• Q : What is the final speed of the crate....
    Physics :

    A 110 kg crate, starting from rest, is pulled across a floor with a constant horizontal force of 350 N. For the first 15 m the floor is frictionless, and for the next 15 m the coefficient of fricti

  • Q : Horizontal distance from press box to second base....
    Physics :

    The press box at a baseball park is 32.0 ft above the ground. A reporter in the press box looks at an angle of 18.0 degrees below the horizontal to see second base.n What is the horizontal distance

  • Q : Magnitude of the net force acting on the ball problem....
    Physics :

    When a 58 g tennis ball is served it accelerates from rest to a constant speed of 42 m/s the impact with the racket gives the ball a constant acceleration over a distance of 37 cm what is the magni

  • Q : What is the total time....
    Physics :

    A rabbit runs in a straight line with a velocity of +1.6 m/s for a period of time, rests for 9 s, and then runs again along the same line at +0.55 m/s for an unknown amount of time. The rabbit trav

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the football resultant displacement....
    Physics :

    A quarterback takes the ball from the line of scrimmage,runs backward for 10.0 yards and then runs sideways parallel to the line of scrimmage for 15.0 yards. At the point he throws a 50.0 yards forw

  • Q : Magnitude of the force-horizontal frictionless surface....
    Physics :

    A box of mass 87 kg is at rest on a horizontal frictionless surface. A constant horizontal force then acts on the box, and accelerates it to the right. It is observed that it takes the box 3.7 secon

  • Q : What is the rate of energy transfer....
    Physics :

    What is the rate of energy transfer by radiation from a metal cube 1.8 on a side that is at 720? Its emissivity is 0.40.

  • Q : How far downstream is the boat when it reaches north shore....
    Physics :

    A river flows due east at 1.29 m/s. A boat crosses the river from the south shore to the north shore by maintaining a constant veolocity of 11.0 m/s due north relative to the water. If the river is

  • Q : Calculate the power required togenerate....
    Physics :

    Determine the speed of transverse waves on a string under a tension of 80.0 N if the string has a length of 2.00 m and a mass of 5.00 g. (b) Calculate the power required togenerate these waves if th

  • Q : How much work does the tugboat do on the ship....
    Physics :

    A tugboat exerts a constant force of 7.00 103 N on a ship moving at constant speed through a harbor. How much work does the tugboat do on the ship if each moves a distance of 1.00 km?

  • Q : Minimum frequency of sound waves....
    Physics :

    The smallest insects that a bat can detect are approximately the size of one wavelength of the sound the bat makes. What is the minimum frequency of sound waves required for the bat to detect an in

  • Q : Problem on gravitational potential energy....
    Physics :

    An object has a gravitational potential energy of 24 joules when it rests on a shelf 3 m above the ground. What would be its gravitational potential energy when it is lowered to a shelf 1 m above th

  • Q : Kinetic energies of the balls before and after the collision....
    Physics :

    A ball of mass m moving at speed v0 collides head on with a stationary ball of mass 5m. If the collision is completely inelastic, what is the ratio Kf/Ki of the kinetic energies of the balls before

  • Q : Bullet that leaves the muzzle of a gun....
    Physics :

    If a bullet that leaves the muzzle of a gun at 297 m/s is to hit a target 87.0 m away at the level of the muzzle, the gun must be aimed at a point above the target. How far above the target is this

  • Q : Determining the tangential acceleration of a bug....
    Physics :

    What is the tangential acceleration of a bug on the rim of a 10 in diameter disk if the disk accelerates uniformly from rest to an angular speed of 87 revolutions per minute in 2.7 s?

  • Q : Average acceleration of driver through the collision....
    Physics :

    A car traveling at 93 km/h strikes a tree. The front end of the car compresses and the driver comes to rest after traveling 0.75 m. What was the average acceleration of the driver during the collis

  • Q : What is the speed of the dot....
    Physics :

    A magnetic computer disk 8 cm in diameter in initially at rest. a small dot is painted on the edge of the disk. the disk accelerates at 600rad/sec^2 for 1/2 seconds, then coasts at a steady angular

  • Q : Calculate the electric potential....
    Physics :

    Calculate the electric potential due to a dipole whose dipole moment is 5.1×10-30 C*m at a point 1.3×10-9 m away. If this point is along the axis of the dipole nearer the positive charge

  • Q : Find the net force exerted by the water....
    Physics :

    A 65-kg swimmer jumps off a 10.0 m tower. The swimmer comes to a stop 2.0 m below the surface. Find the net force exerted by the water.

  • Q : Computing mass of the skier....
    Physics :

    A water skier is pulled by a net force of 114 N and has an acceleration of 1.9 m/s2. What is the mass of the skier?

  • Q : Total distance moe travels from harbor to the island....
    Physics :

    At this point she is disappointed at having seen no dolphins and heads straight for Treasure Island. What is the total distance Moe travels from the harbor to the island?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the average acceleration of ball....
    Physics :

    A 50.0 g Super Ball traveling at 28.0 m/s bounces off a brick wall and rebounds at 18.0 m/s. A high-speed camera records this event. If the ball is in contact with the wall for 5 ms, what is the ma

  • Q : What is safes coefficient of kinetic friction on bank floor....
    Physics :

    Bonnie and Clyde are sliding 470 kg bank safe across the floor to their getaway car. The safe slides with a constant speed if Clyde pushes from behind with 450 N of force while Bonnie pulls forward

  • Q : Estimate the electric field strength....
    Physics :

    An electric field with a magnitude of 156 N/C exists at a spot that is 0.15 m away from a charge. At a place that is 0.51 m away from this charge, what is the electric field strength?

  • Q : Initial negative charge on one of the spheres....
    Physics :

    What was the initial negative charge on one of the spheres, and what was the initial positive charge on the other?(Hint: Use charge conservation and solve for one of the initial charges. You will en

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