 m under the surface of the water. Determine t

  • Q : Acceleration of the box across the floor....
    Physics :

    A large box whose mass is 20 kg rests on a frinctionless floor. A mover pushes on the box with a force of 250 N at an angle of 35 degrees below the horizontal. What is the acceleration of the box a

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of the velocity of the stone....
    Physics :

    The stone is moving around the path at a constant frequency of 2.20 rev/sec. At the moment the stone is overhead, the stone is released. The magnitude and direction of the velocity of the stone when

  • Q : Determining the velocity of the rocket....
    Physics :

    A 4.00-kg model rocket is launched, expelling 60.0 g of burned fuel from its exhaust at a speed of 670 m/s. What is the velocity of the rocket after the fuel has burned?

  • Q : Finding out the magnitude of the average force....
    Physics :

    A 61.9 kg person jumps from rest off a 2.86 m-high tower straight down into the water. Neglect air resistance during the descent. She comes to rest 1.13 m under the surface of the water. Determine t

  • Q : Computing the gravitational potential energy....
    Physics :

    a 244 g particle is released from rest at point A inside a smooth hemispherical bowl of radius 35.2 cm, calculate the gravitational potential energy at relative to B

  • Q : Find out the acceleration of two falling sky divers....
    Physics :

    What is the acceleration of two falling sky divers (mass 106.0 kg including parachute) when the upward force of air resistance is equal to one-fourth of their weight?

  • Q : What is the density of silver....
    Physics :

    What is the density of silver if a solid ingot has a volume of 50 cm^3 and a mass of 525g

  • Q : Magnitude of the centripetal acceleration....
    Physics :

    The blade of a windshield wiper moves through an angle of 90.0 in 0.46 s. The tip of the blade moves on the arc of a circle that has a radius of 0.37 m. What is the magnitude of the centripetal acce

  • Q : What is the velocity of the boat relative to shore....
    Physics :

    A river flows due east at 1.70 m/s. A boat crosses the river from the south shore to the north shore by maintaining a constant velocity of 15.0 m/s due north relative to the water. a) What is the v

  • Q : Magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the child....
    Physics :

    A child is riding a merry-go-round which completes a revolution every 8.36 s. The child is standing 4.65 m from the center of the merry-go-round. What is the magnitude of the centripetal acceleratio

  • Q : Maximum compression of the spring based problem....
    Physics :

    How much work is done (a) by the block on the spring and (b) by the spring on the block? (c) What is the value of h0? (d) If the block were released from height 3h0 above the spring, what would be t

  • Q : Determine image distance and diameter of image....
    Physics :

    A 2.80-cm diameter coin is placed a distance of 25.0 cm from a convex mirror which has a focal length of -12.0 cm. Determine the image distance and the diameter of the image.

  • Q : Determining the temperature of the gas....
    Physics :

    A vertical cylindrical cylinder, closed at the bottom end, contains 0.0100 moles of gas. It is fitted at the top with a piston, which can move freely. The mass of the piston is 14.0 kg and the init

  • Q : Problem based on string breaking....
    Physics :

    A stone of mass 0.31 kg is tied to a string of length 0.50 m and is swung in a horizontal circle with speed v. The string has a breaking-point force of 45 N. What is the largest value v can have wi

  • Q : Determine the magnitude of football resultant displacement....
    Physics :

    A quarterback takes the ball from the line of scrimmage, runs backward for 7.50 yards, and then runs sideways parallel to the line of scrimmage for 15.0 yards. At this point, he throws a forward pas

  • Q : Total acceleration relative to the radial direction....
    Physics :

    A racing car travels with a constant tangential speed of 75 m/s around a circular track with a radius 625 m. Find (a) the magnitude of the car's total acceleration and (b) the direction of its tota

  • Q : What is the grocery cart final speed....
    Physics :

    A 88.0 N grocery cart is pushed 13.0 m along an aisle by a shopper who exerts a constant horizontal force of 40.0 N. If all frictional forces are neglected and the cart starts from rest, what is th

  • Q : Plays on a swing related problem....
    Physics :

    A 20.0 child plays on a swing having support ropes that are 2.30 long. A friend pulls her back until the ropes are 43.0 from the vertical and releases her from rest.

  • Q : Determining the diameter of the piston....
    Physics :

    Exerting a force of 79 N on the circular piston of a syringe causes a pressure increase in the barrel of 1.4 atm. What is the diameter of the piston?

  • Q : What is the instantaneous power....
    Physics :

    What is the instantaneous power P delivered to the wheel via the force F_vec at time t = 0? Express the power in terms of some or all of the variables given in the problem introduction.

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