• Q : Religion is arguably the single....
    History :

    Religion is arguably the single, most important impediment to achieving peace in the Middle East. The conflict between Islam and Judaism is often viewed as an irreconcilable clash of religious do

  • Q : Explain the historical evolution of habeas corpus....
    History :

    The purpose of the Final Paper is to give you an opportunity to apply much of what you have learned about American national government to an examination of civil liberties in the context of the w

  • Q : What are the dangers of secularism....
    History :

    How do you explain, all the variations of ancient religions and new religions that are popping up today?How would you discern the difference between a cult and a legitimate religion?What are the da

  • Q : What is the basis for his role as a leader....
    History :

    Reflect on Nelson Mandela's "Long Walk to Freedom."What is the basis for his role as a leader while in prison?  What does he stand for?

  • Q : What have been the effects of the bill of rights....
    History :

    What problems with the original document, or changes in society, led to later amendments? Choose one of the following groups to discuss.

  • Q : Hoe to include complete bibliographic citation....
    History :

    Each project should be about two pages in length.  In addition, your project must include complete bibliographic citation at the top left of the page with your name and date.

  • Q : Discuss at least two distinctive features of major region....
    History :

    Analyze the extent to which you see any of these developments or features continuing into the present day, economically or culturally.

  • Q : The transcripts of president johnsons conversations....
    History :

    Drawing upon the transcripts of President Johnsons conversations, what do they reveal about the Administrations decision to escalate the Vietnam War.

  • Q : Contrast their impact on america....
    History :

    Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in

  • Q : What was the primary cause of this war....
    History :

    Since the creation of Israel, no less than six wars have been fought between that state and various Arab countries. For this assignment, please select one of these wars and address the following

  • Q : How are these two issues related but yet distinct....
    History :

    Churches, schools, civic organizations (black civil rights orgs, fraternities and sororities, etc) and businesses are important social institutions for any society. Select one of the above, w

  • Q : Discuss the death sentence....
    History :

    These papers are discussing time periods ranging from the spanish inquisition, all the way up to present day. How were these used in the past and how did our civilization change to accept it the w

  • Q : Describe qi and the importance of qi....
    History :

    Describe Qi and the importance of Qi within Taoism and how it relates to the Tao. Explain Wu wei and the basic philosophy of not-doing and discuss how the cultivation of not-doing is central to Tao

  • Q : What was the nature of the resistance....
    History :

    The citizens of Denmark participated in a  resistance movement against the Nazi regime.  What were the factors that made this resistance  possible?

  • Q : What are your thoughts about martin luther....
    History :

    What are your thoughts about Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X? What are your thoughts about the connection between religion and the civil rights movement? What were the ways in which Martin

  • Q : What lessons could we learn from this experience....
    History :

    World War II.  Explain how the U.S. got involved in World War II.  What interests were considered especially important?  What factors were critical in winning the war?  What l

  • Q : Differences between communism and fascism....
    History :

    What were the similarities and differences between communism and fascism? You may use examples from Europe, the Americas, Africa, or Asia. How did each regard the role of the state in economic a

  • Q : Explain the visual arts....
    History :

    Identify the composition that you listened to, and determine whether you would characterize the chosen composition as either the Classical or Romantic style of music. Explain the features that lea

  • Q : Why it is culturally important....
    History :

    Find out as much as you can about cultural context for each object. Go online and find some reference sources to provide you with more information

  • Q : What factors account for the schism....
    History :

    Outline and assess those events leading to the rise of Islam in the early 7th century CE. Who was Mohammed "The prophet" and what role did he play in the evolution and development of this faith?

  • Q : Effect on the distribution of information....
    History :

    Compare Reagan's Berlin Wall speech with Kennedy's earlier speech in Berlin. Which do you think does a better job of aligning with America's foreign policy aims?

  • Q : Describe why your designs make great visual images....
    History :

    Describe why your designs make great visual images, such as which visual elements and/or principles of design were utilized in your composition.

  • Q : Explain hisorical murals in chicagno park....
    History :

    Visit these hisorical murals in Chicagno park on the Coronado Bridge pylons. Expline the meaning 3-4 murals reasearch the hisory of chicano park and express your reaction to its history and your v

  • Q : How have colonial and revolutionary legacies....
    History :

    How have Colonial and Revolutionary legacies impacted American political traditions, the growth of democracy and the definition of citizenship and entitlement to rights?

  • Q : Identify at least two causes of the great depression....
    History :

    Identify at least two causes of the Great Depression. Then compare and contrast the approaches of Hoover and Roosevelt to the crisis, consulting Instructor Insights.

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