• Q : What would you most want to discover....
    History :

    Imagine that you were Howard Carter. Consider the following questions in a two-paragraph essay. How would you feel as you stood before the sealed door, ready to open King Tut's tomb?

  • Q : What are the benefits of learning....
    History :

    What are the benefits of learning about non-US opinion about and influence upon the United States? What are the challenges? Reference this week's lecture (see websites) and at least one o

  • Q : Both indentured and african slaves....
    History :

    Both indentured and African slaves were used as a source of labor in Americas. Compare and contrast the lives of each in the colonies. Also explain why the colonies moved increasinly from indentu

  • Q : What easons did bundy....
    History :

    When he looked back at these events thirty years later, he believed his recommendations were a mistake. Why? In other words, what did the later Bundy identify as his main mistakes at the

  • Q : Describe the event and speculate....
    History :

    Describe the event and speculate about the purpose of the attack.How has the event changed behaviors or policies within the country attacked or its neighbors and allies?

  • Q : What were the sources of american political isolationism....
    History :

    What were the sources of American political isolationism how was it manifest, and how did FDR deal with it? Did the president maneuver the nation into war?

  • Q : Briefly describe the spread of industry throughout europe....
    History :

    Briefly describe the spread of industry throughout Europe and into America.Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material fo

  • Q : What is the west....
    History :

    What is the west? discusses the evolving ideas af western civilization and the questions one should ask when studying it. reflect on these ideas and how one should analyze the materials of the co

  • Q : Discuss the development of political....
    History :

    Discuss the development of political and social structures that produced a strong sense of community and culture unity among greeks during the archaic age.at least 200 words references and cited

  • Q : What roles does archeolgy play....
    History :

    What roles does archeolgy play in revealing history? discuss two examples of archeological discoveries or ideas. what do these findings communicate about the cultures discussed?

  • Q : Definr the political and economic structures.....
    History :

    Compare and contrast the eastern and western halves of the Roman Empire and examine the developement of the unique Byzantine culture. Discuss this in terms of social, political and economic struc

  • Q : How did the advent of home video technologies....
    History :

    How did the advent of home video technologies change the American film industry?  In what ways did the studios-who in 1976 regarded home video as a competitor-exploit these technologies to th

  • Q : A commodity prominent in atlantic trade....
    History :

    The paper must be two to three pages in length (not including title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page. For informati

  • Q : What opportunities did it create....
    History :

    Address the role of women as army nurses. What opportunities did it create? Did it have a greater affect on one region than the other? Why or why not?

  • Q : What four factors led to the economic boom....
    History :

    What four factors led to the economic boom in the 12th and 13th centery? provide specific examples of these factors in your discussion?

  • Q : How would you categorize their approaches to discipline....
    History :

    How would you categorize their approaches to discipline? Were there behavior modification advocates or did the focus on logical consequences and encouragement? Which way are you leaning now?

  • Q : What effects did the french revolution....
    History :

    What effects did the French Revolution have on the Latin American Revolutions? Be sure to use examples from at least two of the revolutions in Latin America that were mentioned.

  • Q : What enabled the spanish to defeat the aztecs....
    History :

    Describe the differing views among colonial leaders as to how to protest their grievances to Britain leading up to the Declaration of Independence.

  • Q : What were his objectives as an ethnographic....
    History :

    Trace the development of the early documentary film career of Jean Rouch.  What were his objectives as an ethnographic filmmaker during the 1950s?  What formal techniques did he use to e

  • Q : Discuss the columbian exchange....
    History :

    Discuss the columbian exchange. what was exchanged? what were the immediate consequences of the encounters between the old and new worlds?

  • Q : Compare and contrast the chief ideas of zwinglianism....
    History :

    Compare and contrast the chief ideas of Zwinglianism, Anabaptism, and Lutheranism. what did they have in common? how were they different?

  • Q : Compare the historical roles of women....
    History :

     As a reminder, gender differences produce opportunities and constraints for both men and women. This is not a paper on the "oppression" of women; however, you do want to look at gender-spec

  • Q : Exolain age of confessional division produced....
    History :

    During the 16th centry, the age of confessional division produced religious wars in France, spain, and the netherlands.Choose one of these conflicts and discuss the events, causes and outcomes.

  • Q : Thomas hobbes defined the idea absolutism....
    History :

    Thomas Hobbes defined the idea absolutism in the 17th centry. How did france and spain attempt to apply this political therory? were they succesful? provide specific examples and examine the fact

  • Q : What are the central beliefs of islam....
    History :

    What are the central beliefs of Islam, and how are they reflected in the "Five Pillars"Which of the Five Pillars do you feel would be easiest to fulfill, and which would be the most challenging.

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