• Q : Roles of chairman and chief executive....
    Other Management :

    Should organizations have the freedom to combine the roles of chairman and chief executive?

  • Q : Effectiveness results from leader using behavioural style....
    Other Management :

    "It is said that effectiveness results from leader using behavioural style that is suitable to demands of the environment. So, the key for leaders is learning to diagnose the environment". Explain t

  • Q : Customer retention program....
    Other Management :

    How would you evaluate whether or not a company required developing a customer retention program? 

  • Q : Transitions in conflict through organizational structure....
    Other Management :

    Explain conflict management. Describe the transitions in conflict through organizational structure.

  • Q : Collective bargaining and psychological contract....
    Other Management :

    As an employee, describe the expectations you might have of the psychological contract and then describe what you ‘owe’ the employer as part of this contract.

  • Q : Health safety and welfare issues....
    Other Management :

    What Health and Safety and Welfare issues must be considered for those working on night shifts?

  • Q : Categories of refurbishment work in hotel industry....
    Other Management :

    Describe the two broad categories of refurbishment work generally seen in the hotel industry.

  • Q : Tour operator and hospitality industry....
    Other Management :

    Compare the role of a travel agent with the role of a tour operator relating your comparison to the hospitality industry.

  • Q : Unit banking and branch banking....
    Other Management :

    Write a note on Credit Creation. Describe banking system and compare the demerits and merits of Unit banking and branch banking.

  • Q : Impact of information technology on communication....
    Other Management :

    Explain the impact of information technology on communication. Describe the merits and demerits of Oral Communication. Explain the importance of visual communication. Explain the different methods of

  • Q : Principles of the sports management....
    Other Management :

    Describe the principles of the sports management. Add a note national sports organisation. Make a distinction the management and administration.  

  • Q : Role of a travel agent with the role of a tour operator....
    Other Management :

    Compare the role of a travel agent with the role of a tour operator associating your comparison to the hospitality industry.

  • Q : Phases of interactive planning....
    Other Management :

    Illustrate the key features of Kaizen. Illustrate Just in Time and Kanban. Illustrate the six phases of the Interactive Planning (IP).

  • Q : Phases of a new catering enterprise....
    Other Management :

    A number of factors will be considered by an hotelier before a business is opened. Examine main decisions that will be considered throughout the planning and development phases of a new catering ent

  • Q : Organization chart for a housekeeping department....
    Other Management :

    Construct an organization chart for a housekeeping department in a large hotel.

  • Q : Ocean liner conferences....
    Other Management :

    Describe the three basic sorts of cargo. Explain intermodal movements in detail. Write a description on ocean liner conferences.  

  • Q : Product category lifecycle....
    Other Management :

    Write a description on the product category lifecycle. Explain the steps implemented in the communication planning. Write a description on the contingency planning.

  • Q : Fixed price and reimbursable....
    Other Management :

    What are the factors affecting contracting strategies? Make a distinction between fixed price and reimbursable.

  • Q : Stages of conducting effective meetings....
    Other Management :

    To the uninitiated observer, a well-run meeting seems almost effortless, but the consequence of this doesn’t just happen, it emanates from significant communication skills. Mention the four st

  • Q : Communication policy of media....
    Other Management :

    Outline the communication policy which CNN could have employed to avoid the mentioned communication mistakes.

  • Q : Case study of zinx ltd....
    Other Management :

    Zinx Ltd has been awarded the price of the most excellent innovative company in Mauritius. It deals with the manufacture of sun glasses which it sends overseas to USA and most of the European Countr

  • Q : Types of attribute of self image....
    Other Management :

    Describe the three types of attribute of the self image and support your answer with relevant examples. Mention and describe with appropriate examples the four stages of listening.

  • Q : Features of a traditional society....
    Other Management :

    Mention and describe the features of a traditional society which prevent development. Identify some of these attributes in your country or community? Do you think that these characteristics are accoun

  • Q : Effect of global communication....
    Other Management :

    Consider some of the cultural variables that are the issues increased as an effect of global communication between Mr Jones and Mr Nkosi.

  • Q : Impact of cultural diversity in organization....
    Other Management :

    Explain the ethical challenges of communication in organization. Explain the impact of cultural diversity in organization.

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