• Q : Competencies required of people in teams....
    HR Management :

    Nearly everyone seems to agree that being a good team player is critical to today's organizations. Find at least 2 outside sources (an outside study or peer-reviewed journal article is best and lis

  • Q : Question regarding the ethical theories....
    HR Management :

    Which of the ethical theories discussed in this unit are you most sympathetic to? Why? Which of the ethical theories are you least sympathetic to? Why?

  • Q : Organization hiring processes....
    HR Management :

    Suppose you've been tasked with redesigning your organization's hiring processes. Respond to the following:

  • Q : Knowledge of compensation systems....
    HR Management :

    Demonstrate knowledge of compensation systems. Explain compensation strategies and their impact on organization.

  • Q : Uses of incentive pay plans....
    HR Management :

    Explain on the uses of incentive pay plans. Describe the pros and cons of various employee pay plans.

  • Q : Components of developing market competitive pay system....
    HR Management :

    Explain the components of developing a market competitive pay system.

  • Q : Benefits in compensation packages....
    HR Management :

    Explain the use of benefits in compensation packages. Determine the impact of using employer-sponsored retirement plans in place of pensions.

  • Q : Executive pay and non-executive pay....
    HR Management :

    Explain the differences between executive pay and non-executive pay. Examine the impact of contingent workers on an organization's compensation plan.

  • Q : Traditional mass-media advertising....
    HR Management :

    What does the future hold for traditional mass-media advertising?

  • Q : Assessment of the work processes and key employees....
    HR Management :

    Describe the results of your assessment of the work processes and key employees to be addressed in your final paper.  Discuss how the organization will change while meeting its strategic challeng

  • Q : Characteristics of the hiv disease....
    HR Management :

    HIV is such a main disease and health concern in society nowadays, and it has come up in several discussions or threads in class. We require to describe it and some of the problems concerning the dis

  • Q : Non-callable bonds....
    HR Management :

    D. J. Masson Inc. recently issued non-callable bonds that mature in 10 years. They have a par value of $1,000 and an annual coupon of 5.5%. If the current market interest rate is 7.0%, at what price

  • Q : Type of production processing-job shop....
    HR Management :

    Which kind of production processing-job shop, batch, repetitive, or continuous-is the primary mode of operation at Stickley Furniture? Why? What other kind of processing is employed to the lesser

  • Q : Question regarding the marketing activities....
    HR Management :

    You're in charge of all marketing activities in North America for the Initial luxury sports car manufacturer Maserati. Maserati has just introduced a new model that will be competing directly agains

  • Q : What is logistics....
    HR Management :

    Explain what is logistics and what does someone in logistics do? Discuss logistics involved in one service supply chain, say a restaurant. Can you determine the logistics which would have to take pla

  • Q : Changing role of human resource department....
    HR Management :

    Follow the Patton-Fuller Hospital Human Resource goals to examine the changing role of human resource department in response to changes in the health care industry.

  • Q : Risks involved with human capital management....
    HR Management :

    Explain some of risks involved with human capital management? Determine ways in which your current employer has enacted policies to mitigate such specific risks.

  • Q : Definition of socially responsible risk management....
    HR Management :

    Explain your definition of socially responsible risk management? How would you go regarding enacting a more socially responsible risk management strategy in your current workplace?

  • Q : Discuss potential problems with enforcing....
    HR Management :

    Explain why you feel this law or regulation makes HR risk, why you think this law or regulation is significant, and describe potential problems with enforcing this law or regulation.

  • Q : Types of evaluation techniques....
    HR Management :

    Determine at least two different types of evaluation methods utilized by companies and determine the purpose of or measure of each technique.

  • Q : Monte carlo simulation....
    HR Management :

    Compare and contrast the following risk assessment methodologies: (a) the Delphi technique, (b) sensitivity analysis, and (c) Monte Carlo simulation. Provide a rationale for your response

  • Q : Skill-based pay-for-knowledge-competency-based pay plans....
    HR Management :

    Compare the similarities and differences among skill-based pay-for-knowledge and competency-based pay plans.

  • Q : Characteristics of pay structure....
    HR Management :

    Explain the characteristics of pay structure. Illustrate, in your own words, a pay policy line and how it is determined.

  • Q : Five strategies for establishing credibility....
    HR Management :

    Explain at least five strategies for establishing credibility when preparing persuasive messages. Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

  • Q : Writing effective messages....
    HR Management :

    Explain five guidelines to follow in writing effective messages when giving negative performance reviews. Discuss why each guideline is appropriate.

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