• Q : What is the change in the electricalpotential energy....
    Physics :

    A uniform electric field witha magnitude of 250 N/C is directed in the positive xdirection. A 12 uC charge moves from the origin to the point(20.0 cm, 50.0 cm). what is the change in the electricalp

  • Q : Minimum coefficient of static friction between tires-road....
    Physics :

    A curve with a 140 radius on a level road is banked at the correct angle for a speed of 20 . If an automobile rounds this curve at 30 , what is the minimum coefficient of static friction between ti

  • Q : Monorail train approaches a platform....
    Physics :

    A monorail train approaches a platform at a speed of 10.0 m/s while it blows its whistle. A musician with perfect pitch standing on the platform hears the whistle (its frequency is 261 Hz.). There i

  • Q : What is the wind velocity....
    Physics :

    A light plane is headed due south with a speed of 155 relative to still air. After 1.00 hour, the pilot notices that they have covered only 125 and their direction is not south but southeast (45.0)

  • Q : Determining the air resistance....
    Physics :

    A falling skydiver of mass 66.5 kg accelerates downward at 6.6 m/s2. What is the upward force due to air resistance?

  • Q : What is the charge and on the beads....
    Physics :

    A small metal bead, labeled A, has a charge of 27 . It is touched to metal bead B, initially neutral, so that the two beads share the 27 charge, but not necessarily equally. When the two beads are

  • Q : Telephone wire midway between the poles....
    Physics :

    The distance between two telephone poles is 38 m. When a 1.29 kg bird lands on the telephone wire midway between the poles, the wire sags 0.194 m.

  • Q : Magnitude of the average acceleration of the ball....
    Physics :

    A 52.5-g Super Ball traveling at 30.0 m/s bounces off a brick wall and rebounds at 16.0 m/s. A high-speed camera records this event. If the ball is in contact with the wall for 3.25 ms, what is the

  • Q : Which is at the end of a horizontal diameter....
    Physics :

    If the car starts at height h= 3.00 R and the radius is R_1 = 24.0 m, compute the radial acceleration of the passengers when the car is at point C, which is at the end of a horizontal diameter.

  • Q : Point between the two masses....
    Physics :

    An 9.00 {rm kg} point mass and a 15.0 {rm kg} point mass are held in place 50.0 {rm cm} apart. A particle of mass m is released from a point between the two masses 19.0 {rm cm} from the 9.00 {rm kg

  • Q : Region of wet snow of coefficient of kinetic friction....
    Physics :

    An Olympic skier moving at 31 m/s down a 15? slope encounters a region of wet snow of coefficient of kinetic friction μ = 0.56. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 .

  • Q : What is the depth of the fluid....
    Physics :

    A cylindrical container with a cross-sectional area of 66.2 holds a fluid of density 816kg/m3, and the bottom of the container the pressure is 118 kPa. What is the depth of the fluid?

  • Q : Purpose of calibrating the torsion balance....
    Physics :

    What is the purpose of calibrating the torsion balance? Can you determine the Coulomb constant without calibrating the balance? Why? Why do electrostatic experiments not work properly on humid environ

  • Q : What is the ball maximum height....
    Physics :

    John Daly hits a golf ball at an angle of 25.0 degress to the ground. If the golf ball covers a horizontal distance of 301.5 m. what is the ball's maximum height?(hint- at the top of its flight, th

  • Q : Speed of propagation of the wave and the tension....
    Physics :

    A stretched string is observed to vibrate with frequency 30 Hz in its fundamental mode when the supports are 60 cm apart. The amplitude at the antinode is 3 cm. The string has a mass of 30g. Calcul

  • Q : What is the final equilibrium temperature....
    Physics :

    A 0.34 kg iron horseshoe that is initially at 616?C is dropped into a bucket containing 25 kg of water at 28?C. What is the final equilibrium temperature? Neglect any energy transfer to or from the

  • Q : Where will an observer see the fish....
    Physics :

    A small fish is cast into the center of a glass sphere of radius R = 5.9 cm and n = 1.66. Where will an observer see the fish? 5.9 cm behind the surface Where will the observer see a decorative back

  • Q : External forces of gravity and air resistance....
    Physics :

    A 4.00-kg model rocket is launched, expelling 61.0 g of burned fuel from its exhaust at a speed of 555 m/s. What is the velocity of the rocket after the fuel has burned? Hint: Ignore the external f

  • Q : What is the magnitude of f....
    Physics :

    If the box is moving at a constant speed of 0.35m/s and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 012. What is the magnitude of F?

  • Q : Find the tension in the cable....
    Physics :

    with the cable attached to the bar 5.0m from the lower end as shown, find the tension in the cable.

  • Q : Determining the initial speed of the arrow....
    Physics :

    An archer shoots an arrow horizontally at a target 12 m away. The arrow is aimed directly at the center of the target, but it hits 56 cm lower. What was the initial speed of the arrow?

  • Q : What is the impulse....
    Physics :

    0.4 kg projectile is projected at 20 m/s at 37 degrees. It lands at its initial level with a velocity of 16 m/s at an angle of 53 above the horizontal. What is the impulse?

  • Q : Over what distance must the airbag stop you....
    Physics :

    If you are in a car accident with an initial speed of 119 and you are stopped by an airbag that inflates from the dashboard, over what distance must the airbag stop you for you to survive the crash?

  • Q : Computing the tension in the rope....
    Physics :

    A horizontal rope is tied to a 46.0 kg box on frictionless ice. What is the tension in the rope if:

  • Q : Flow velocity and the gauge pressure....
    Physics :

    Water at a gauge pressure of 3.0 atm at street level flows into an office building at a speed of .40 m/s through a pipe 5.0 cm in diameter. The pipe tapers down to 2.2 cm in diameter by the top flo

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