• Q : Normal force of the slope acting on the sled....
    Physics :

    A sled weighing 1.0 X 10^2 N is held in place on a frictionless 20.0 degree slope by a rope attached to a stake at the top. The rope is parallel to the slope. What is the normal force of the slope

  • Q : What is the force exerted on it by static friction....
    Physics :

    When you take your 1300-kg car out for a spin, you go around a corner of radius 60.5 m with a speed of 15.2 m/s. The coefficient of static friction between the car and the road is 0.94. Assuming you

  • Q : At what positions are the intensity maximum and minimum....
    Physics :

    Suppose the speakers are reconnected so that the 489 sounds they emit are exactly out of phase. At what positions are the intensity maximum and minimum now?

  • Q : What is the force causing the centripetal acceleration....
    Physics :

    An airplane is flying in a horizontal circle at a speed of 100 m/s. The 80.0-kg pilot does not want her radial acceleration to exceed 7g. (a) What is the minimum radius of the circular path? (b) At

  • Q : What is the frequency of the vibration....
    Physics :

    A 320 kg wooden raft floats on a lake. When a 75 kg man stands on the raft, it sinks 3.5 cm deeper into the water. When he steps off, the raft vibrates for a while. What is the frequency of the vibr

  • Q : What total charge passes through the wire....
    Physics :

    A 1.00 V potential difference is maintained across a 7.0 resistor for a period of 20.0 s. What total charge passes through the wire in this time interval?

  • Q : Displacement-average velocity-average acceleration....
    Physics :

    At one instant a bicyclist is 70 m due east of a park's flagpole, going due south with a speed of 15 m/s. Then, 19 s later, the cyclist is 65 m due north of the flagpole, going due east with a spee

  • Q : Traveling in the warm mediterranean sea....
    Physics :

    A steel aircraft carrier is 385 m long when moving through the icy North Atlantic at a temperature of 1.65 °C. By how much does the carrier lengthen when it is traveling in the warm Mediterrane

  • Q : What frequency difference will the unit detect from a car....
    Physics :

    A state highway patrol car radar unit uses a frequency of 9.00 x 10^9. what frequency difference will the unit detect from a car receding at a speed of 46.5 m/s from stationary patrol car?

  • Q : Acceleration without causing the crates to slide....
    Physics :

    A railroad flatcar is loaded with crates. The coefficient of static friction between the crates and the floor is 0.23. If the train is moving at 45.5 km/hr, in how short a distance can the train be

  • Q : Internal resistance of the battery....
    Physics :

    A heating element of resistance (at its operating temperature) 322 Ω is connected to a battery of emf 413 V and unknown internal resistance . It is found that heat energy is being generated i

  • Q : What is the wavelength of the laser light....
    Physics :

    A laser beam is incident on two slits with a separation of 0.210 mm, and a screen is placed 4.90 m from the slits. If the bright interference fringes on the screen are separated by 1.56 cm, what is

  • Q : Position vector of the particle at this time....
    Physics :

    What is the position vector of the particle at this time? What is the velocity of the particle when it reaches its maximum x coordinate?

  • Q : Magnitude of pound meteorite struck....
    Physics :

    A 27 pound meteorite struck a car, leaving a dent 21 cm deep in the trunk. If the meteorite struck the car with a speed of 500 m/s, what was the magnitude of its deceleration, assuming it to be con

  • Q : Absence of air resistance....
    Physics :

    Early test flights for the space shuttle used a "glider" (mass of 960 {rm kg} including pilot). After a horizontal launch at 460 {rm km/h} at a height of 3800 {rm m}, the glider eventually landed at

  • Q : Experience the same acceleration due to gravity....
    Physics :

    A rotating cylinder about 16 km long and 5.8 km in diameter is designed to be used as a space colony. With what angular speed must it rotate so that the residents on it will experience the same acc

  • Q : Determining isotropic source....
    Physics :

    The sound level 23.3 m from a loudspeaker is 67.3 dB. What is the rate at which sound energy is produced by the loudspeaker, assuming it to be an isotropic source?

  • Q : Second and third islands....
    Physics :

    A ferry boat transports tourists among three islands. It sails from the first island to the second island, 4.76 km away, in a direction 37.0° north of east. It then sails from the second island

  • Q : Horizontal and vertical components of submarine displacement....
    Physics :

    A submarine dives 90.0 m at an angle of 12.0° below the horizontal. What are the horizontal and vertical components of the submarine's displacement? (Assume that upward and the direction of the

  • Q : Find the frequency of the fourth harmonic....
    Physics :

    Find the frequency of the fourth harmonic if the string is fixed at one end and free at the other. (That is, if the free end is attached to a long string of negligible mass.)

  • Q : Magnitude of average acceleration of driver-collision....
    Physics :

    A car traveling at 105 strikes a tree. The front end of the car compresses and the driver comes to rest after traveling 0.85 . What was the magnitude of the average acceleration of the driver during

  • Q : Determine magnitude and direction of the initial velocity....
    Physics :

    At the end of the firing period, the craft has velocity components of vx = 4430 m/s and vy = 3950 m/s. Find the magnitude and direction of the initial velocity. Express the direction as an angle with

  • Q : Horizontal surface that has been lubricated....
    Physics :

    A metal block of mass m slides on a horizontal surface that has been lubricated with a heavy oil so that the block suffers a viscous resistance that varies as the 3/2 power of the spee F(v)=-cv^3/2.

  • Q : Determine the radius of the wire....
    Physics :

    Determine the radius of the wire. Hint: Because the solenoid is closely coiled, the number of turns per unit length depends upon the radius of the wire.

  • Q : At what coordinate on axis is net electric field produced....
    Physics :

    Two particles are fixed to an x axis: particle 1 of charge q1 = +2.0 10-8 C at x = 20 cm and particle 2 of charge q2 = -4.50q1 at x = 70 cm. At what coordinate on the axis is the net electric field

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