• Q : Development of ob models....
    Other Management :

    Define and describe the nature of Organization Behavior. Describe the development of the different OB models bringing out the characteristic feature of all models.

  • Q : Fundamental principles of professional ethics....
    Other Management :

    The Code of ethics for auditors establishes the fundamental principles of professional ethics and provides a conceptual framework for applying those principles.

  • Q : Administrative dimensions of public policy making....
    Other Management :

    Analyse the significant political and administrative dimensions of Public Policy Making. Analyse the role of public agencies and interest groups in development of policy proposals to resolve public pr

  • Q : Study of natural resource management....
    Other Management :

    Explain the concepts and approaches to the study of natural resource management.

  • Q : Maslow theory of need hierarchy....
    Other Management :

    Describe - Maslow’s theory of need hierarchy. What do you understand from McGregor’s ‘theory X’ and ‘theory Y’?

  • Q : Traditional and modern theories of motivation....
    Other Management :

    Describe Traditional and modern theories of motivation. Do you feel that the Taylor’s theory of Management is still valid? Justify.

  • Q : Contribution of f.w. taylor to the development of management....
    Other Management :

    Explain contribution of F.W. Taylor to the development of Management. What are the different levels of Management.

  • Q : Common features of ldc....
    Other Management :

    The common features of LDCs comprise low GDP per capita, high unemployment, capital scarcity, high levels of external debt, chronic budget deficit, high concentration on primary exports, low levels

  • Q : Initial exchange of cash....
    Other Management :

    Find out the initial exchange of cash that occurs at the start of the swap. Find out the final exchange of cash that occurs at the end of the swap. Provide an example of a situation in which this swap

  • Q : Concept of gap model....
    Other Management :

    Critically discuss the major issues faced by management that is aiming to measure quality of an organisation’s services. Your answer should also include concept of Gap Model and explain how the

  • Q : Case study of john smith....
    Other Management :

    John Smith put down the phone. He has spent the last 45 minutes speaking to many people in the customer service department of FinanceCo Ltd.

  • Q : Different concepts of change management....
    Other Management :

    Describe fully the different concepts of change management and explain its significance. Describe how Visual Merchandising can be used as a powerful instrument of marketing to help boost sales of a ne

  • Q : Rough sailing-case study....
    Other Management :

    The Mauritian economy has undergone tremendous transformation since independence. During the colonial period, Mauritius had an agricultural-based economy.

  • Q : Major function of integrated coastal management....
    Other Management :

    Illustrate in detail what do you understand by the term Integrated Coastal Management and explain its major function.

  • Q : Renewable energy strategies for accomplishing sustainability....
    Other Management :

    Illustrate two new instruments for resource management. Describe in complete detail of steps which are exist in risk assessment. Explain the various renewable-energy strategies for accomplishing susta

  • Q : Holistic view of conflicts-aspects of policy integration....
    Other Management :

    Explain how a holistic view of conflicts between coastal uses might be set up? Describe in detail the dissimilar aspects of policy integration. Explain the caveats on policy integration.

  • Q : Integrated coastal zone management....
    Other Management :

    Using a proper local coastal site as an example, illustrate the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) process which you would propose to be adopted.

  • Q : Financial development and financial chaos....
    Other Management :

    Do you think that financial development or financial chaos has an impact on economic growth? Liquidity is as much significant for a bank as profitability and risk management especially throughout econ

  • Q : Transformational leadership....
    Other Management :

    What do you understand by the term Transformational Leadership? Describe the application of sociology to the Corporate Sector. What do you understand by the term Organizational Dynamics?

  • Q : Main propositions of new classical theory....
    Other Management :

    Explain the main propositions of the new classical theory. What do you understand by the term Policy analysis? Explain the need, features and major areas of the policy analysis?

  • Q : Competitive strategy-global marketing....
    Other Management :

    What are internal and external environmental factors, one envisages in the global marketing? What do you understand by the term competitive strategy?

  • Q : Trends of retail marketing....
    Other Management :

    Explain the trends of Retail Marketing. Make a distinction Intranet and Internet. Describe in detail the components and uses of Internet. Describe briefly the meaning of the strategy.

  • Q : Uncontrollable factors which affect marketing environment....
    Other Management :

    What are the distinguishing silent characteristics of services? Write a article on any four uncontrollable factors which affect marketing environment? Suggest relevant marketing mix elements for the D

  • Q : Hertzberg-s two factor theory....
    Other Management :

    Critically explain Hertzberg’s two factor theory? Write a article on resolution of organizational conflict? “Management change is to prepare future managers to deal with workforce diversit

  • Q : Product life cycle-buying formula theory....
    Other Management :

    What do you understand by the term product Life cycle? Describe its different stages.What are the goals of personal selling? Describe about the buying formula theory.

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