• Q : How the groups influenced indigenous activity....
    History :

    Compare and contrast early social systems of Egypt, Aksum, and the inland Niger Delta. Offer ideas on the possible transmission/transference of culture among these civilizations

  • Q : What does cecilia''s story....
    History :

    What does Cecilia's story and "the sexual politics of slavery" have to say about antebellum families  and women generally?

  • Q : Who serve the state with their bodies....
    History :

    Thoreau's view of "the state" and with his classification of citizens as those who serve the state with their "bodies", those who serve it with their "heads", and those who are serve it with their

  • Q : Which had a great impact upon day....
    History :

    Which had a great impact upon day to day life in Africa in the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries: Christianity, or trade with Europe and its colonies?

  • Q : The ultimate goal of these exercises....
    History :

    Understanding Rural Poverty in the Great Depression.found in this chapter. Do they tell a similar story? In what ways do these two types of sources diverge?

  • Q : Create a government from scratch....
    History :

    What kind of government should they  have ? They'd lived for years under british rule , and they had lots of complaints.now they would create a government  from scratch, nd they had a f

  • Q : Identify one of the key points....
    History :

    Identify one of the key points of either Jefferson's or Jackson's presidency. How was it received by the general public? How did it strain relations with the Native Americans? Or other nations?

  • Q : What is the form of the work....
    History :

    Using the terminology and concepts you are learning for evaluating art, compare and contrast the 2 works including materials used, style, meaning, symbolism, and any other aesthetic issue

  • Q : Discuss the scientific revolution....
    History :

    Discuss the Scientific Revolution's impact on religious belief. To what extent were religion and science antagonistic? To what extent were they intertwined.

  • Q : How did the spirit of compromise enable....
    History :

    Compare and contrast the society of the early medieval West with that of antiquity. How did the spirit of compromise enable the Roman Republic to rise and prosper

  • Q : Athenian and spartan systems of military recruitment....
    History :

    What were the differences between Athenian and Spartan systems of military recruitment and motivation of service?No words limits.

  • Q : What are the majority types of artifacts found....
    History :

    How would you characterize the different types of artifacts? Be sure to list all the types found.Why would you choose those categories? You can create your own categories

  • Q : National government under the commerce clause....
    History :

    What happened in 1937 that prompted the Supreme Court to cease its attempts to limit the power of the national government under the commerce clause?

  • Q : Discuss the reasons lenin....
    History :

    How did Lenin obtain the power base he needed to overthrow the provisional government of Alexander Kerensky? Why do you think Lenin received support from the Russian citizens? What methods did he

  • Q : What impact did the price revolution....
    History :

    What impact did the Price Revolution have on the governments and people of Europe?Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

  • Q : Explain how people living in the ghettos....
    History :

    What does this language represent? their identity? How did their surroudings (ghetto) have affected their language and how they  interact with others?

  • Q : Explain why the words in each set below....
    History :

    Explain why the words in each set below are linked with each other. Empire, fertile crescent, and anatolia Hammurabi, code of law, and justice.

  • Q : Was the nation growing together....
    History :

    Consider the phrase the "Great Transformation" in the context this time period. What does this term mean? What did this transformation mean economically, socially, and nationally? Was the nation gr

  • Q : The doolittle raid on japan....
    History :

    Which of the follwing  events happened first: the death of FDR the doolittle raid on japan  the invasion of north Africa by Americsn forces D. the Battle of the Bulge.

  • Q : Explain the main principles of each religion....
    History :

    The US culture has a broad spectrum of religious affiliations and religiosity. As a result of interacting with people who share similarities, people seldom evaluate the main premises of other re

  • Q : Compare the foreign policy of richard nixon....
    History :

    Compare the foreign policy of Richard Nixon to those of Kennedy and Johnson. Why was Nixon better able to lessen tensions with the Soviet Union?

  • Q : What did this transformation mean economically....
    History :

    Consider the phrase the “Great Transformation” in the context this time period. What does this term mean? What did this transformation mean economically, socially, and nationally? Was t

  • Q : What was taking place in each artist city....
    History :

    Baroque period through the Postmodern era. This assignment will have 6 Sections (A-F). Section A contains the criteria for the 3 works you will choose.

  • Q : Describing the contributions of the three groups....
    History :

    Complete the Contributions Grid by describing the contributions of the three groups of peoples, Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans.

  • Q : Identify two significant technological innovations....
    History :

    Identify two significant technological innovations/achievements (such as the telephone, television, automobiles, and vaccinations) from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

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