• Q : Numerous phases in team development....
    Other Management :

    Illustrate the numerous phases in team development. “Conflict in organisation is a necessary evil to improve organisational performance”. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with this

  • Q : Effectiveness of interview as a technique of selection....
    Other Management :

    Comment on the effectiveness of interview as a technique of selection. What do you understand by the phrase “organizational conflict”?

  • Q : Major conditions for successful introduction of prp....
    Other Management :

    Illustrate briefly the major conditions for the successful introduction of the PRP? Describe briefly the arguments for and against PRP.

  • Q : Major parts of the effective presentation....
    Other Management :

    Elaborate on the three major parts of the effective presentation. What are the significant factors which have to be taken in account for the successful conduct of meeting?

  • Q : Major stages in the decision-making procedure....
    Other Management :

    Discuss clearly what a decision is and point out the major stages in the decision-making procedure. How can organisations make sure effective control of their activities?

  • Q : Major components of reinforcement theory....
    Other Management :

    Discuss and describe the major components of reinforcement theory. Discuss and describe the numerous implications and components of the term “attitude” in context of organisational behavio

  • Q : Four ways of applying group concepts to teams....
    Other Management :

    Determine and illustrate four ways of applying group concepts to teams in view of creating effective teams. Illustrate and discuss some Organisational factors which may constraint decision makers.

  • Q : Types of holland-s theory of personality job-fit....
    Other Management :

    Mention the six Occupational Personality Types of Holland’s Theory of Personality-Job-Fit. Describe and discuss the relationships among the six Occupational Personality Types which is determined

  • Q : Indirect or direct impact on work performance....
    Other Management :

    Describe and discuss the studies done in Behavioural style of Leadership. Illustrate the causes of stress which have an indirect or direct impact on work performance.

  • Q : Herzberg-s two factor theory....
    Other Management :

    By using Herzberg’s two factor theory, describe the way in which a manager can ensure that there is job satisfaction in organization.

  • Q : Elements of the big five model of personality traits....
    Other Management :

    Describe and discuss the elements of the Big Five Model of Personality Traits. Discuss and illustrate the implications of the meaning, concept and significance of organizational behaviour in any work

  • Q : Distinction between leadership and management....
    Other Management :

    Make a distinction between leadership and management. Discuss and explain the term Human Resource Management and enumerate the numerous Human Resource Management functions by highlighting the challe

  • Q : Abraham maslow-s theory of motivation....
    Other Management :

    Describe and illustrate the major sources of inter-personal power in organisations giving instances of each source. Describe and illustrate Abraham Maslow’s theory of motivation showing how it m

  • Q : Differentiation between hygiene and motivating factor....
    Other Management :

    Illustrate the differentiation between hygiene and motivating factors. Illustrate how a manager can use the Herzberg’s two factor theory of motivation to inspire its employees.

  • Q : Significant in the control function in organization....
    Other Management :

    Explain and discuss how planning is significant in the control function in an organization. Explain and discuss the reasons for the failure of plans in organization and the ways in which planning can

  • Q : Explain the dissimilar work team characteristics....
    Other Management :

    The formation and significance of work teams in organisation is essential. Discuss and explain the dissimilar work team characteristics.

  • Q : Factors which are essential in organization....
    Other Management :

    List all three factors which are essential in organization and describe each of the 3 factors. Make a distinction between ‘Management Efficiency’ and ‘Management Effectiveness’

  • Q : Kurt lewin-s three step model of the change procedure....
    Other Management :

    Illustrate Kurt Lewin's 3-step model of the change procedure. Managers are frequently called on to alter the perceptions, expectations, attitudes and behaviours of the workforce. How can managers cu

  • Q : Dissimilar situations of making decisions....
    Other Management :

    Managers face three dissimilar situations when making decisions. What are the characteristics of each?

  • Q : Collecting and managing information....
    Other Management :

    Discuss and explain five techniques which can be employed to assist organisations adapt to their environment.

  • Q : Process of initiating change in workplace....
    Other Management :

    What barriers you could face in the process of initiating change in the workplace and how such barriers can be overcome. Make reference to suitable theories.

  • Q : Significance constituents of organisational culture....
    Other Management :

    Explain and discuss the significance of the different constituents of an Organisational culture. In what ways can a manager make use of the organisational culture so as to accomplish the desired outco

  • Q : Significance of planning in an organisation....
    Other Management :

    Discuss and describe the significance of planning in an organisation. How managers develop and conduct an effective action plan?

  • Q : Impacts of yield management in service organisation....
    Other Management :

    “Yield management guides the decision of how to assign undifferentiated units of capacity to accessible demand in such a way as to maximize profit or revenue.” Critically examine the imp

  • Q : Case study of mr cervaux....
    Other Management :

    Mr Cervaux is a contractor of ceramic tiles. Mrs Ghopul is decorating her residence at Floreal and in December 2006 contacts Mr Cervaux.

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