• Q : The economy after peace was restored....
    History :

    How did the events of this war change American goals and the economy after peace was restored?

  • Q : The union by mountain barriers....
    History :

    If the creator had separated TExas from the union by mountain barriers, the Alps or the Andes , there might be plausible objections; but he has planned down.

  • Q : Analysis of the russo....
    History :

    An analysis of the Russo-Japanese War and the Boer War shows that one reason nations go to war is to honor provisions of a treaty.

  • Q : Explain how its depiction of the insurrection compares....
    History :

    American Imperialism combined the expansionist ideology that propelled Americans from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans with a desire to become a world power as well as the need for new markets

  • Q : What is the first level of moral development....
    History :

    What is the first level of moral development, according to Lawrence Kohlberg?What is the name given to philosophers who attempt to use only one ethical approach to ethical questions?

  • Q : What type of property....
    History :

    In the U.S.,until, prescription drugs could not be advertised directly to consumers.The National Advertising Review Board (NARB) was formed in.

  • Q : How has diversity impacted current conflicts....
    History :

    Has diversity strengthened or weakened your Military branch? In what manner and to what extent???How has diversity impacted current conflicts in the world from your branch's perspective.

  • Q : How it affects individuals....
    History :

    Watch the movie/TV show that you selected, and use your reactions as part of your response to the following topic: Define ethnocentrism and how it affects individuals, societies, and multinationa

  • Q : Create a profile of the typical individual....
    History :

    In many cities throughout the United States, the prevalence of hate crimes has increased. You have been asked to provide your insight into this and recommend ways to decrease the occurrence of the

  • Q : Compromise from the perspective of the same delegate....
    History :

    Determine the biographical information about the delegate you select, including place of birth, the colony he represented, and other background and heritage details that influenced his views.

  • Q : Discuss nathanael greene southern campaign....
    History :

    Discuss Nathanael Greene's Southern campaign. Why do some historians view Greene as being second only to Washington in importance in winning the war?

  • Q : Describes the total abandonment of conventional....
    History :

    Describes the total abandonment of conventional social behavior in Europe, as characterized by extremely lax sexual mores and by anarchical economics.

  • Q : Explain why you believe these four inventions....
    History :

    Include a cover page containing the tile of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the

  • Q : The conversion of emperor....
    History :

    The conversion of Emperor_eliminated laws against marriage between Arians and Latin Christians and blended the previously separate communities.

  • Q : Explain organized a liberal constitutional monarchy....
    History :

    The commitment of Peter I to modernization turned the Russia army into one of the largest in the world. Which tactics did he incorporate to achieve this?

  • Q : The environment as a theme in world history....
    History :

    How and where does the book a history of the world in six glasses illustrate interaction between humans and the environment as a theme in world history?

  • Q : What was the philosophy of manifest destiny....
    History :

    Have recent conflicts in the Middle East and the U.S. response to trade and foreign aid confirmed or rejected this belief? Give reasons in support of your answer.

  • Q : How to actions match their rhetoric....
    History :

    The presidential election of 1912 was the most Progressive in US history, with the two frontrunners, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, both espousing Progressive philosophies.

  • Q : The rise of complex societies....
    History :

    Are there drawbacks to the rise of complex societies? In other words, is every aspect of development in civilization good? Are there still problems that stretch back to changes of civilization

  • Q : Define the middle-class....
    History :

    How do they differ from the working-class? 3. How did families wrestles with the stresses as well as opportunities arising from industrialization and urbanization?

  • Q : What was the trail of tears....
    History :

    What was the Trail of Tears? How did this episode in U.S. history come to exemplify the increasingly hostile attitudes between whites and Native Americans?

  • Q : What lasting consequences did this decision hold....
    History :

    Describe the events leading to the Louisiana Purchase. What objections did Jefferson hold and how did he reconcile these? What ramifications did this purchase hold for the new nation?

  • Q : Theory of darwinian evolution....
    History :

    One of the more important concepts that we are discussing this week is that of Social Darwinism. It is not important due to its validity, as it is a logical fallacy, but because it provided a "sc

  • Q : What additional points can you make to directly refute....
    History :

    Response Posts: Create a 100-word response to your fellow classmate by replying to the Initial Post regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. Please consider the following ques

  • Q : African american slang....
    History :

    Each paper should be 3-5 pages, double spaced, 12 pt type.  Please refer to the MLA stylesheet for questions of form.   These papers may be written solely based on your own thoughts

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