• Q : How did rembrandt revolutionize the group portrait....
    History :

    In Northern Europe, the group portrait was a popular genre of painting in the Dutch Republic, and Rembrandt was in high demand as a portraitist. In 3 well developed paragraphs, discuss:

  • Q : Disease is a neurodegenerative disorder....
    History :

    Even one day's operate in field, forest, and kitchen supply you with many years' worth of medicines. But then you need to get very careful while buying such products online since they are the ris

  • Q : Discuss at least two distinctive features....
    History :

    Discuss at least two distinctive features of each major region of the country  in this period.  Analyze the extent to which you see any of these developments or features continuing into

  • Q : Identify three major aspects of industrialization....
    History :

    Identify three major aspects of industrialization during 1865 and 1920 that influenced U.S. society, economy, and politics. Consider issues such as geography, entrepreneurship, legislative represe

  • Q : The vietnam war on american culture....
    History :

    Consider the impact of the Vietnam War on American culture. In the decades prior to the 1980s, two issues beset American culture: civil rights and the Vietnam War. Both were televised directly in

  • Q : How did conquest affect indigenous populations....
    History :

    How did conquest affect indigenous populations and bring about a new era of economic and cultural exchange, commercial empires, and forced migrations?

  • Q : What types of governments did they setup....
    History :

    How were the three Islamic empires established, and what types of governments did they setup?  How did Christians, Jews, Hindus, and other non-Muslims fare under Islamic states?

  • Q : How did western europe recover....
    History :

    How did Western Europe recover so successfully after World War II, and how did Economic decline in the 1970s and 1980s affect society?

  • Q : The qualities of the ideal political leader....
    History :

    Citing specific evidence from Machiavelli's The Prince (not from the textbook), identify, and briefly explain, the qualities of the ideal political leader.

  • Q : How did critics respond to the new consumer society....
    History :

    Use a word processor (like MS Word) to write your response to ONE of the following questions.What did life in the suburbs look like in the 1950s?  Do you think life in the suburbs has changed sin

  • Q : How did western civilzation change....
    History :

    How did Western Civilzation change because of them? Be prepared to defend your rankings in class.   Leonardo de Vinci, Christopher Columbus.

  • Q : What are the main points....
    History :

    In the process of your close, critical evaluation, assess the quality of the argument. How successfully does the author make his or her point? Do the premises logically lead to the article's conc

  • Q : Describe and contrast the influence of photographers....
    History :

    Describe and contrast the influence of 3 photographers on Photography, Society, and/or the Arts. This should be a fully constructed essay consisting of 3 to 5 paragraphs with sources cited.The li

  • Q : Include at least two of the media....
    History :

    Include at least two of the following media, which should be drawn from the Primary Source Investigator and outside sources.

  • Q : What is the primary source documents....
    History :

    In order to support your position, examine a series of primary source documents written during the time. Examples would be the US Constitution (reprinted in your textbook) and broadsides fro

  • Q : Find some reference sources to provide....
    History :

    Using the textbook and Internet sources, locate 2 traditional works of art from India, China, Japan, and Korea. Copy and paste the 8 objects into your Microsoft Word document and label each one:

  • Q : Explain what the arts....
    History :

    Include one slide that discusses how the arts engage the viewer or audience.Include at least one slide that discusses the individual's and the community's role in supporting the arts.

  • Q : What specific ways is our understanding of a work....
    History :

    In what specific ways is our understanding of a work of art dependent on an understanding of the religious and cultural beliefs from which the work arose?

  • Q : Discrimination and disenfranchisement persisted....
    History :

    Background: When the First World War began, African-American leaders pressed the government to provide black men the right to go to combat to prove their devotion to their country.

  • Q : What is the role and powers of the presidency....
    History :

    They analyze and assess a variety of sources, including primary sources and secondary sources (ones written by other historians after the period), to create their own interpretations of the past.

  • Q : Identify two significant technological....
    History :

    Identify two significant technological innovations/achievements (such as the telephone, television, automobiles, and vaccinations) from the late 19th and early 20th centuries

  • Q : Explain the abrupt....
    History :

    Considered the "Mummy's Curse," a series of unexplainable, unfortunate, or tragic events that happened to the people who were present at the opening of Tutankhamen's tomb.

  • Q : Briefly introduce the détente policies....
    History :

    Briefly introduce the détente policies of the early 1970s, and describe how they positively or negatively impacted Western politics and society.

  • Q : Discuss the rise of environmental concerns....
    History :

    Discuss the rise of environmental concerns in the late 20th century and how they affected Western governments.Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

  • Q : Describe the event....
    History :

    Which Cold War era conflict or incident do you feel had the greatest impact on the eventual fall of the Soviet Union as a Communist superpower? Describe the event including how it impacted the w

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