• Q : Strengths and weaknesses of the planning and control....
    Other Management :

    Outline the strengths and weaknesses of the planning and control (budgeting) system described above? What, if any, are the changes you would suggest?

  • Q : Analyzing the responsibility of the audit committee....
    Other Management :

    The role of directors and committees in financial reporting and accounting oversight continues to evolve as a result of Sarbanes-Oxley and new rules and regulations.

  • Q : Advertise prescription medications....
    Other Management :

    Following criticism, the company said that the benefits of the disadvantaged children's having the cell phones (e.g., safety) outweighed any "exploitive targeting" considerations. Do you agree with

  • Q : Relationship between strategic and financial planning....
    Other Management :

    Question: Describe the relationship between strategic and financial planning. Include the following: 1) A strategic planning initiative for Microsoft and identify an initiative discussed in the organi

  • Q : Difference between a vision and a mission....
    Other Management :

    What is the difference between a vision and a mission? Where have you seen misleading organizational mission, vision, and values statements? How did that affect the organization?

  • Q : What is prosocial behavior....
    Other Management :

    What is prosocial behavior? In what three conditions can diffusion of responsibility occur and why; explain the steps of prosocial behavior and the significance of each step.

  • Q : Exercise oversight responsibility over not-for-profit....
    Other Management :

    Why do states and the federal government exercise oversight responsibility over not-for-profit, tax-exempt corporations? How do states and the federal government differ in the way they exercise this

  • Q : Use of hypothetical dilemmas and straughan disagrees....
    Other Management :

    When measuring moral dilemmas, Kohlberg suggests the use of hypothetical dilemmas & Straughan disagrees stating hypothetical dilemmas do not evoke the same reactions.

  • Q : Mil-techs safety and health manager....
    Other Management :

    Problem 1. What would you recommend to Mr. Camillo Garcia, the Mil-Tech's safety and health manager? Problem 2. How do you think is the best approach to deal with such problem? Explain why you are rec

  • Q : Discuss your point of view on affirmative action....
    Other Management :

    Discuss your point of view on affirmative action and whether or not you think it's fair or that it creates further discrimination?

  • Q : Ethics in auditing-the auditing function....
    Other Management :

    Duska and Duska in "Ethics in Auditing: The Auditing Function" defend the rather demanding position that, based upon Kant's universalizability principle, auditors must avoid even the perception of c

  • Q : Different internal and external stakeholders....
    Other Management :

    Determine at least three different internal and external stakeholders that Dr. DoRight might have to deal with on a daily basis at the hospital.

  • Q : Issues related to its production of toys in china....
    Other Management :

    To what extent was Mattel responsible for issues related to its production of toys in China? How could Mattel have avoided these issues?

  • Q : Leadership and employee participation....
    Other Management :

    Manuele recounts two serious incidents where inadequate management leadership and employee participation were major causes.

  • Q : Combination of intuition and objective....
    Other Management :

    Many bioethical choices that leaders must make require a combination of intuition and objective, critical thinking. If a leader needs to make a decision that does not have a legal basis, what criter

  • Q : Organizations from non-related nursing fields....
    Other Management :

    I want assistance in researching a code of ethics on websites for professional organizations from non-related nursing fields such as engineering, law enforcement, education or journalism.

  • Q : Implement an efficient production plan....
    Other Management :

    1. What are some consequences that could result from management's failure to implement an efficient production plan?

  • Q : Control compensation expenses....
    Other Management :

    You will be evaluated in part by how well you control compensation expenses. As a result, you have both a professional and personal responsibility to pay the lowest salary that is necessary to get t

  • Q : Evaluate organizational responsibility to the community....
    Other Management :

    Problem 1: Evaluate organizational responsibility to the community. Problem 2: Summarize the factors in an organization that influence social responsibility strategies.

  • Q : Ethics in agencies and revenue sources....
    Other Management :

    In 2009 NBA team owners reversed a long-time ban on courtside advertising by spirits brands in an effort to increase revenue during the current economic downturn. Before this decision, alcoholic spi

  • Q : Policies and practices of a questionable government....
    Other Management :

    In general, should companies seek to influence the policies and practices of a questionable government? If yes, by what means?

  • Q : Research ethical issue in the workplace....
    Other Management :

    Ethics is a topic that sparks a lot of debate amongst different groups of people; it is hard to keep everyone in an organization happy. Research one ethical issue that is prevalent in the workplace

  • Q : Invasion of advertising....
    Other Management :

    Is it time to ask advertisers to ensure ethically responsible management of their profession? Does the invasion of advertising make of our world a better world?

  • Q : How business communicate with stakeholders....
    Other Management :

    How does your business communicate with its stakeholders? - Discuss corporate social responsibility in your business. - Discuss the social issues facing your company.

  • Q : Describe the utilitarian ethics....
    Other Management :

    Describe the utilitarian ethics in this situation. What do you think the company should do?

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