• Q : Uniform circular motion around the turn problem....
    Physics :

    A car of mass = 800 traveling at 45.0 enters a banked turn covered with ice. The road is banked at an angle , and there is no friction between the road and the car's tires. What is the radius of the

  • Q : Final speed of railroad car....
    Physics :

    A 30,000 kg railroad car initially traveling to the right at 15 m/s collides inelastically with a 20,000 kg railroad car initially traveling to the left at 5 m/s. The cars stick together. What is t

  • Q : Find force applied on handle-horizontal component is given....
    Physics :

    The angle between the handle and the ground is 60 degrees. Find the force applied on the handle if its horizontal component is 300 N.

  • Q : What is the velocity of the gold pack after the collision....
    Physics :

    A gold puck has a mass of 12 kg and a velocity of 5i-4j m/s prior to a collision with a stationary blue puck whose mass is 18 kg. After the collision ,the blue puck has a velocity of 2i-2j. What is

  • Q : Frictionless side of the track....
    Physics :

    If the ball is released from rest at a height of 0.80 above the bottom of the track on the no-slip side, what is its angular speed when it is on the frictionless side of the track? Assume the ball

  • Q : What minimum average speed must it have....
    Physics :

    If a particular car covers the first half of the track at an average speed of 210 km/h, what minimum average speed must it have in the second half of the event in order to qualify?

  • Q : Calculate the total current through the conductor....
    Physics :

    Where Jo is a constant vector and r is the radial distance of the point. If r0 is the radius of the conductor, then calculate the total current through the conductor.

  • Q : Find magnitude of charge should be given to the drop....
    Physics :

    If a drop is to be deflected a distance of 0.300mm by the time it reaches the end of the deflection plate, what magnitude of charge must be given to the drop?

  • Q : Compute the value of ra in terms of r1 and r2....
    Physics :

    When the rheostat is adjusted to a value R1, the ammeter reads 0.75 of the full-scale value. When it adjusted to a value R2, the ammeter reads 0.25 of full-scale value. Compute the value of Ra in te

  • Q : Integrate the power over one cycle....
    Physics :

    The power into a circuit element is the product of the voltage across the element and the current through the element. Assuming a voltage V(t)=V_p*cos(wt) across an inductor L, integrate the power o

  • Q : How much energy must be added to a 2-kilogram pile....
    Physics :

    if the sand you ran across has a specific-heat capacity of 835 j/(kg*c), how much energy must be added to a 2-kilogram pile of it to increase its temperature from 40*c to 50*c?

  • Q : What is the half life of the isotope....
    Physics :

    Geiger counter registers 416 counts per minute. 65.0 hours later, the counter registers 13 counts per minute. What is the half life of the isotope?

  • Q : What is the dielectric constant of the glass....
    Physics :

    When a piece of glass is placed between the plates, the voltage across the capacitor drops to 30 V. What is the dielectric constant of the glass?

  • Q : Motion of a projectile....
    Physics :

    A pail of water is rotated in a vertical circle of radius 1.00 m. (a) What two external forces act on the water in the pail. (b) Which of the two external forces is most important in causing the wat

  • Q : Maximum elongation-deformation of the spring....
    Physics :

    A vertical spring with a force constant of 700 N/m is initially at equilibrium. A 10 kg mass is attached to the end of the spring, causes it to elongate. What will be the maximum elongation/deformat

  • Q : Find instantaneous acceleration of particle at given time....
    Physics :

    A particle moves along the x axis according to the equation x=50t +9t^2 (where t is in seconds and x is in meters). Calculate the instantaneous acceleration of the particle at t= 3.0s

  • Q : Find an expression for the magnitude of the initial velocity....
    Physics :

    Law of Gravitation- Find an expression for the magnitude of the initial velocity that a projectile must possess in order to leave the earth when air friction is neglected. The gravitational constan

  • Q : Fraction of the original gas....
    Physics :

    The gauge pressure in a helium gas cylinder is initially 27 atm. After many balloons have been blown up, the gauge pressure has decreased to 5 atm. What fraction of the original gas remains in the

  • Q : Find velocity of car at the end of initial tweleve-second....
    Physics :

    The ratio of the average acceleration value is a1,a2 = 1.50. find the velocity of the car at the end of the initial tweleve-second interval?

  • Q : What is the grocery cart''s final speed....
    Physics :

    A 101.0 N grocery cart is pushed 10.0 m along an aisle by a shopper who exerts a constant horizontal force of 40.0 N. If all frictional forces are neglected and the cart starts from rest, what is th

  • Q : Determine moles of a monatomic ideal gas....
    Physics :

    Suppose 140 moles of a monatomic ideal gas undergo an isothermal expansion from 1.00 m^3 to 4.00 m^3. What is the temperature at the beginning of this process? What is the temperature at the end of

  • Q : What frequency does car driver hear reflected from wall....
    Physics :

    A car is approaching a reflecting wall. How fast is the car traveling? What frequency does the car driver hear reflected from the wall?

  • Q : Collision and resolve the inconsistency....
    Physics :

    A 29 g bullet is fired straight upward into an at rest 1.40kg block and the bullet is embedded in the block. The velocity of the bullet is 510 m/s. Show the conservation of mechanical energy and co

  • Q : What is the speed of the ball....
    Physics :

    A 150 g ball and a 220 g ball are connected by a 36-{rm cm}-long, massless, rigid rod. The balls rotate about their center of mass at 130 rpm. What is the speed of the 150 g ball?

  • Q : Resistance of the original length of wire....
    Physics :

    A length of wire is cut into 4 equal pieces. If each piece has a resistance of 0.31, what is the resistance of the original length of wire?

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