• Q : How well you understood these religions....
    History :

    We have read this week about multiple religions and the way they fall into three broad regional categories: Asian, Mediterranean, and Mesoamerican.

  • Q : What insight does this excerpt provide....
    History :

    What insight does this excerpt provide about the issue of how much the German people knew of and participated in the Holocaust.

  • Q : Social and political structures and europe....
    History :

    Social and political structures and Europe, and review Chapter 5 (pp. 55-68), focusing on those structures in the Americas in this week's Learning Resources.

  • Q : How countries felt about each other....
    History :

    Consider what life was like for the average person in Europe, Russia, or North or South America during that time. Is life in your created country similar or different?

  • Q : The colonization methods....
    History :

    The spanish, french and english all explored america and left a lasting mark on the new worlds development. compare and contrast the colonization methods used be each. be sure to discuss goals char

  • Q : What year do you find most significant....
    History :

    From 1861 to 1865, the United States of America was torn a part by a civil war.  In an essay, sketch out the course of the war.  What year do you find most significant? Why?

  • Q : Why do you think so many cultures....
    History :

    Why do you think so many cultures have a flood myth? Beyond the possibility that it really occurred, can you think of a reason it would be important to a given civilization to have such a myth?

  • Q : The election of abraham lincoln....
    History :

    The election of Abraham Lincoln was a catalyst for the secession of the Southern states to secede despite the fact Lincoln had promised not to disturb slavery there. Identify one argument for or

  • Q : What was the impact of the enlightenment....
    History :

    What was the impact of the Enlightenment and of the Seven Years' War on American colonies in the eighteenth century, from British North America to Paraguay?

  • Q : How does socialism differ from capitalism....
    History :

    How does socialism differ from capitalism? What are the main goals of socialist governments? What are the principal problems faced by socialism in accomplishing its ideals?

  • Q : What was the american system....
    History :

    What was the american system? after defining it? identify and thoroughly describe its three main elementsat least 200 words apa format must be referenced, paraphrased and quoted material must have

  • Q : Why is roman mythology so similar to greek mythology....
    History :

    What was the Imperial Cult? Do religions outside of Rome use the idea of the Imperial Cults to legitimize their authority? If so, give examples of other global religions that do this and explain

  • Q : Slave filled many roles within the slaves....
    History :

    Slave filled many roles within the slaves. compare and contrast the roles played and lives led by the field worker, the house servant, and the artisan. did any of the three fare better than the oth

  • Q : What reactions did the methods....
    History :

    Abolition was arguably the most important reform of the era. it would become an explosive issue that tore the nation apart. discuss the objectives of the movement and describe the methods the leade

  • Q : Enegland and france solidified their colonial empires....
    History :

    As both enegland and france solidified their colonial empires; contact with the natives was inevitable. however,each group treated natives differently.

  • Q : What led to the emergence of an american middle class....
    History :

    What led to the emergence of an american middle class? how did the structure and nature of the family change with this emergence apa format must be referenced, paraphrased, and quoted material must

  • Q : What is the role of women as army nurses....
    History :

    Address the role of women as army nurses. what opportunities did it create? did it have a greater affect on one region than the other? why or why not?apa format, must be at least 200 words.

  • Q : Discuss why african women joined the political scene....
    History :

    Based on your knowledge about political leadership of women in Africa, I would like you to discuss why today African women joined the political scene in mass. Do you think that this move to polit

  • Q : What allied nation bore the brunt of the death....
    History :

    What Allied nation bore the brunt of the death and devastation during World War II? What role did this nation play in the overall outcome of the war?250 words Your response will be graded on the

  • Q : How did the cold war affect american foreign policy....
    History :

    Please respond to the following question: How did the cold war affect American foreign policy after World War II?250 wordsYour response will be graded on the basis of content (how well you re

  • Q : Discuss the growth of the so-called....
    History :

    Discuss the growth of the so-called "counter-culture" in American society in the 1960s. What legitimacy did these movement bring to American life.  Or, where they instead, an anarchical resp

  • Q : Evaluate richard nixon as president....
    History :

    Evaluate Richard Nixon as president through an examination of some of his most significant success and failures.250 words Your response will be graded on the basis of content (how well you re

  • Q : Insteadprovides information for further study....
    History :

    Write about the Mormon or Later Day Saint(LDS) faith. Keep to facts; traditions, customs, beliefs and so on. The report does not need a thesis,but insteadprovides information for further study on th

  • Q : Three course articles....
    History :

    You may use up to three course articles as the basis of this project. Ensure you have a good thesis statement and a logically developed argument.

  • Q : What are the long-term implications....
    History :

    The post-Civil War South has been called the New South. In what ways did it succeed in reinventing itself? In what ways did it fail?

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