• Q : Include a description of the structural elemtns....
    History :

    Roman aqueducts, such as the pont du gardd near nimes france. Compare roman aqueducts to our city's own water management system. What are the similarities and differences? Include a description o

  • Q : How does michelangelo david represent....
    History :

    How does michelangelo's David represent the principles of High Renaissance sculpture? How do these principles work today? 200-300 words.

  • Q : How has the event changed behaviors....
    History :

    Describe the event and speculate about the purpose of the attack .How has the event changed behaviors or policies within the country attacked or its neighbors and allies?

  • Q : Relationship between the system of government in athens....
    History :

    According to Pericles, what was the relationship between the system of government in Athens and that of their neighbors?

  • Q : What is humanism....
    History :

    What is humanism and what different forms of humanism existed during the Renaissance period? discuss humanist ideas, examples of humanist thinkers, and writers.at least 250 words apa format no pl

  • Q : What extent were the climate....
    History :

    What extent were the climate and disease key factors in producing economic and social changes?same time  as the columbian exhange 15th and 16th centry.

  • Q : Discuss the sweeping changes....
    History :

    Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin all utilized terror as a means of centralizing their authority over their respective states.Compare and contrast their methods of domination and their ascendance to

  • Q : Unified the different territories....
    History :

    China's first emperor, Qin, unified the different territories and states into one empire. Discuss the importance of "standardization" in that unification.Need at least two sources minimum and all

  • Q : Analyze the wartime experiences of the revolution....
    History :

    Describe and analyze the wartime experiences of the Revolution and the effects on women, slaves, and natives.Your response should be at least 200 words in length.  must be referenced; paraph

  • Q : What are some of the larger racial minorities....
    History :

    Throughout most of U.S. history, in most locations, what race has been in the majority? What is the common ancestral background of most members of this group?

  • Q : Identify chosen nation....
    History :

    Take the perspective of a working class European citizen of a world power, and identify your chosen nation, class, and age. Describe your experience and point of view on the eve of World War.

  • Q : How did economics contribute....
    History :

    In the years following WWI, 1918 in particular, the world underwent a significant transformation. Various factors strained democratic ideals to the point of breaking in many places.

  • Q : Discuss in detail the reigns of frederick....
    History :

    Discuss in detail the reigns of Frederick the Great and Catherine the Great. What were their greatest achievements? What were their worst blunders?

  • Q : What other concerns are presented by professors kuhlman....
    History :

    Besides the right to vote, what other concerns are presented by Professors Kuhlman, Woodworth-Ney and Foner?  Were these concerns answered with suffrage?  Why, or why not?

  • Q : Who did the defining....
    History :

    Write a paper comparing the legal dimensions of slavery in French and English colonies. The basis of the comparison will be the French Code Noir and the Virginia Slave Code of 1705, though student

  • Q : Briefly summarize how the electoral college works....
    History :

    Briefly summarize how the Electoral College works. Explain some of the main pros and cons in the debate about whether to keep or abolish the current Electoral College process.

  • Q : How does this shape the rituals....
    History :

    What are some of the challenges facing Judaism in our world today.Judaism is based on a covenant relationship between God and His people, how does this shape the rituals and practices of Judaism?

  • Q : What are some contemporary covenants....
    History :

    What are some contemporary covenants and how does your understanding of covenant shape you personally as you interact with others?

  • Q : Despite the revolutionary era....
    History :

    Despite the revolutionary era's talk about liberty and equality, the condition of women and slaves changed little. Do you agree or disagree?

  • Q : Discuss the underlying causes behind the great war....
    History :

    Discuss the underlying causes behind the Great War.  Be sure to discuss the various alliances made and the events leading up to the war.Which cause do you think was the most significant cause

  • Q : What are some of the key impacts....
    History :

    What are some of the key impacts of the Industrial Revolution? You may discuss not only ones which came about within the time-span attributed to the Industrial Revolution, but also those which st

  • Q : Discuss at least two distinctive features of the country....
    History :

    Discuss at least two distinctive features of each major region of the country in this period.  Analyze the extent to which you see any of these developments or features continuing into the

  • Q : What is the roosevelt corollary....
    History :

    What arguments did Americans use to justify their colonization of the Philippines? What arguments were used against colonization?

  • Q : Show connections for at least two continents....
    History :

    Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.

  • Q : What are some of the programs enacted....
    History :

    What are some of the programs enacted under President Johnson's Great Society? What populations were targeted under these programs? What were their intended effects? Do their intentions match with

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