• Q : Employees of non-union organizations....
    HR Management :

    Explain the various methods utilized by staff representatives to woo the employees of non-union organizations to unionize? What are examples of employer obstacles they have faced, citing court cases

  • Q : Global community and a great way....
    HR Management :

    How does an initiative like CIM make an organization to serve the global community and a great manner to develop incremental innovation?

  • Q : Evaluate the company performance....
    HR Management :

    Identify an organization. Review the organization's competitive advantages and disadvantages, measure the company's performance on four generic building blocks of competitive advantage, and explain t

  • Q : Capacity of servant leadership....
    HR Management :

    Explain one attribute or capacity of servant leadership and Discuss how and where you may apply this principle at work or in a community setting you're familiar with.

  • Q : Controversial component-personnel selection process....
    HR Management :

    Why are drug tests a controversial component of the personnel selection process? Discuss some of ways in which organizations can avoid problems associated with drug testing?

  • Q : Question regarding trilogy cases....
    HR Management :

    Explain the details of each of the Trilogy cases of the 1960s? Why have federal courts ruled that it is up to the private arbitrator (not the courts) to make the decision on the merits of the case?

  • Q : Three broad purposes for performance management....
    HR Management :

    Explain the three broad purposes for performance management, and give an example of a condition that relates to each purpose.

  • Q : Voluntary and involuntary turnover....
    HR Management :

    Illustrate out the voluntary and involuntary turnover, and compare and contrast the effects that each type of turnover has on an organization.

  • Q : Key part of labor agreements....
    HR Management :

    Health insurance plans are frequently a key part of labor agreements. But , recent attempts at controlling the skyrocketing cost of health insurance has resulted in questions such as what benefits ar

  • Q : Advantages and disadvantages of incentive pay....
    HR Management :

    List and describe the advantages and disadvantages of incentive pay, and discuss how companies can overcome the disadvantages.

  • Q : Sorts of individual performance pay....
    HR Management :

    Give a brief description of the five kinds of individual performance pay, and suggest which kind of job would benefit by using which type of performance pay.

  • Q : Collective bargaining and grievance processes....
    HR Management :

    Explain the collective bargaining and grievance processes. Explain the HR unit's responsibilities with regards to grievance management? Explain and discuss.

  • Q : Performance appraisal process....
    HR Management :

    Determine and explain three possible rater errors a supervisor may make when going through performance appraisal process. How can he or she overcome or mitigate such errors?

  • Q : Describe the progressive discipline process....
    HR Management :

    Explain the progressive discipline process. Discuss the pros and cons? Cite two offenses that must be handled with immediate discharge versus going through progressive discipline steps.

  • Q : Operating conditions of public service....
    HR Management :

    Explain and examine Lois Wise's notion of the "operating conditions of public service."

  • Q : Compensating an international workforce....
    HR Management :

    Determine the decisions companies face when compensating international workforce? What factors need to be considered, and how do such decisions affect company? Give an example.

  • Q : Four different approaches to bargaining....
    HR Management :

    List and explain the four different approaches to bargaining, and provide an example of condition for each approach.

  • Q : Human resources management in international markets....
    HR Management :

    List and elaborate on four factors which affect human resources management in international markets. Which one is the most significant, and why?

  • Q : Question-contingency theories of leadership....
    HR Management :

    In the text we touched upon the notion of leaders who show task behavior and those which demonstrate relationship behavior.

  • Q : Explain the importance of training....
    HR Management :

    Write down a 950 word paper in which you discuss the importance of training in such areas, pertaining to the organization and individual. You, as an outside consultant,

  • Q : Disadvantages of off-shoring jobs....
    HR Management :

    List and explain the advantages and disadvantages of off-shoring jobs.

  • Q : Benefits of using hrm technology....
    HR Management :

    Explain the benefits of using HRM technology, and compare and contrast the three types of HRM software mentioned in textbook; (1) transaction processing

  • Q : Conduct a needs analysis....
    HR Management :

    Conduct a needs analysis (must include an organizational analysis) that identifies training objectives.

  • Q : Efforts in attracting new airline services....
    HR Management :

    Find and write down any current event that is related to either airports' efforts in reducing delays, or airports' efforts in attracting new airline services. (You are limited to 100 words ONLY).

  • Q : Create value and sustain competitive advantage....
    HR Management :

    How does each company create value and sustain competitive advantage by business strategy? What measurement guidelines is each company using to verify its strategic effectiveness?

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