• Q : Find the height of the compressed air....
    Physics :

    A closed cylindrical tank has a height of 0.71 m. The tank is initially filled with air at a pressure of 2.0 atm. Water is pumped into the tank until the air pressure reaches 4.0 atm. The temperatur

  • Q : Find the speed of the person just after impact....
    Physics :

    A 45 caliber handgun fires a 12.0 g at a speed of 330 m/s. Assuming it strikes an 80 kg person and ALL of the momentum, find the speed of the person just after impact.

  • Q : Falls and strikes the ground....
    Physics :

    A ball is projected upward at time = 0.0 s, from a point on a roof 30 m above the ground. The ball rises, then falls and strikes the ground. The initial velocity of the ball is Consider all quantiti

  • Q : How much work does the spring do on the block....
    Physics :

    When the block is pulled out to x = +4.0 cm, we must apply a force of magnitude 370 N to hold it there. We pull the block to x = 14.0 cm and then release it. How much work does the spring do on the

  • Q : Pole motionless in a horizontal position....
    Physics :

    You're carrying a 4.0-m-long, 24 pole to a construction site when you decide to stop for a rest. You place one end of the pole on a fence post and hold the other end of the pole 35 from its tip. How

  • Q : Determine the amplitude-wavelength-frequency....
    Physics :

    A wave is described by y = (2.00 cm) sin(kx - t), where k = 2.11 rad/m, = 3.62 rad/s, x is in meters, and t is in seconds. Determine the amplitude, wavelength, frequency, and speed of the wave.

  • Q : What is the force caused by water-bottom....
    Physics :

    A swimming pool has dimensions 30.0 m multiplied by 10.0 m and a flat bottom. When the pool is filled to a depth of 2.30 m with fresh water, what is the force caused by the water on the bottom?

  • Q : What is the force caused by the water on the bottom....
    Physics :

    A swimming pool has dimensions 34.0 m multiplied by 12.0 m and a flat bottom. When the pool is filled to a depth of 2.30 m with fresh water, what is the force caused by the water on the bottom?

  • Q : Determine the frequency of the coil rotation....
    Physics :

    Determine the frequency of the coil's rotation when the peak emf of the generator is 163 V?

  • Q : What is coefficient of linear expansion....
    Physics :

    A metal bar 1.6m long at room temperature,21c the bar is put into an oven and heated to a temperature of 84c.It is then measured and found to be 1.7mm longer. What is the coefficient of linear expa

  • Q : Final equilibrium temperature of the tin-water mixture....
    Physics :

    225 kg sample of tin initially at 97.5 is dropped into .115 kg of water initially at 10.0°C. If the specific heat capacity of tin is 230 J/kg x °C, what is the final equilibrium temperature

  • Q : What is the free body diagram....
    Physics :

    As viewed by a bystander, a rider in a "barrel of fun" at a carnival finds herself stuck with her back to the wall. What is the free body diagram?

  • Q : Safe slides with a constant speed....
    Physics :

    Bonnie and Clyde are sliding 310 {rm kg} bank safe across the floor to their getaway car. The safe slides with a constant speed if Clyde pushes from behind with 440 {rm N} of force while Bonnie pull

  • Q : Maintains the dog circular motion....
    Physics :

    A dog sits 1.08 m from the center of a merry- go-round with an angular speed of 1.38 rad/s. If the magnitude of the force that maintains the dog's circular motion is 34.7 N, what is the dog's mass?

  • Q : Calculate the change in the box kinetic energy....
    Physics :

    An 52.0 N box of clothes is pulled 6.7 m up a 30.0° ramp by a force of 107 N that points along the ramp. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the ramp is 0.22, calculate th

  • Q : Sail to reach its original destination....
    Physics :

    A ship sets out to sail to a point 120 km due north. An unexpected storm blows the ship to a point 131 km due east of its starting point. (a) How far (in km) and (b) in what direction (as an angle f

  • Q : What is the change in the cars kinetic energy....
    Physics :

    Two nonconservative forces are present: friction does -2.00 104 J of work on the car, and a chain mechanism does +3.00 104 J of work to help the car up a long climb. What is the change in the car's

  • Q : What would be the period of oscillation....
    Physics :

    A 700 g mass is placed on a string and oscillates up and down with a period of 1.5 S. If a 1100 g mass were added to the current mass, what would be its period of oscillation?

  • Q : Find the minimum radius of the plane path....
    Physics :

    An airplane is flying in a horizontal circle at a speed of 106 m/s. The 82.0 kg pilot does not want the centripetal acceleration to exceed 6.76 times free-fall acceleration. Find the minimum radius

  • Q : Find out the maximum altitude reached by the rocket....
    Physics :

    A rocket is launched at an angle of 54.0° above the horizontal with an initial speed of 100 m/s. The rocket moves for 3.00 s along its initial line of motion with an acceleration of 31.0 m/s2.

  • Q : Calculating the change in box kinetic energy....
    Physics :

    An 54.0 N box of clothes is pulled 7.4 m up a 30.0° ramp by a force of 99 N that points along the ramp. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the ramp is 0.22, calculate th

  • Q : Determine the altitude crossing the bar....
    Physics :

    A 60 kg pole vaulter running at 14 m/s vaults over the bar. Her speed when she is above the bar is 1.3 m/s. Neglect air resistance, as well as any energy absorbed by the pole, and determine her alt

  • Q : Determine the momentum of the ball....
    Physics :

    You throw a 0.375 kg ball straight up with an initial velocity of 13.5 m/s. What is the momentum of the ball at the highest point of its path?

  • Q : How much does the temperature rise....
    Physics :

    A 250.0 gram industrial mold absorbs 5,575 calories of heat when it is filled with an alloy. If the specific heat of the mold is 0.275 calories per gram degree Celsius, how much does its temperature

  • Q : Magnitude of the net external force related problem....
    Physics :

    The sensor in the torso of a crash-test dummy records the magnitude of the net external force acting on it. if the dummy is thrown forward with force of 130.0 N while simultaneously being hit from t

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