• Q : What power is expended as heat in both lines together....
    Physics :

    What power is expended as heat in both lines together (distinct from power delivered to customers)? Do you see why it is so important to step voltages up with transformers for long distance transmis

  • Q : Magnitude of the average force on the floor from the ball....
    Physics :

    A 1.2kg ball drops vertically onto the floor,hitting with a speed of 25m/s. It rebounds with initial speed of 10m/s. If the ball is in contact with the floor for 0.020 s, find the magnitude of the

  • Q : Order of magnitude calculation to substaintiate assertion....
    Physics :

    The force of repulsion between them would be enough to a lift a weight equal to that of entire earth. carry out an order of magnitude calculation to substaintiate this assertion.

  • Q : Magnitude of resultant force....
    Physics :

    An airplane moves 140 m/s as it travels around a vertical circular loop which has a 1.0-km radius. What is the magnitude of the resultant force on the 70-kg pilot of this plane at the bottom of thi

  • Q : Frequency of vibrations....
    Physics :

    The springs of a 1300 kg car compress 5.0 mm when its 68 kg driver gets into the driver's seat. If the car goes over a bump, what will be the frequency of vibrations?

  • Q : Calculate the temperature rise....
    Physics :

    Calculate the temperature rise. The heat capacity of 1 mol water( which weighs 0.018 kg) is 80 J/K. The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s^2.

  • Q : Expression for quantity of liquid flowing over sharp-edge....
    Physics :

    Develop an expression for the quantity of liquid flowing over a sharp-edge V-notch of total angle 2θ, in terms of the head H above the bottom of the notch.

  • Q : Confidence interval for the population mean....
    Physics :

    A random sample of 42 college graduates revealed that they worked an average of 5.5 years on the job before being promoted. The population standard deviation was 1.1 years. Using the 0.99 degree of

  • Q : Find the magnitude of the force in newtons....
    Physics :

    A wrench 0.3 meters long lies along the positive y-axis, and grips a bolt at the origin. A force is applied in the direction of langle 0, 1, 2rangle at the end of the wrench. Find the magnitude of

  • Q : Interaction between the proton and electron....
    Physics :

    A pair of oppositely charged parallel plates are separated by a distance of 5.0 cm with a potential difference of 550 V between the plates. A proton is released from rest at the positive plate at th

  • Q : How many electrons transferred from plate to the rod....
    Physics :

    A plate carries a charge of -3.0 micro Coulomb and a rod of +2.0 microC. How many electrons must be transferred from the plate to the rod so that both objects have the same charge?

  • Q : Wavelength of the two waves....
    Physics :

    Two sinusoidal waves, identical except for phase, travel in the same direction along a string, producing the net wave y'(x,t) = (3.0 mm) sin (20x -4.0 t + 0.820 rad), with x in meters and t in seco

  • Q : Find the work done by the electric field....
    Physics :

    Two point charges 2.40 and 6.50are 0.100 apart. Point is midway between them; point is 8.00×10-2 from and 6.00×10-2 from . Take the electric potential to be zero at infinity. Find the w

  • Q : Calculate the y-component of the magnetic force....
    Physics :

    A long wire lying along the x-axis carries a current of 2.60 A in the +x direction. There is a uniform magnetic field present, given by B=0.003i + 0.004j + 0.002k, where i, j, k are the unit vectors

  • Q : Find the angular speed of each child....
    Physics :

    Two children ride on the merry-go-round shown in Conceptual Checkpoint 10-1 and the figure below. Child 1 is 2.0 m from the axis of rotation, and child 2 is 1.5 m from the axis. The merry-go-round

  • Q : Find position at which third charge palce so force is zero....
    Physics :

    A charge of -3.35 nC and a charge of -7.00 nC are separated by a distance of 40.0 cm. Find the position at which a third charge of +7.10 nC can be placed so that the net electrostatic force on it i

  • Q : With what speed and angle of impact does the stone land....
    Physics :

    A student stands at the edge of a cliff and throws stone horizontly over the edge with speed of 18m/s.The cliff is 50m above a flat horizontal beach.How long after being relased does the stone stri

  • Q : Possible nonzero values for the thickness....
    Physics :

    A layer of transparent plastic (n = 1.60) on glass (n = 1.52) looks dark when viewed in reflected light whose wavelength is 588 nm in vacuum. Find the two smallest possible nonzero values for the t

  • Q : What is the wavelength of sound between source-listener....
    Physics :

    A sound source emits sounds of frequency 190 Hz that travel through still air at 340 m/s. The listener moves at 75 m/s relative to still air toward the stationary source. What is the wavelength of t

  • Q : How far from the point of the drop will the rock hit group....
    Physics :

    Someone in a car going past you at the speed of 49 meters per second drops a small rock from a height of 2.2 meters. Acceleration due to gravity 9.8 meters per second squared. How far from the point

  • Q : Find attractive force be if vacuum is replaced with water....
    Physics :

    What will the attractive force be if the vacuum is replaced with water at 20o C? The permittivity of water at this temperature is 7.07x10-10 C2/N-m2.

  • Q : New angular speed of the merry go round....
    Physics :

    A playground merry go round of a diameter 6.00 m and mass 240 kg is rotating at 12.0 rev/min about a frctionless vertical axle. Facing the axle, a 30.0 kg child hops on to the merry go round and ma

  • Q : What is the pressure exerted on the wall....
    Physics :

    In a period of 6.00 s, 6.00 × 1023 oxygen molecules strike a wall with an area of 2.00 cm2. If the molecules move with a speed of 400.0 m/s and strike the wall head-on in elastic collisions, w

  • Q : Find the required angular speed of an ultracentrifuge....
    Physics :

    Find the required angular speed of an ultracentrifuge for the radial acceleration of a point 2.40 from the axis to equal 5.00×105 g (where g is the acceleration due to gravity).

  • Q : What is the value of charge if initial charge was given....
    Physics :

    Finally sphere W is touched to sphere C (with an initial charge of +60e), and then they are separated. The final charge on sphere W is +23e. If the initial charge on sphere A was ce, what is the val

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