• Q : What would be its total length....
    Physics :

    An ideal spring of negligible mass is 11.00 long when nothing is attached to it. When you hang a 3.20- weight from it, you measure its length to be 12.30 . If you wanted to store 10.0 of potential

  • Q : Particle velocity at what instant in time....
    Physics :

    A particle moves with constant acceleration a. The expression v_{rm i}+at represents the particle's velocity at what instant in time?

  • Q : Estimate magnitude of horizontal component of plane velocity....
    Physics :

    A jetliner is moving at a speed of 380 m/s. The vertical component of the plane's velocity is 46.8 m/s. Determine the magnitude of the horizontal component of the plane's velocity  

  • Q : At what position should a 75.0 gram mass be suspended....
    Physics :

    A uniform meterstick pivoted at its center has a 100-gram mass suspended at the 25.0 cm position. (a) At what position should a 75.0 gram mass be suspended to put the system in equilibrium? (b) What

  • Q : Length of the third side of the triangle....
    Physics :

    Two perpendicular sides of a triangle are 5.51 m and 7.65 m long, respectively. Find the length of the third side of the triangle.

  • Q : Line of scrimmage....
    Physics :

    A 115 kg fullback runs at the line of scrimmage. (a) Find the constant force that must be exerted on him to bring him to rest in a distance of 1.2 m in a time interval of 0.20 s. Opposite the fullb

  • Q : What is the induced current in the loop....
    Physics :

    As a loop of wire with resistance of 10 ohm moves in a constant non-uniform magnetic field, it loses kinetic energy at a uniform rate of 4.0 mJ/s. what is the induced current in the loop ?

  • Q : Trains velocity at the second light....
    Physics :

    a uniformly accelerating train passes a green light signal atk mhr it passes a second light 125m farther down the track 0s later what is the trains acceleration? What is the trains velocity at the s

  • Q : Find the work done by the gas....
    Physics :

    One mole of an ideal gas is heated so that T = AP2, where A is a constant and P is the pressure. The temperature changes from T0 to 4T0. Find the work done by the gas. (Use the following as necessa

  • Q : What fraction does this represent of the total mass....
    Physics :

    (Assume that the Sun's luminosity remains nearly constant during the entire 1.2×1010 years.) What fraction does this represent of the total mass of hydrogen that was originally in the Sun?

  • Q : Magnitude of runner total displacement....
    Physics :

    A football player runs directly down the field for 39 mbefore turning to the right at an angle of 23 from his original direction and running an additional 10 m before being tackled.

  • Q : How much work would it take to move 12nc of charge....
    Physics :

    Two uncharged metal spheres, spaced 15cm apart, have a capacitance of 24pF. How much work would it take to move 12nC of charge from one sphere to the other?

  • Q : Uncertainty in the velocity of the electron....
    Physics :

    3.23 If an experimenter is able to measure the location of an atom's electron to a precision of 0.06 nm, what is the uncertainty in the velocity of the electron?

  • Q : What is the speed of the arrow as it leaves the bow....
    Physics :

    an 88 grams arrow is fired from a bow whose string exerts an average force of 100 N on the arrow over a distance of 78 cm. What is the speed of the arrow as it leaves the bow in m/s?

  • Q : What is the "spring" constant k of this elastic cord....
    Physics :

    An elastic cord is 63 cm long when a weight of 57 N hangs from it but is 89 cm long when a weight of 83 N hangs from it. What is the "spring" constant k of this elastic cord?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the force of the bead....
    Physics :

    A 10-cm-long thin glass rod is uniformly charged to +50 nC. A small plastic bead, charged to - 4.8 nC, is 4.2 cm from the center of the rod. What is the magnitude of the force of the bead?

  • Q : Gravitational attraction between two pith balls....
    Physics :

    What is the gravitational attraction between two pith balls? [electrostatic and coulomb's law]

  • Q : What is the coefficient of kinetic friction of his skis....
    Physics :

    Kieran takes off down a 50 m high, 10° slope on his jet-powered skis. The skis have a thrust of 320 N. The combined mass of skis and Kieran is 50 kg (the fuel mass is negligible). Kieran's speed

  • Q : Calculate the minimum force needed to pull the paper....
    Physics :

    A uniform rod of weight W and length l is suspended from a pivot at a point on the ceiling. The lower end rests on a thin sheet of paper spread on the floor.

  • Q : What is the magnetic field in that region of space....
    Physics :

    A cosmic-ray proton in interstellar space has an energy of 19.5 MeV and executes a circular orbit having a radius equal to that of Mercury's orbit around the Sun (5.80 1010 m). What is the magnetic

  • Q : How fast is the truck moving....
    Physics :

    A truck emits sound with a frequency of 620 Hz. A person is riding a bike that moves at a speed of 3.0 m/s and is following the truck. If the person hears a frequency of 560 Hz, how fast is the truc

  • Q : How much work was done....
    Physics :

    A worker pushes horizontally on a large crate with a force of 304 N, and the crate is moved 4.4 m. How much work was done?

  • Q : Determine the average resistance force....
    Physics :

    A 84 kg diver steps off a 15 m tower and drops from rest straight down into the water. If he comes to rest 4.2 m beneath the surface, determine the average resistance force exerted on him by the wat

  • Q : Calculate the length of the cables supporting the trapeze....
    Physics :

    A trapeze artist swings in simple harmonic motion with a period of 3.2 s. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2. Calculate the length of the cables supporting the trapeze.

  • Q : Neglecting potential energy effects....
    Physics :

    The mass flow rate is 1.25 kg/s. Using the ideal gas model, and neglecting potential energy effects, determine the exit area. Take cp,He to be 5.193 kJ/kg·K. Answer in m².

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