• Q : What was the change in velocity of the scooter....
    Physics :

    A motor scooter travels east at a speed of 15 m/s. The driver then reverses direction and heads west at 17 m/s. What was the change in velocity of the scooter?

  • Q : How far does tina drive before passing david....
    Physics :

    David is driving a steady 23.0 m/s when he passes Tina, who is sitting in her car at rest. Tina begins to accelerate at a steady 2.60 m/s^2 at the instant when David passes.

  • Q : Find the minimum speed to make it through electric field....
    Physics :

    The reader of the manual must know the minimum speed of the drop if it is to make it through the electric field region without hitting either of the plates. Find this minimum speed.

  • Q : What is the new moment of inertia of the system....
    Physics :

    A merry go round has a moment of inertia of 0.5MR^2. whereby R=1.5m, and the mass of the solid disc is 100kg. when a boy of mass 25kg sits on the rotating disc at a distance of 0.5m from the edge w

  • Q : Find the translational speed at the top....
    Physics :

    A bowling ball encounters a 0.76 m vertical rise on the way back to the ball rack, as the drawing illustrates. Ignore frictional losses and assume that the mass of the ball is distributed uniformly

  • Q : Determine the moon orbital speed....
    Physics :

    A moon of a planet like the earth is 6.1 x10^km distant from the planet's center,and it completes an orbit in 24.5 days. Determine the moon's orbital speed. Answer in units of m/s and How far does

  • Q : Find the magnitude of the acceleration ofthe electron....
    Physics :

    An electron is accelerated by a constant electric field of magnitude 202 N/C. Find the magnitude of the acceleration ofthe electron.Answer in units of m/s2.

  • Q : What is the period of oscillation of the fish....
    Physics :

    A proud deep-sea fisherman hangs a 65.0 fish from an ideal spring having negligible mass. The fish stretches the spring 0.127. 1. What is the period of oscillation of the fish if it is pulled down 3.6

  • Q : What is the total distance around the field....
    Physics :

    The length of each long side of the rectangle is found to be 40.44 m, and the length of the short side is found to be 20.5 m. What is the total distance around the field?

  • Q : Magnitude of the normal force that acts on the cycle....
    Physics :

    A motorcycle has a constant speed of 21.0 m/s as it passes over the top of a hill whose radius of curvature is 132 m. The mass of the motorcycle and driver is 343 kg. Find the magnitude of the norm

  • Q : What impulse is given to the puck....
    Physics :

    A hockey player makes a slap shot, exerting a force of 35.3 N on the hockey puck for 0.227 s. What impulse is given to the puck?

  • Q : What was the average velocity during braking....
    Physics :

    Suppose your initial speed was 12 m/s, and you were heading due west, what was your average velocity during braking? Assume constant deceleration.

  • Q : Amplitude of oscillation....
    Physics :

    A 110 {rm g} ball attached to a spring with spring constant 2.7 {rm N/m} oscillates horizontally on a frictionless table. Its velocity is 20 {rm cm/s} when x_0 = 5.1 {rm cm}. What is the amplitude

  • Q : How much time does it take to life the piano....
    Physics :

    A 3.00 x 102 piano is being lifted at a steady speed from ground level straight up to an apartment 10.0 m above the ground. The crane that is doing the lifting produces a steady power of 4.00 x 102

  • Q : Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the electron....
    Physics :

    An electron is accelerated by a constant electric field of magnitude 228 N/C. Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the electron. Answer in units of m/s2.

  • Q : Find time passes after speeder passes before police overtake....
    Physics :

    How much time passes after the speeder passes before the police car overtakes the speeder (assumed moving at constant speed)?

  • Q : Thick-walled hollow cylinder....
    Physics :

    A thick-walled hollow cylinder (inner radius=47 cm, outer radius=66 cm) rolls down a 7° incline. If it starts with a speed of 1.9 m/s, what is its speed after it has traveled 16 m? (m/s)

  • Q : Calculate the magnification of the image....
    Physics :

    A concave shaving mirror has a focal length of 33 cm. Calculate the image position of a cologne bottle placed in front of the mirror at a distance of 93 cm. Calculate the magnification of the image

  • Q : Ultracentrifuge for the radial acceleration....
    Physics :

    Find the required angular speed, (omega), of an ultracentrifuge for the radial acceleration of a point 1.40 cm from the axis to equal 6.00×10^5 g (where g is the acceleration due to gravity).

  • Q : Find the maximum distance the frame moves downward....
    Physics :

    A 0.150kg frame, when suspended from a coil spring, stretches the spring 0.050m . A 0.200-kg lump of putty is dropped from rest onto the frame from a height of 30.0 cm. Find the maximum distance the

  • Q : How large is the pulling force it the wagon is moving....
    Physics :

    A 16.4 kg wagon is pulled along the level ground by a rope inclined at 22.8° above the horizontal. A friction force of 27.7 N opposes the motion. How large is the pulling force it the wagon is m

  • Q : By what factor does the amplitude change....
    Physics :

    If the spring constant is increased by a factor of two and the maximum kinetic energy of the mass is the same, by what factor does the amplitude change?

  • Q : Determining the final length of the cylinder....
    Physics :

    A 13 cm diameter cylinder contains argon gas at 10 atm pressure and a temperature of 40 C. A piston can slide in and out of the cylinder. The cylinder's initial length is 23 cm. 2700 J of heat are

  • Q : Weight is balanced on two legs of the chair....
    Physics :

    A 66 kg man in a 4.3 kg chair tilts back so that all his weight is balanced on two legs of the chair. Assume that each leg makes contact with the floor over a circular area of radius 1.3 cm.

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the electric potential difference....
    Physics :

    Two flat conductors are placed with their inner faces separated by 8 mm. If the surface charge density on one of the inner faces is 88 pC/m2 and the other inner face -88 pC/m2, what is the magnitude

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