• Q : What is the roosevelt corollary....
    History :

    What arguments did Americans use to justify their colonization of the Philippines? What arguments were used against colonization?

  • Q : Show connections for at least two continents....
    History :

    Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.

  • Q : What are some of the programs enacted....
    History :

    What are some of the programs enacted under President Johnson's Great Society? What populations were targeted under these programs? What were their intended effects? Do their intentions match with

  • Q : Create a journal entry....
    History :

    Consider the social, economic, and political forces at work. For example, if you have chosen to be a student at the University of Mississippi, describe the court cases that resulted in the desegre

  • Q : Describe russia revolutions....
    History :

    Describe Russia's revolutions in March and November of 1917.Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response

  • Q : What is multiple functions beyond mere decoration....
    History :

    Architecture in the ancient world served multiple functions beyond mere decoration. Art served practical purposes, including being used in ritual or religious contexts, to honor individuals, to ed

  • Q : Citing specific evidence from the song of roland....
    History :

    Citing specific evidence from the Song of Roland (not from the textbook), what were some of the main characteristics of the ideal knight during the reign of Charlemagne?

  • Q : Described as normal in comparison....
    History :

    When the First World War ended, Americans welcomed what they hoped would be a "return to normalcy." The decades that followed, however, are ones which would rarely be described as normal in compar

  • Q : Why the us took so long to take effective action....
    History :

    Never again would the US remain so aloof for so long from such a momentous international affair. As such, the Second World War represents a turning point in American foreign affairs, and it is p

  • Q : Summarize the history of the policy....
    History :

    The U.S. government's expansive role in public policy is caught in a swirl of conflicting cross-currents. On the one hand, popular expectations about government's responsibility to solve problems

  • Q : The roman catholic church....
    History :

    Think about the ways the Catholic efforts for reform compare and contrast to the Protestant movement. Consider whether the changes in the Roman Catholic Church were primarily a result of the

  • Q : The history of the organization....
    History :

    Select either a leader. Not all these factors may be relevant; however, explore the contexts that may be relevant and influence how the leader makes decisions and acts. Prepare a 1500 words

  • Q : Explain why are there any places....
    History :

    Explain why.Are there any places where you behave differently out of respect or tradition? What causes your change in behavior?

  • Q : Description of what the movements of both syles communicate....
    History :

    Description of what influences each dancer, or the choreographer, in the performance of each syle or creation of a new dance performance.

  • Q : What was the impact of european expansion....
    History :

    What was the impact of European expansion on the indigenous peoples of the Americas, European society, and the new American civilization?

  • Q : Briefly explain the iron triangle model....
    History :

    Briefly explain the iron triangle model of policy-making involving Congress, the bureaucracy, and interest groups. Analyze information about relationships among Congress, the military bureaucracies

  • Q : Thomas jefferson first inaugural address....
    History :

    Jefferson belonged to the early Republican Party while Adams belonged to the Federalist Party. What was one of the main points of Jefferson's speech?

  • Q : How tohighly stylized to an idealized....
    History :

    You likely noticed that during the two hundred years covered in this week's study there were radical changes in how the human figure is depicted in Italy, from something that was highly stylized

  • Q : Christianity for most americans is the most familiar....
    History :

    If Christianity for most Americans is the most familiar form of religous expression, describe in detail how do each of you understand the following; The Bible.

  • Q : Discuss the concept of evangelism....
    History :

    Discuss the concept of Evangelism in Christianity. What is its purpose? How has it harmed Christianity? What is the risk/reward if any? This is not a gimme grade and it is graded at the same leve

  • Q : Include a bibliography of at least three sources....
    History :

    Write an essay on any of the missions or series of missions listed in Appendix 3 Table 4, or missions you found out about through a web search.

  • Q : How are contemporary perceptions....
    History :

    How are contemporary perceptions of Hitler's Nazi Germany shaped by either the Holocaust or the Trail of Adolf Eichmann?Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

  • Q : Describe perspective about the soviet rule....
    History :

    Take the perspective of a citizen of East Berlin after 1961. Describe your perspective about the Soviet rule, Western freedoms, and hope for the future.

  • Q : What did some reform-minded....
    History :

    What did some reform-minded Catholics in Nicaragua hope that the pope might do during his visit to that country? What position did the pope eventually make clear to the Nicaraguan priests?

  • Q : Find this comparison persuasive....
    History :

    The 1960s were like a return to the 1930s- both were turbulent, traumatic, conflictual time." In what ways do you find this comparison persuasive? In what ways do the contrasts between the two d

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