• Q : Why did muslim people in the middle east....
    History :

    Why did Muslim people in the Middle East and other parts of Asia experience hardship during the time of the European Middle Ages?

  • Q : Discuss the major military operations....
    History :

    Discuss the major military operations - land, sea, and air - of the Korean War from January 1951 until the conclusion of the conflict in July 1953. Also provide a discussion of the major leaders in

  • Q : Communism has played a major role....
    History :

    The conflict between israel and its arab neighbors since 1948 shows that?strong leadership often leads to a return to traditional ways

  • Q : Why is the tempest a metaphor for studying....
    History :

    Why is the Tempest a metaphor for studying the history of race in the United States? Who does Caliban represent? Why were the Indians associated with the devil?

  • Q : What are the conversations....
    History :

    Imagine you are a "fly on the wall" in the time between the two "fires," World War I and World War II. What is it that you would see and hear? What are the topics of the day?

  • Q : Describe the differences in the public reception....
    History :

    Describe the differences in the public reception of veterans returning from the Vietnam and Iraq wars. What were the reasons behind the difference in the treatment of these two groups of veteran

  • Q : President wilson''s fourteen points....
    History :

    Treaty of Versailles and President Wilson's Fourteen Points in this week's Learning Resources to get a full understanding of the context and content of both documents.

  • Q : Develop a cultural profile....
    History :

    Using Exhibit 3-5, "Americans at a Glance" as your guide, develop a cultural profile of yourself based on the eight criterions listed.

  • Q : Contrast robert frost....
    History :

    Compare and contrast Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening". Use specific details and quotations from each.

  • Q : Why was a section of public land set....
    History :

    Why was a section of public land set aside to support public schools under the land ordinance of 1785?also i am in 7th grade so please not so advanced of an answer.

  • Q : The north west mounted police and the royal canadian....
    History :

    What are the differences between the North West Mounted Police and The Royal Canadian Mounted Police?No words limits.

  • Q : What was abe lincons wifes name....
    History :

    How do you go about solving this eqation?3x +4x - (8w +2p) = 9w.What are some siulatities between issac newton and einstein?

  • Q : Describe at least two pieces of legislation....
    History :

    Describe at least two pieces of legislation in the Roosevelt-Taft-Wilson progressive era years that have influenced the conduct of business to this day and what that influence has been.

  • Q : What is social darwinism....
    History :

    After the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln had strong opinions on how Southerners should be treated and what should happen in the South.  Many Northerners did not agree with his ideas.  What

  • Q : Identify one of the theories....
    History :

    It is believed that Queen Hatshepsut dressed as a man to gain support of the Egyptians. After her death, her successor removed as many remnants of her rule as possible. Although a pharaoh, her mu

  • Q : Discuss american involvement during the first world war....
    History :

    Discuss American involvement during the first world war (Great War)? What was the impact? Was the country justified?

  • Q : What were the intolerable acts....
    History :

    What were the Intolerable Acts? Who were they made to punish and why? What kinds of things did the acts do? What was their original name?

  • Q : How has the role of the federal bureaucracy....
    History :

    How has the role of the federal bureaucracy transformed since the First Political Party? How does public and nonprofit organizations' association with the executive, legislative, and judicial bra

  • Q : How the federalists....
    History :

    Using the Argosy University online library resources, identify and review at least two scholarly articles that describe in some detail how the Federalists and Anti-Federalists differed in their s

  • Q : Identify if your organization is centralized....
    History :

    Risk management is a critical aspect of project management.  The supply chain decisions that are made have risk involved like any other project decision.

  • Q : What is the author primary argument....
    History :

    Write a one-page, single-spaced review of the article.The review should have four elements:What evidence of support does the author give to defend and/or prove the argument/thesis?

  • Q : The opinions of bartolome de las casas....
    History :

    The opinions of Bartolome de Las Casas were influential in alerting Europeans to the treatment of Native Americans. what were his opinions   and how they affected attitudes in Euro

  • Q : How did the invention of photography....
    History :

    Compare the modern sculpture, Unique forms of Continuity in Space, by Umberto Boccioni to the Renaissance sculpture, David, by Michelangelo. What has changed about the representation of the human

  • Q : What new developments in art....
    History :

    Renaissance writers, musicians and artists believed that they were living in an age of rebirth. What new developments in art, architecture, philosophy and culture substantiate this belief?

  • Q : What kinds of ethical issues....
    History :

    Which components of the juvenile justice system do you think might be effectively privatized? What kinds of ethical issues do you see resulting from the privatization of juvenile justice programs

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