• Q : Sources of conflict in organizational setting....
    HR Management :

    Explain key sources of conflict in the organizational setting? Explain the key impediments to efficiently resolving conflict in the negotiation?

  • Q : Five major negotiation intervention strategies....
    HR Management :

    Explain the five major negotiation intervention strategies? When would you employ the different intervention strategies? Why is it significant to consider intervention strategies when planning the n

  • Q : Cost-reduction and profit-sharing programs....
    HR Management :

    Explain the major differences between cost-reduction and profit-sharing programs, including philosophic issues underlying each type of program. Give examples of each.

  • Q : Foundations for employee development....
    HR Management :

    Coaching, mentoring and on job training (OJT) are solid foundations for employee development and success in their new roles.

  • Q : Type of employee benefit....
    HR Management :

    From the e-Activity, Choose one type of employee benefit and report about how this specific benefit category is represented in the employment categories.

  • Q : Ethical and legal features associated with equity-based....
    HR Management :

    Discuss ethical and legal features associated with equity-based recognition plans and suggest how leaders can prevent such potential abuse.

  • Q : Define performance appraisal....
    HR Management :

    Illustrate performance appraisal, and discuss the areas in which performance data and information are used for making decisions. Explain the issues that employers face in measuring and rating employ

  • Q : Research leadership theories-management practices....
    HR Management :

    Using the module readings, and the Internet, research leadership theories, management practices, and best practices related to leadership communication. Choose 2-3 scholarly resources for use in thi

  • Q : Moral point of view....
    HR Management :

    What is the moral point of view and why is it significant? Does it make sense to say that business people must operate from perspective of moral point of view? Why, or why not?

  • Q : Demographics of employees-health care risk factors....
    HR Management :

    Write down a 1050- to 1400 paper in which you present profile of chosen company including the demographics of employees, the health care risk factors (potential areas of high utilization), and premiu

  • Q : Demographics of employees-health care risk factors....
    HR Management :

    Write down a 1050- to 1400 paper in which you present profile of chosen company including the demographics of employees, the health care risk factors (potential areas of high utilization), and premiu

  • Q : Demographics of employees-health care risk factors....
    HR Management :

    Write down a 1050- to 1400 paper in which you present profile of chosen company including the demographics of employees, the health care risk factors (potential areas of high utilization), and premiu

  • Q : Employee customer service training class....
    HR Management :

    Suppose that you're a member of HR department of small retail company and upper management has asked you to create the new employee customer service training class for all new employees.

  • Q : Cash-balance-defined benefit-defined contribution plans....
    HR Management :

    Compare cash-balance, defined benefit, and defined contribution plans. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each. Discuss why organizations are making increased use of them.

  • Q : Major components of executive compensation plan....
    HR Management :

    Explain the major components of executive compensation plan, and explain the effect reverse descrimination has had on design of such executive compensation plans.

  • Q : Same level of analysis....
    HR Management :

    Small projects don't usually need the same level of analysis as larger projects. How do you decide on size of the project?

  • Q : Outputs of the risk identification process....
    HR Management :

    Can you list and explain the inputs, tools, and outputs of risk identification process. Again, looking for details.

  • Q : Recruitment and selection process for position....
    HR Management :

    Explain how you would conduct the recruitment and selection process for position the organization is currently seeking to fill.

  • Q : Federal and state legislation....
    HR Management :

    Explain the administration process involved with benefits program and how federal and state legislation plays a role in process.

  • Q : Pay structure change and market conditions....
    HR Management :

    Discuss the relationship between pay structure change and market conditions. Explain the major issues and sub-issues which affect the employee's pay.

  • Q : Components offered to employee of a us....
    HR Management :

    Explain and discuss potential compensation components offered to employee of a U.S. business who is being given opportunity to take a job at the foreign work site.

  • Q : Elements of flexible or cafeteria benefit plan....
    HR Management :

    Explain the components of a flexible or cafeteria benefit plan. Explain the hurdles that should be overcome before such plans will achieve greater acceptance and use.

  • Q : Leadership styles of problem solver....
    HR Management :

    Explain the potential synergies which may exist between leadership styles of problem solver, director and developer and how you can capitalize on them to raise productivity.

  • Q : Intercultural employee motivation-rewards....
    HR Management :

    Culture plays a major role in the motivation of employees. Suggest that not only do you've a mix of ethnicities on your team, but you also need to be aware of cultural differences because of gender,

  • Q : Fundamental human rights....
    HR Management :

    Freedom of speech and expression are fundamental human rights which are protected under U.S. constitution. Commonly, defenses of these rights are grounded in appeals to autonomy (in order to act aut

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