• Q : Einhard life of charlemagne court....
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    From the selection from Einhard's Life of Charlemagne Court (Written c. 817-830). Einhard was an historian who studied in the monastery before going to Charlemagne's court where he became one of Cha

  • Q : Humanities reflecting social trends....
    Other Subject :

    Choose specific works to describe your view of the changes which have occurred, and present a description of how and why the concepts evolved in the manner they did.

  • Q : Methods and ideas of continental philosophy....
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    Briefly discuss the methods and ideas of continental philosophy. Use one of the thinkers in this tradition as your example.

  • Q : Mystery of tutankhamen death....
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    Tutankhamen died young, at around 18 years of age. Though, his cause of death has not been confirmed. Did he die of an injury or illness or was he murdered?

  • Q : Cartesian proof for existence of god....
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    Discuss the Cartesian proof for the existence of god. Does his version of god resemble any of the concepts of the divine proposed by the major world religions? Can his account apply to more than one

  • Q : Political transformations of the medieval period....
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    The medieval period has frequently been portrayed as the ‘Dark Ages' or the ‘Middle Ages' (‘middle' as the ‘bad' between two supposedly ‘good' periods of the Classical

  • Q : Role of reason in human life....
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    Discuss plato's and nietzsche's views on the role of reason in human life. are there any similarities between plato's and neitzsche's views?

  • Q : Discipline of nursing practice and leadership....
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    Which philosophers of science philosophies are useful in the discipline of nursing practice and leadership? Justify/explain position for each.

  • Q : Philosophies of life....
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    Recognize 2 philosophers, ethical writers, or theorists who have written about the meaning of life. Discuss why you chose the two writers. Explain, in your own words, their philosophies of life.

  • Q : Argument of republic....
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    The argument of Republic 5 is one of the most complex in the Platonic corpus. It is crucial for understanding of both Plato's epistemology in general and also the specific political proposals of the

  • Q : Real-world application of hobbes....
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    What is a real-world application of Hobbes' and Descartes' theories? What might be some limitations of their theories to special need children?

  • Q : Localization of mental functions....
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    In now famous case of "Phineas Gage", the damage in his prefrontal cortex (in the orbital and medial regions) resulted in a loss of reasoning abilities and an alteration of personality.

  • Q : Proliferation of neuroimaging technologies....
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    Discuss how a neuroscientist and psychophysicist, respectively, may try to answer the research question, "How long does it take for a person to become aware of a flashing light?"

  • Q : Theory supported psychological research....
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    Discuss how Darwin's theory supported psychological research on nonhuman animals. Provide one research question that can only be answered by doing experiments with nonhuman animals in order to shed

  • Q : Learning and modified behaviorism....
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    Analyze Tolman's legacy in research on motivation. In your response, include discussion of the following: What does Tolman's theory of animal learning tell us about the motivation for human learning?

  • Q : Functionalists and structuralists....
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    Describe how functionalists and structuralists may study a topic in human intelligence. Show how these two approaches illustrate the nomothetic and the idiographic perspectives.

  • Q : Functionalism and structuralism approach....
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    Provide brief description of Functionalism and structuralism research hypothesis from each perspective. Which school is most likely to endorse a qualitative method? Which is a quantitative technique

  • Q : Neo-behaviourism and skinnerian ideas....
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    Research has shown that monetary incentive doesn't always work in motivating workers and may in fact hinder performance.

  • Q : Republic and ecclesiazusae and the cloud....
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    Need some help on a few issues with The Republic and and the relation to Aristiophanies. Socrates repeatedly says that the three waves -

  • Q : Page dialogue socrates....
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    Write down two page dialogue between Socrates and a person of your choosing that accomplishes the following:

  • Q : Role of wisdom in many ways....
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    Socrates sees the role of wisdom in many ways which was passed down to his student Plato. What does wisdom have to do with the portrait of Socrates that Plato has handed down to us?

  • Q : Human wisdom in the midst of trial....
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    My information pertains to Socrates and the subject of human wisdom. It relates to the wisdom of Socrates and his accounts in the defense of himself during his trial.

  • Q : Bonjour version of coherentism....
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    Critically discuss the differences between Bonjour's version of coherentism and what he describes as weak foundationalism?

  • Q : Discuss the concept of fideism....
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    Discuss the concept of fideism, in particular the solution of the problem of faith and reason as this is proposed by fideism.

  • Q : Discuss the views of relativism....
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    Critically discuss the views of Relativism and why they are important. Which one is most in line with your personal views and why?

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