• Q : What caused the sioux uprising....
    History :

    What was the role of railroads in the settlement of the Great West?What led to the defeat of Lieutenant - General George Armstrong Custer's column at the Little Bighorn in 1876?

  • Q : When did the break-in oc....
    History :

    In 1972, there was a break-in at the Democratic National Committee's headquarters in the Watergate Office Complex. Thus began a series of events that would shake the public's confidence in its mos

  • Q : How did the advent of home video technologies....
    History :

    How did the advent of home video technologies change the American film industry?  In what ways did the studios-who in 1976 regarded home video as a competitor-exploit these technologies to t

  • Q : President lincoln was assassinated....
    History :

    President Lincoln was assassinated on the April 14th, 1865. But what if Lincoln had led the nation through Reconstruction? Would the events and outcomes of Reconstruction have been different?

  • Q : Describe andrew jackson war with the second bank....
    History :

    Describe Andrew Jackson's war with the Second Bank of the United States. Be sure to include key people, events, and effects within your response.

  • Q : What were the causes of and solutions....
    History :

    Like many other industrialists, Ford opposed government intervention to ease the ravages of the Great Depression.  In their view, what were the causes of and solutions for the economic down

  • Q : Define that the united states pursued territorial expansion....
    History :

    America's Age of Imperialism was relatively short-lived, and somewhat anomalous in terms of overall US history. For a few brief years in the 1890s, the US aggressively pursued overseas colonies,

  • Q : How well did their actions match their rhetoric....
    History :

    The presidential election of 1912 was the most Progressive in U.S. history, with the two frontrunners, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, both espousing Progressive philosophies.

  • Q : What was the purpose of the zimmerman....
    History :

    Why did the United States have to intervene during the Mexican Revolution in 1913?What was the purpose of the Zimmerman Telegram

  • Q : Describe each market structure discussed....
    History :

    Describe each market structure discussed in the course (perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly) and discuss two of the market characteristics of each market struct

  • Q : How might the post war world have been different....
    History :

    Suppose President Roosevelt had not died in 1945.How might the post war world have been different?Suppose the United States had entered World War II in 1939 rather than 1941.   How might the

  • Q : What was the conversation....
    History :

    The author of the story of Dinah furnishes the text with conversations and thoughts of the characters.  However, most notably, the voice of Dinah is missing.

  • Q : What in your opinion....
    History :

    And no long term consequences.  Dinah herself is not reported to have become pregnant as a result of the rape; in fact she is never heard of again.

  • Q : Discussion of your core beliefs....
    History :

    In your textbook the authors discuss a technique for developing a vision called "Vision as Story-Telling".  Use this technique to develop your own personal vision statement.

  • Q : What military event in the west was the beginning of the end....
    History :

    What military event in the west was the beginning of the end for Germany?   Who were the military leaders at this event? Why was it successful? What did it lead to?

  • Q : Differences between the roman way of life....
    History :

    Select one of the following famous ancient Roman structures that you find most fascinating: Colosseum, Circus Maximus, Pantheon, insulae, or bath complexes.

  • Q : What was the conversation between her and shechem....
    History :

    The author of the story of Dinah furnishes the text with conversations and thoughts of the characters.  However, most notably, the voice of Dinah is missing.

  • Q : The text criticism methods....
    History :

    Do not be afraid to take a stand.  For the sake of the exercise, you can look at it as a historical eccount or as a piece of literature.  You can apply any of the text criticism methods

  • Q : What is the behavior of congressional reps....
    History :

    he Constitution states, "The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States.

  • Q : Why would he agree to such extremes....
    History :

    .My opinion on the story of Dinah shows us that sometimes you have to make your own choices and go out on your own to learn and grow.

  • Q : What was the main reason allied troops....
    History :

    What was the main reason Allied troops were horrified when they discovered Nazi concentration camps?

  • Q : How america would be different....
    History :

    During the Reagan Bush years there were many changes in America. Pick two from the list and discuss how America would be different if these events or people had not occurred or existed, or had eve

  • Q : Explain the eighth amendment prohibits cruel....
    History :

    Every American accused of a crime that could result in loss of life, liberty, and properly has the right to fair treatment or due process. One of the most divisive aspects of due process is capita

  • Q : Present the argument in premise-conclusion form....
    History :

    In the car buying scenario, just like in real life, you were presented with an argument for making a different purchase than what you had originally intended. Think of a time recently where you w

  • Q : How religious was medieval society....
    History :

    Only those tales in the Dover Thrift paperback edition:  General Prologue, Knight's Tale, Miller's Prologue, Miller's Tale, Wife of Bath's Prologue and the Tale of the Wife of Bath.

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