• Q : What did the american revolution....
    History :

    What did the American Revolution have in common with other Atlantic revolutions? In what ways was it different? Respond to at least two of your classmates' postings.

  • Q : Briefly discuss the overall development....
    History :

    Include the following information: Article title, date, news source used. Post the hyperlink to the article you have summarized.

  • Q : Create informative newspaper advertisement....
    History :

    You are in charge of marketing and advertisement at your local art museum. Next month, the museum will be hosting an exhibition on the social role of the arts in early Chinese and Japanese civili

  • Q : What were your personal reactions....
    History :

    What were your personal reactions to the event AND to the work or works you've chosen? Why do you think that you reacted that way? Discuss. Do you think it was performed effectively?

  • Q : Analyze the transformative effect....
    History :

    World War II brought about a major realignment of East Asian politics, society, and economy. Analyze the transformative effect that World War II and the Cold War had on Japanese politics, society,

  • Q : Where are the consistencies in treatment....
    History :

    Where are the consistencies in treatment?  Where are the treatments different in what they look at?  What do you think explains the differences?

  • Q : Despite commonly held beliefs....
    History :

    Despite commonly held beliefs about the popularity of presidents, presidents are elected by the Electoral College. This uniquely American institution consists of representatives of each state who

  • Q : Compare the role of the flood....
    History :

    Compare the role of the flood in the following myths: the dine bahane, the epic of Gilgamesh, and the decent from the sky (Africa -Yoruba). What causes the floods and what is the result of the fl

  • Q : Describe how your building was constructed....
    History :

    Describe how your building was constructed-in terms of materials, engineering considerations, features of design, etc.  What was its primary purpose?

  • Q : Discuss the powerful movements....
    History :

    Discuss the powerful movements that transformed European society during the early modern era.Briefly describe the origin of each, and how it affected society as a whole.Which had the most impact? Why?

  • Q : What were the peace terms....
    History :

    Chronicle World War I. Why did the war start? How did it turn into a global affair? Who were the major players and what sides did they take? What role did European colonies play in the war? Who w

  • Q : How do the shot to shot relationships suggest intimacy....
    History :

    Film dissussion post. Follow instructions below. Film is a significant art form in the contemporary society. With the development of computer animation.

  • Q : What does this text tell us about the civil rights movement....
    History :

    Write a review of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Why We Can’t Wait. What is his message to America? What does this text tell us about the civil rights movement?

  • Q : Identify at least two causes of the great depression....
    History :

    Identify at least two causes of the Great Depression. Then compare and contrast the approaches of Hoover and Roosevelt to the crisis, consulting Instructor Insights.

  • Q : What evidence does the author use....
    History :

    Fires of Jubilee: Nat turner's fierce rebellion 5-6 pages double spaces Book Review. Answer the questions inform of an essay. Please use college level vocabulary and No Plagiarism.

  • Q : What you feel was a primary influence....
    History :

    Apollo and Daphne is a life-sized Baroque marble sculpture by Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini, executed between 1622 and 1625. Briefly provide some background on the artist and the work itsel

  • Q : Why they are widely accredited....
    History :

    Greeks contributed immensely to Western civilization and that is why they are widely accredited.  Although the Greek devised most artwork.

  • Q : Explain the political issues, or philosophical issues....
    History :

    You must include 1 argument from each of the three different regions.  You can point to political issues, or philosophical issues, or economic issues or artistic/architectural issues.

  • Q : What is the key....
    History :

    According to John Grisham, how should movies be defined in lawsuits.Who is Natural Born Killers alleged to have inspired Benjamin Darras to kill?

  • Q : Identify two social or geographical or economic areas....
    History :

    Choose one of the regions covered in the last 3 lectures of the course (Mediaeval Europe, Byzantium, Mongol/Turkic Eurasian Silk Road) and write an essay on changing political systems.

  • Q : Discussing islamic religious beliefs....
    History :

    In discussing Islamic religious beliefs, scholars frequently speak of the power of Islam "to unify." Looking at the early history of Islam and at its later manifestations in the worlds of the Mon

  • Q : Summarize and comment critically....
    History :

    Base your essay response on the material provided in the assigned readings for Unit 2 and the "Commentary" of section 2.2 in the Study Guide. Remember to provide scholarly support for claims made

  • Q : What details makes it a good example....
    History :

    Apollo and Daphne is a life-sized Baroque marble sculpture by Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini, executed between 1622 and 1625. Briefly provide some background on the artist and the work itsel

  • Q : The correlation between number of friends and grade point....
    History :

    The correlation between the number correct on a math test and the time it takes to complete the test is -.45. Test whether this correlation is significant for 80 children at the .05 level of sign

  • Q : How do you understand the historical jesus....
    History :

    How do you understand the "Historical Jesus" in relation to the "Christ of Faith"? What implications does your answer have for Christian faith and life?

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