• Q : Number of water molecules per square meter....
    Physics :

    The molecular mass of water is 18 u. The mass of a teaspoon of water is 4.9×10-3 kg. If one teaspoon of water were spread evenly over the surface of the Earth, what would be the surface numbe

  • Q : Compute magnitude of the initial velocity....
    Physics :

    A golf ball is struck with a five iron on level ground. It lands 92.7 away 4.10 later. What was (a) the direction and (b) the magnitude of the initial velocity?

  • Q : Determine the upward acceleration of the shell....
    Physics :

    A thin, rigid, spherical shell with a mass of 4.00 kg and diameter of 0.200 m is filled with helium at 0 degrees celsius and 1 atm pressure. It is then released from rest on the bottom of a pool of

  • Q : Evaluate the ball increase in temperature....
    Physics :

    A 2.4 kg iron ball is dropped from a height of 14 m onto a concrete roadway, and 2.5% of its kinetic energy at the time it reaches the ground is transformed into internal energy in the ball itself.

  • Q : Worker and force-force of friction....
    Physics :

    A worker pulls horizontally on a crate on a rough horizontal floor, causing it to move forward with constant velocity. In the figure, force is the pull of the worker and force is the force of frict

  • Q : What must the potential difference between the plates....
    Physics :

    A parallel-plate air capacitor is made from two plates 0.070 square, spaced 9.3 apart. What must the potential difference between the plates be to produce an energy density of ?

  • Q : Find the acceleration of the box....
    Physics :

    The clerk pulls with a force of 175.0 N at an angle of 30° with the horizontal. The box has a mass of 31 kg, and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the floor is 0.45. Find

  • Q : What angular velocity in rev-min is required....
    Physics :

    A laboratory ultracentrifuge is designed to produce a centripetal acceleration of 5.0 106 g at a distance of 4.00 cm from the axis. What angular velocity in rev/min is required?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the counterclockwise force....
    Physics :

    A uniform disk can rotate around its center like a merry-go-round. The disk has a radius of 2.00 cm and a mass of 20.0 grams and is initially at rest. Starting at time t=0, two forces are to be app

  • Q : Geometry of distribution of multiple charges....
    Physics :

    Does the geometry of distribution of multiple charges affect the electric field generated by the charge?

  • Q : Find the maximum compression of the spring....
    Physics :

    A 5.25-kg ball of clay is thrown downward from a height of 2.79 m with a speed of 4.41 m/s onto a spring with k=1530 N/m. The clay compresses the spring a certain maximum amount before momentarily s

  • Q : Determine the mass of the ice cube....
    Physics :

    A cube of ice is taken from the freezer at -8°C and placed in a 100 g aluminum calorimeter filled with 298 g of water at room temperature of 20°C. The final situation is observed to be all

  • Q : What must be the magnitude of the resulting constant....
    Physics :

    The engineer of the high-speed train immediately applies the brakes. What must be the magnitude of the resulting constant deceleration if a collision is to be just avoided?

  • Q : What is the final velocity of the block....
    Physics :

    A 1-kg iron block is to be accelerated through a process that supplies it with 1 KJ of energy. Assuming all this energy appears as kinetic, what is the final velocity of the block?

  • Q : Calculate the speed of light from these data....
    Physics :

    As a result of his observations, Ole Roemer concluded that eclipses of Io by Jupiter were delayed by 22 min during a six-month period as the Earth moved from the point in its orbit where it is clos

  • Q : Estimate the distance and direction....
    Physics :

    A plane flies from base camp to Lake A, 300 km away in the direction 36.9° south of east. After dropping off supplies it flies to Lake B, which is 260 km at 30.0° west of north from Lake A.

  • Q : Determine the mass of the ice cube....
    Physics :

    A cube of ice is taken from the freezer at -5.7 and placed in a 100 aluminum calorimeter filled with 306 of water at room temperature of 20.0 . The final situation is observed to be all water at 15

  • Q : Magnitude of the instantaneous acceleration of the object....
    Physics :

    If the magnitude of the instantaneous velocity at t1 is v1 = 3 m/s, what is the instantaneous velocity v2 at time t2? Determine the magnitude of the instantaneous acceleration of the object at time t2

  • Q : How fast does it move after the bullet emerges....
    Physics :

    A 13 g bullet traveling 233 m/s penetrates a 2.0 kg block of wood and emerges going 175 m/s. If the block is stationary on a frictionless surface when hit, how fast does it move after the bullet em

  • Q : Calculate the resulting charge on capacitor c1....
    Physics :

    Capacitors C1 = 6.11 uF and C2 = 1.54 uF are charged as a parallel combination across a 291 V battery. The capacitors are disconnected from the battery and from each other. They are then connected p

  • Q : Same direction the sidewalk....
    Physics :

    A "moving sidewalk" in an airport terminal building moves at a speed of v_0 and is of length L. A woman steps on at one end and walks at a speed v relative to the moving sidewalk.

  • Q : Finding the coefficient of kinetic friction....
    Physics :

    A block with mass m = 0.35 kg is forced against a horizontal spring of negligible mass, compressing the spring a distance of 0.20 m (Fig. 7-25). When released, the block moves on a horizontal table

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the initial acceleration....
    Physics :

    shows two blocks, each of mass m, suspended from the ends of a rigid weightless rod of length L1+L2 with L1 = 20 cm and L2 = 80 cm. The rod is held horizontally on the fulcrum and then released.

  • Q : In what direction should the pilot travel in direct flight....
    Physics :

    An airplane starting from airport A flies 470 km east, then 317 km at 57.3 degrees west of north, and then 492 km north to arrive finally at airport B. The next day, another plane flies directly fro

  • Q : What is the speed at which the satellite travels....
    Physics :

    satellite is in a circular orbit about the earth (ME = 5.98 1024 kg). The period of the satellite is 3.70 104 s. What is the speed at which the satellite travels?

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