• Q : Maximum potential energy dipole....
    Physics :

    A dipole consisting of charges 230 apart, is placed between two very large (essentially infinite) sheets carrying equal but opposite charge densities of 145. What is the maximum potential energy thi

  • Q : Thermal equilibrium with the surrounding water....
    Physics :

    A diver 60 deep in 10 fresh water exhales a 1.5-cm-diameter bubbleWhat is the bubble's diameter just as it reaches the surface of the lake, where the water temperature is 20 ? Assume that the air b

  • Q : Compute the gauge pressure at point 2....
    Physics :

    Water flows steadily from an open tank. The elevation of point 1 is 10.0 m, and the elevation of points 2 and 3 is 2.00 m. The cross-sectional area at point 2 is 0.0480 m 2; at point 3 it is 0.0160

  • Q : What is the coefficient of friction between the sled....
    Physics :

    A man takes his dog out for a walk. The dog has no legs and is dragged along the sidewalk on a little sled (mass of dog + sled = 13.0kg). The sidewalk exerts a frictional force of 14.0N. If the man

  • Q : What is the net force of the vine....
    Physics :

    A gorilla weighs 8.00*10^2N and swingsfrom vine to vine. as the gorilla grabs a new vine, both vines make an angle of 30.0 degrees with the vertical. in such a condition of state of equilibrium, wh

  • Q : Average acceleration of the bullet....
    Physics :

    The bullet strikes the board with a speed of 455 m/s and emerges with a speed of 279 m/s. (To simplify, assume that the bullet accelerates only while the front tip is in contact with the wood.) Wha

  • Q : What is the velocity of the crate at the bottom of the ramp....
    Physics :

    a 10.0 kg box starts at rest and slides 3.5 m down a ramp inclined at an angle of 20 degrees with the horizontal. if the coefficient of friction between the ramp surface and the crate is 0.18, what

  • Q : What does the spring scale register....
    Physics :

    A 78-kg man stands on a spring scale in an elevator. Starting from rest, the elevator ascends, attaining its maximum speed of 1.2 m/s in 0.74 s. The elevator travels with this constant speed for 5.0

  • Q : Find the time for the bullet-block system to come to rest....
    Physics :

    A 10.5 g bullet embeds itself in a 0.450 kg block, which is attached to a spring of force constant 30.2 N/m. If the maximum compression of the spring is 1.7 cm, find the following. Find the time for

  • Q : What is the approximate magnitude of the force exerted....
    Physics :

    A steel safe with mass 2200 kg falls onto concrete. Just before hitting the concrete its speed is 40 m/s, and it smashes without rebounding and ends up being 0.06 m shorter than before. What is the

  • Q : What is the direction of the force f exerted by the wall....
    Physics :

    a 6-kg, 5-m ladder leans against a frictionless wall. the foot of the ladder is 3m from the wall. the coefficient of friction between the foot of the ladder and the floor is 0.38. what is the direct

  • Q : Force needed to immobilize the femur....
    Physics :

    The russell traction system shown below is used for a fractured femur. identify the forces acting on the femur. if the weigh hang is 5.0kg, find the force needed to immobilize the femur. what will

  • Q : Temperature increase at the bottom of the incline....
    Physics :

    A 0.2 kg aluminum plate, initially at 20 C, slides down at a 15 m long surface, incline at a 30 degree angle to the horizontal. The force of kinetic friction exactly balances the component of gravi

  • Q : How many km^2 of forest does the image represent....
    Physics :

    A map of a burned area obtined from remote sensing contains 120 pixels. The remote sensing image shows that the fire is isolated to 73 of the 120 pixels.

  • Q : Angular accelaration of the merry-go-round....
    Physics :

    A child pushes a merry-go-round from rest to a final angular speed of 0.50 rev/s with constant angular accelaration.In doing so,the child pushes the merry-go-round 2.0 revolutions.What is the angul

  • Q : Magnitude of the horizontal component of the plane....
    Physics :

    A jetliner is moving at a speed of 365 m/s. The vertical component of the plane's velocity is 33.4 m/s. Determine the magnitude of the horizontal component of the plane's velocity.

  • Q : Find the magnitude of the average total force....
    Physics :

    IN a rifle barrel a 15.0 g bullet is accelerated from rest to a speed of 780 m/s. Find the work that is done on teh bullet. Assuming that the rifle barrel is 72.0 cm long find the magnitude of the

  • Q : Components of puck velocity....
    Physics :

    A rocket-powered hockey puck moves on a horizontal frictionless table. The figure at the top of the next column shows graphs of and the x- and y-components of the puck's velocity. The puck starts at

  • Q : Why is it said that an astronaut is never truly weightless....
    Physics :

    John Glenn weighed 640 N on earth's surface. How much would he have weighed if his mercury spacecraft had remained at twice the distance from the center of the earth? Why is it said that an astrona

  • Q : Magnitude of the electrostatic force based question....
    Physics :

    A helium nucleus and a neon nucleus are separated by a distance of 3.0 nm.The charge of the helium nucleus is +2e while that of a neon nucleus is + 10e. Find the magnitude of the electrostatic forc

  • Q : Find magnitude of electrostatic force they exert to exert....
    Physics :

    A helium nucleus and a neon nucleus are separated by a distance of 3.0 nm.The charge of the helium nucleus is +2e while that of a neon nucleus is + 10e. Find the magnitude of the electrostatic force

  • Q : What is the angle between the proton''s velocity and field....
    Physics :

    A proton moving at 3.90 106 m/s through a magnetic field of magnitude 1.80 T experiences a magnetic force of magnitude 8.80 10-13 N. What is the angle between the proton's velocity and the field? (E

  • Q : Magnitude of average velocity of electron....
    Physics :

    An electron moves in the positive x-direction a distance of 2.38 m in 2.95 10-8 s, bounces off a moving proton, and then moves in the opposite direction a distance of 1.63 m in 3.53 10-8 s. What is

  • Q : Appropriate description of motion....
    Physics :

    For each graph of vx vs. t in the left column, choose the letter (a-i) corresponding to the appropriate description of motion. Not all descriptions will be used. Assume the usual coordinate system

  • Q : What was the original speed of the ball of clay....
    Physics :

    A pitcher throws a 0.5-kg ball of clay at a stationary 6-kg block of wood. the clay sticks to the wood on impact, and their combined velocity afterward is 3 m/s. what was the original speed of the b

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