• Q : Plan to negotiate while protecting the rights....
    HR Management :

    You have been promoted to the new position of Chief Labor Negotiator. The not-for-profit facility on the east side of town has unionized successfully. The administrative staff is divided on the topi

  • Q : Collective bargaining in a global environment....
    HR Management :

    Develop a presentation for the organization's senior management on the future of unions and collective bargaining in a global environment, as your company is considering overseas expansion.

  • Q : Improving recruiting and hiring efforts....
    HR Management :

    If I wanted to replace my legacy system with an eHR-based solution to improve recruiting and hiring efforts, both internally and externally, what would be a good strategy that could be used to mitig

  • Q : Changes in organizations and technology....
    HR Management :

    Human resource systems are constantly changing and being updated due to changes in organizations and technology. There are a mere aid of different systems available.

  • Q : Future trends in labor relations in the globalized society....
    HR Management :

    The future trends in Labor Relations in the globalized society. Factors which will most influence unionization in the United States and globally.

  • Q : Employment test in the selection process....
    HR Management :

    What are the top two aspects I should focus on in the selection process when selecting candidates in an organization and why? If I had to choose 2 employment test in the selection process which 2 wo

  • Q : Acquisition of human capital....
    HR Management :

    What are the type of metrics and analytics that could provide an organization with the information it needs to make better decisions regarding the acquisition of human capital?

  • Q : Experience of orientation program....
    HR Management :

    In your experience of orientation program, what is the most beneficial content you learn from the program? What is the topic that you believe should definitely be covered but was not? Explain your p

  • Q : Leverage a 360-degree performance appraisal system....
    HR Management :

    Please describe 2 approaches that a company can use to leverage a 360-degree performance appraisal system to evaluate individual performance.

  • Q : Legal relationships between employers and employees....
    HR Management :

    Employment and Human Resources Law concerns the legal relationships between employers and employees. These cases will build your knowledge and understanding of human resources and employment law.

  • Q : Implementation of a new hris system....
    HR Management :

    I've been selected as the change agent for the upcoming implementation of a new HRIS system that will ultimately affect the way all employees complete their daily tasks.

  • Q : Progress on the issue of employees privacy....
    HR Management :

    Have the federal courts made any significant progress on the issue of employees' privacy and limits on search and seizure rights of an employer?

  • Q : Case study-george daniels versus city of arlington texas....
    HR Management :

    Read the George Daniels v. City of Arlington Texas Case (reference: 246 F.3d (5TH CIR.) 2001) Problem 1. Are you in agreement with the court's decision?

  • Q : Organizations compensation practices....
    HR Management :

    Gueutal & Stone (2005) state that an organization's communication practices can have a profound effect on how employees respond to an organization's compensation practices and whether the organi

  • Q : Practices in global leadership development....
    HR Management :

    Organizations often use international assignments as important practices in global leadership development. However, the evaluation of the assignments is often focused on the leaders' performance but

  • Q : Religious practices and freedom of employees....
    HR Management :

    Observe religious practices and freedom of employees under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended. Then explain how to handle a request by Muslim employees on allowing them to pray fiv

  • Q : What is sexual harassment....
    HR Management :

    Question 1: How do governmental influences affect compensation administration? Use specific examples. Question 2: What is sexual harassment? Identify and describe the three elements which may constitu

  • Q : Continuing education activities for ems professionals....
    HR Management :

    Describe the benefits and necessity of continuing education activities for EMS professionals as they relate to clinical proficiency and risk reduction.

  • Q : Challenges do post-traditional family units pose....
    HR Management :

    What challenges do post-traditional family units pose to company career development plans? How can companies meet these challenges?

  • Q : Regulations of labor laws and immigration reform....
    HR Management :

    Problem: Workplaces are transforming at an incredible rate. There are generational issues, new and unique discrimination issues, pending regulations of labor laws, and immigration reform just to nam

  • Q : Approaches to career development....
    HR Management :

    Four approaches to career development are defined i.e., linear, expert, spiral, and transitory. The spiral approach best fits my career development path in Emergency Medical Services.

  • Q : Work place discrimination issue....
    HR Management :

    Conduct an investigation on a work place discrimination issue. Pinpoint a particular area for intervention. Summarize the strengths and weaknesses for policies and programs related to discrimination.

  • Q : Organizational goals-process goals and outcome goals....
    HR Management :

    Problem 1 - Provide examples of organizational goals, process goals, and outcome goals Problem 2 - Discuss and give examples of changes that can impact each of these types of goals.

  • Q : Workplace discrimination....
    HR Management :

    This is important, because if workplace discrimination is not of importance in terms of theoretical interest or social concern, it likely is not worth researching and trying to resolve.

  • Q : Types of hr-related risks....
    HR Management :

    Describe the types of HR-related risks realized by most small businesses. Explain with an example how PEOs can assist small businesses with these risks.

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