• Q : What is the magnitude of the net torque on the wheel....
    Physics :

    What is the magnitude of the net torque on the wheel due to these three forces for an axis perpendicular to the wheel and passing through its center?

  • Q : Water gauge pressure at the house....
    Physics :

    A house at the bottom of a hill is fed by a full tank of water = 6.5 deep and connected to the house by a pipe that is = 130 long at an angle of = 61 from the horizontal. Determine the water gauge

  • Q : Passengers undergo an acceleration....
    Physics :

    If the elevator cable breaks when the elevator is at a height above the top of the spring, calculate the value that the spring constant should have so that passengers undergo an acceleration of no m

  • Q : Efffect of wing loading on aircraft performance....
    Physics :

    What are the efffect of wing loading on aircraft performance

  • Q : Coefficient of friction between the sled and the snow....
    Physics :

    It's a snowy day and you're pulling a friend along a level road on a sled. You've both been taking physics, so she asks what you think the coefficient of friction between the sled and the snow is. Y

  • Q : Evaluate the acceleration....
    Physics :

    A baseball pitcher throws a fastball at a speed of 50 m/s. The acceleration occurs as the pitcher holds the ball in his hand and moves it through an almost straight-line distance of 3.6 m. Calculat

  • Q : What is the tension of the cables that make equal angles....
    Physics :

    A loudspeaker of mass 19.0 kg is suspended a distance of h = 2.40 m below the ceiling by two cables that make equal angles with the ceiling. Each cable has a length of l = 3.70 m. What is the tensi

  • Q : Compute the potential....
    Physics :

    Two point charges are on the y axis--one, of magnitude 3.0 multiplied by 10-9 C, at the origin and a second, of magnitude 6.0 multiplied by 10-9 C, at the point y = 10 cm. Calculate the potential a

  • Q : Determine force exerted by rope on bucket of water....
    Physics :

    A 6 kg bucket of water is raised from a well by a rope. If the upward acceleration of the bucket is 2.8 m/s2, find the force exerted by the rope on the bucket of water.

  • Q : Hinge on the beam....
    Physics :

    A simple supported beamis hinged at point p. find the tension in the tie rope and component of the force exerted by the hinge on the beam.

  • Q : Find force exerted by rope on bucket of water....
    Physics :

    A 5 kg bucket of water is raised from a well by a rope. If the upward acceleration of the bucket is 3 m/s2, find the force exerted by the rope on the bucket of water.

  • Q : Determine the maximum possible value for the magnitude....
    Physics :

    A block of mass 3.00 kg is pushed up against a wall by a force P that makes a 56.0° angle with the horizontal as shown in the figure below. The coefficient of static friction between the block a

  • Q : What are the x-y components of the shell....
    Physics :

    An artillery shell is fired with an initial velocity of 300 m/s at 57.5° above the horizontal. To clear an avalanche, it explodes on a mountainside 38.5 s after firing. What are the x and y comp

  • Q : Calculating the rms speed of nitrogen molecules....
    Physics :

    What is the rms speed of nitrogen molecules contained in an 6.9 m3 volume at 2.0 atm if the total amount of nitrogen is 1000 mol?

  • Q : Constant negative angular acceleration of magnitude....
    Physics :

    An electric motor rotating a workshop grinding wheel at a rate of 96 rev/min is switched off. Assume the wheel has a constant negative angular acceleration of magnitude 1.70 rad/s2.

  • Q : Find the rotational inertia of the object....
    Physics :

    Three 1.2 kg masses are located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle 88 rm cm on a side, connected by rods of negligible mass. Find the rotational inertia of this object (a) about an axis thro

  • Q : Coefficient of friction between skis-snow....
    Physics :

    An Olympic skier moving at 20 m/s down a 30o slope encounters a region of wet snow and slides 145 m before coming to a stop. What is the coefficient of friction between the skis and the snow if the

  • Q : When and where will the trains collide....
    Physics :

    Two trains heading toward each other on the same track are initially separated by 1000 km. One train is heading east at 20 m/s and the other is heading west at 30 m/s. When and where will the trains

  • Q : Acceleration of each box....
    Physics :

    Two boxes (m2 is higher up the ramp than m1) m1=1.0kg with a coefficient of knietic friction of 1.0, and m2= 2.okg with a coefficient of kinetic friction of 2.0 are placed on a plane of 30 degrees.

  • Q : Coefficient of kinetic friction between flight bag-floor....
    Physics :

    Find the work she does on the flight bag. Find the work done by the force of friction on the flight bag. Find the coefficient of kinetic friction between the flight bag and the floor.

  • Q : Determine the magnitude of the apparent weight....
    Physics :

    What is the magnitude of the apparent weight of a 70 astronaut 3600 from the center of the Earth's Moon in a space vehicle moving at constant velocity?

  • Q : Calculate the frictional force....
    Physics :

    Calculate the frictional force on a 3000kg car rounding a 6m-radius curve at a speed of 35m/s

  • Q : Find the magnitude of the final velocity of two-block system....
    Physics :

    The blocks stick together after the collision. Find the magnitude of the total initial momentum of the two-block system. Find, the magnitude of the final velocity of the two-block system. What is th

  • Q : Fraction of the intensity of the original beam....
    Physics :

    If the transmitted intensity varies by a factor of 4.50 during the rotation, what fraction of the intensity of the original beam is associated with the beam's polarized light?

  • Q : Velocity of the rocket after the fuel....
    Physics :

    A 4.00-kg model rocket is launched, expelling 49.0 g of burned fuel from its exhaust at a speed of 555 m/s. What is the velocity of the rocket after the fuel has burned?

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