• Q : What is the final pressure (in atm) in the cylinder....
    Physics :

    A 24.0 L cylinder containing helium gas at a pressure of 46.5 atm is used to fill a weather balloon in order to lift equipment into the stratosphere. What is the final pressure (in atm) in the cylin

  • Q : Speed of the block just after the collision....
    Physics :

    A steel ball of mass 0.50 Kg is fastened to a cord 70 cm long and is released when the cord is horizontal. At the bottom of its path the ball strikes a 2.5 Kg steel block initially at rest on a fri

  • Q : Electric field strength between the plates....
    Physics :

    The electrons enter through a small hole in the negative plate, accelerate, then exit through a small hole in the positive plate. Assume that the holes are small enough not to affect the electric f

  • Q : What would be the least speed needed for the rest of trip....
    Physics :

    You drive at that speed for the first 100 km, but then construction work forces you to slow to 45 km/h for 40 km. What would be the least speed needed for the rest of the trip to arrive in time for

  • Q : Size of the smallest vertical plane mirror....
    Physics :

    What is the size of the smallest vertical plane mirror in which a 10.0 tall giraffe standing erect can see her full-length image? (Hint: Locate the image by drawing a number of rays from the giraffe

  • Q : What is the mechanical energy lost due to friction....
    Physics :

    (a) What is the tension in the rope? (b) HOw much work is done by the rope on the sledge? (c) What is the mechanical energy lost due to friction?

  • Q : By what maximum distance does the bicycle lead the car....
    Physics :

    As soon as a traffic light turns green, a car speeds up from rest to 49.0 mi/h with constant acceleration 7.00 mi/h-s. By what maximum distance does the bicycle lead the car?

  • Q : Speed less than escape velocity....
    Physics :

    Suppose an object is set sliding, with a speed less than escape velocity, on an infinite frictionless plane in contact with the surface of the Earth, as shown. Describe its motion. (Will it slide f

  • Q : Find the density of the unknown liquid....
    Physics :

    The drawing shows a mercury barometer. Consider two barometers, one using mercury and another using an unknown liquid. Suppose that the pressure above the liquid in each tube is negligible. The hei

  • Q : Find period-frequency-amplitude and maximum speed of glider....
    Physics :

    The glider completes 13.0 oscillations in 33.0 . What are the (a) period, (b) frequency, (c) amplitude, and (d) maximum speed of the glider?

  • Q : Compass over the side of the balloon....
    Physics :

    A hot-air balloon is rising upward with a constant speed of 2.37 m/s. When the balloon is 6.00 m above the ground, the balloonist accidentally drops a compass over the side of the balloon. How much

  • Q : How much work is done on the toboggan by the tension force....
    Physics :

    A person pulls a tobaggan for a distance of 35.0m along the snow with a rope directed 25.0 degrees above the snow. The tesion in the rope is 94.0N (a) How much work is done on the toboggan by the te

  • Q : End of the spring line up with the ruler marks....
    Physics :

    A spring with 57 N/m hangs vertically next to a ruler. The end of the spring is next to the 12-cm mark on the ruler. If a 3.0-kg mass is now attached to the end of the spring, where will the end of th

  • Q : What is the wind velocity....
    Physics :

    A light airplane is headed due south with a speed of 159 km/h. after 1.09 hour the plane has traveled 123 km their direction is 45 degrees. What is the wind velocity?

  • Q : How much force must the player exert on the handle of club....
    Physics :

    How much force must the player exert on the handle of the club to prevent it from flying out of her hands at the bottom of the swing? Ignore the mass of the club's shaft.

  • Q : Find the magnetic moment of the rotating charge....
    Physics :

    A charge of 3.80 10-6 C is placed on a small conducting sphere that is located at the end of a thin insulating rod whose length is 0.22 m. The rod rotates with an angular speed of ω = 156 rad/

  • Q : What should be the magnitude of he net work done....
    Physics :

    What should be the magnitude of , so that the net work done by it and the kinetic frictional force is zero?

  • Q : How much time would the observer have measured for the car....
    Physics :

    An observer moving toward Earth with a speed of 0.94 notices that it takes 5.2 for a person to fill her car with gas. Suppose, instead, that the observer had been moving away from Earth with a speed

  • Q : What is the emf of the coil....
    Physics :

    A 1000-turn coil of wire that is 2.0cm in diameter is in a magnetic field that drops from 0.11T to 0T in 11 ms. The axis of the coil is parallel to the field. What is the emf of the coil?

  • Q : Resultant velocity of the boat relative to riverbank....
    Physics :

    A river flows due east at 1.5 meters per seconds. a motorboat leaves the north shore of the river and heads die south at 2 meters per second. which vector best represents the resultant velocity of

  • Q : Calculate its semi major axis....
    Physics :

    A planet in another solar system orbits a star with mass 4.0X10^3 kg at one point in its orbit it is 250 x 10^ 6 km from the star and is moving 35km s calculate its semi major axis

  • Q : What was the ray''s angle of incidence on the diamond....
    Physics :

    A diamond is underwater. A light ray enters one face of the diamond, then travels at an angle of 30 degress with respect to the normal.What was the ray's angle of incidence on the diamond?

  • Q : Symptoms of multiple personality disorder....
    Physics :

    Connie exhibits many symptoms of multiple personality disorder. Evidence that information learned by her secondary personality influences the moods and behaviors of her primary personality would mos

  • Q : Find radius of curvature of image of tree on curved mirror....
    Physics :

    The image of a distant tree is virtual and very small when viewed in a curved mirror. The image appears to be 19.6 behind the mirror. What is its radius of curvature?

  • Q : What is the entropy change of the gas....
    Physics :

    A 3.0 mol sample of an ideal monatomic gas undergoes a reversible process at constant volume, increasing its temperature from 300 K to 400 K. What is the entropy change of the gas?

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