• Q : Find the magnitude of the velocity of the canoe....
    Physics :

    A canoe has a velocity of 0.32 southeast relative to the earth. The canoe is on a river that is flowing 0.50 east relative to the earth. Find the magnitude of the velocity of the canoe relative to th

  • Q : In what final direction does the first ball move....
    Physics :

    A billiard ball is moving in the x-direction at 30.0 cm/s and strikes another billiard ball moving in the y-direction at 40.0 cm/s. As a result of the collision, the first ball moves at 50.0 cm/s, a

  • Q : Determining the truck original speed....
    Physics :

    A truck covers 40.0 m in 8.30 s while smoothly slowing down to a final velocity of 1.60 m/s. (a) Find the truck's original speed.

  • Q : Density of the sphere....
    Physics :

    A tank holds two different liquids: a heavy one on the bottom with a density of 1 g/cc and a lighter one above it with a density of 0.6 g/cc. A sphere is immersed in the tank and is seen to rest in

  • Q : Calculate the speed of the electron....
    Physics :

    A electron is accelerated from rest by a potential difference of 350 V. It then enters a uniform magnetic field of magnitude 200 mT with its velocity perpendicular to the field. Calculate

  • Q : Net force acting on car....
    Physics :

    A 1000-kg car is moving along a straight road down a 30^circ slope at a constant speed of 20.0 m/s. What is the net force acting on the car?

  • Q : What was the tension in string an instant before it broke....
    Physics :

    The string suddenly breaks when it is parallel to the ground and the ball is moving upward. The ball reaches a height of 600 cm above the floor. What was the tension in the string an instant before

  • Q : X and y components of electric field....
    Physics :

    An infinite line charge of uniform linear charge density = -0.9 C/m lies parallel to the y axis at x = -1 m. A point charge of 3.9 C is located at x = 1.0 m, y = 2.0 m. Find the x- and y-components

  • Q : Container of negligible heat capacity....
    Physics :

    A 260 g piece of ice at 0°C is placed in 490 g of water at 21°C. The system is in a container of negligible heat capacity and is insulated from its surroundings

  • Q : Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the masses....
    Physics :

    The coefficient of kinetic friction between m1 and the ramp is 0.29. The coefficient of kinetic friction between m2 and the ramp is 0.14. (a) Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the masses. (b

  • Q : Statements best describes an isotope....
    Physics :

    Which of the following statements best describes an isotope?

  • Q : Find the total thermal energy of the system....
    Physics :

    A tank of volume m3 contains mol of helium gas at C. Assume that the helium behaves like as an ideal gas. The universal gas constant is J/Kmol, and Boltzmann's constant is J/K.b Find the total therm

  • Q : At what average rate does the force from the cable do work....
    Physics :

    The loaded cab of an elevator has a mass of 3.0 103 kg and moves 209 m up the shaft in 23 s at constant speed. At what average rate does the force from the cable do work on the cab?

  • Q : Determine particle initial velocity....
    Physics :

    A particle has an acceleration of 6.39 for 0.280 . At the end of this time the particle's velocity is 9.31. What was the particle's initial velocity?

  • Q : Determine the distance and direction from lake....
    Physics :

    A plane flies from base camp to Lake A, 280 km away in the direction 20.0° north of east. After dropping off supplies it flies to Lake B, which is 190 km at 30.0° west of north from Lake A.

  • Q : Backward off the skateboard....
    Physics :

    Dan is gliding on his skateboard at 2.00 m/s . He suddenly jumps backward off the skateboard, kicking the skateboard forward at 8.00 m/s(as measured by an observer on the ground). Dan's mass is 60.

  • Q : Final speed of the electron....
    Physics :

    An electron is released from rest at the point midway between the two charges, and it moves along the line connecting the two charges. What is the final speed of the electron when it is 10cm form ch

  • Q : Find the mass of an electron....
    Physics :

    The gravitational force between two electrons that are 0.97 m apart is 5.76 multiplied by 10-71 N. Find the mass of an electron. (Use G = 6.67 10-11 N · m2/kg2.)

  • Q : Distance from rim of well to water surface....
    Physics :

    A pebble is dropped into a deep well, and the splash is heard 16 s later. Estimate the distance from the rim of the well to the water's surface.

  • Q : What is the speed of the block....
    Physics :

    A 260 block on a 60 -long string swings in a circle on a horizontal, frictionless table at 75 rpm. what is the speed of the block? What is the tension in the string?

  • Q : What is the cost of operating the oven....
    Physics :

    The temperature in an electric oven is 160 C. The temperature at the outer surface in the kitchen is 50 C. The oven (surface area = 1.6 m2) is insulated with material that has a  thickness of

  • Q : What will be the induced emf magnitude....
    Physics :

    A 500 turn solenoid, 25 cm long, has a diameter of 2.5 cm. A 10 turn coil is wound tightly around the center of the solenoid. If the current in the solenoid increases uniformly from 0 to 5.0 A in 0.

  • Q : What is the mass of planet z....
    Physics :

    Planet Z is 7000km in diameter. The free fall acceleration on Planet Z is 8 m/s squared. What is the mass of Planet Z? What is the free-fall acceleration 8000 above Planet Z's ?

  • Q : Same radius and both are the same distance from the earth....
    Physics :

     fellow student expresses the opinion that since the Suns spectrum has only weak absorption lines of hydrogen, this element cannot be a major constituent of the Sun. How would you enlighten th

  • Q : Thickness of the paint on the wall....
    Physics :

    One gallon of paint (volume = 3.78 10-3 m3) covers an area of 47.0 m2. What is the thickness of the paint on the wall?

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