• Q : Promotion and advertising department....
    Other Management :

    1) What type of responsibility center is the Promotion and Advertising Department? 2) How is the department currently being evaluated? What are the important elements on which the department should be

  • Q : Choices and decisions in society....
    Other Management :

    "All choices are things that we consciously decided was the right choice for us at the time." This is so right, things that we decided to do 10 or 15 years ago might be right at the time but if we l

  • Q : Dissolution of enron corporation and worldcom....
    Other Management :

    Hi I need help with a paper describing the demise of the Enron Corporation and WorldCom. 1) Identify major factors that led to the dissolution of Enron Corporation and WorldCom.

  • Q : Business enviroment that affect your community....
    Other Management :

    1) What is business ethics? 2) Explain atleast three ethical issues within today's business enviroment that affect your community and organization?

  • Q : Ethics programs and overall ethical environment....
    Other Management :

    Write a 2,100- to 2,800-word paper in which you explain the organization’s ethics programs and overall ethical environment. Address the following in your examination:

  • Q : Milton friedman-traditional view of business responsibility....
    Other Management :

    Review both Milton Friedman's "Traditional View of Business Responsibility" and Archie Carroll's "Four Responsibilities of Business", and develop an understanding of their ethical principles.

  • Q : Do you agree with emmas reasoning....
    Other Management :

    She also reminded him that the new customer had a prosperous business and could easily afford to pay somewhat more for this order. Do you agree with Emma's reasoning? What would you do if you were th

  • Q : Managements risk assessment....
    Other Management :

    Question 1: Management's risk assessment should include the following special consideration of risks that may arise from changed circumstances EXCEPT

  • Q : Adequate job of accounting for all the externalities....
    Other Management :

    Do you think they are doing an adequate job of accounting for all the externalities they are incurring?

  • Q : Analyzing applying social cost accounting....
    Other Management :

    1. In what ways is the company that you are analyzing applying social cost accounting? Give specific examples. 2. Are they using financial indicators to measure social and environmental costs? Descr

  • Q : What is the roi for mip based on original estimates....
    Other Management :

    What is the ROI for MIP based on original estimates? What is the ROI if Richard Lawrence's new revenue projections are used?

  • Q : Case study-business ethical values in mainland china....
    Other Management :

    Given the current pressures on China, Jamaica, and America expressed in the article, how would ethics play a role in decision making for financial, environmental, and cultural issues?

  • Q : Must organization adopt wide stance on social responsibility....
    Other Management :

    Question: Should an organization always adopt a broad stance on social responsibility? Explain how you agree or disagree with this question and why you have this perspective.

  • Q : What is involved in an environmental audit....
    Other Management :

    Investigate what is involved in an environmental audit. Has such an audit been conducted at your own present or former place of business, school, or university?

  • Q : Pros and cons of using expatriates....
    Other Management :

    What are the pros and cons of using expatriates, host-country nationals, and third-country nationals to run overseas operations? If you were expanding your business, what approach would you use?

  • Q : Accountability among american fathers....
    Other Management :

    What are some cultural forces influencing the trend of lower levels of responsibility and accountability among American fathers.

  • Q : How scheme affect the company balance sheet....
    Other Management :

    How does Mr. Blowhard's scheme affect the amount of income that the company would otherwise report in its financial statements and how does the scheme affect the company's balance sheet?

  • Q : Character of cephalus as exemplifying virtues....
    Other Management :

    1) What are these virtues of both a private and a public life? 2) How do you understand the character of Cephalus as exemplifying these virtues?

  • Q : Linear responsibility matrix for our project....
    Other Management :

    We have a Project Charter, a WBS, and a Linear Responsibility Matrix for our project. Do we really need all three documents? Is this over-kill, is this the only way to ensure a successful project, o

  • Q : Minimum return on its investments....
    Other Management :

    If ABC requires a minimum return on its investments of 25%, what is their residual income? A) $1,950,000 B) $4,500,000 C) $6,750,000 D) $750,000

  • Q : Areas of responsibility under the it function....
    Other Management :

    Question: What are the areas of responsibility under the IT function that should be segmented in large companies?

  • Q : Ethics training-workers ethical behavior....
    Other Management :

    What usefulness does ethics training have on workers ethical behavior? What should be included in an ethics training program? Please be specific.

  • Q : Responsibility of the corporation as a moral agent....
    Other Management :

    Explain the responsibility of the corporation as a moral agent. Give examples of how a corporation can be considered a societal moral agent.

  • Q : Improvement of the governmental entity....
    Other Management :

    Prepare a 1,050 to 1,750 word paper that summarizes your findings and includes recommendations for improvement of the governmental entity. Describe the importance of responsible public stewardship.

  • Q : Primary objectives of accounting....
    Other Management :

    Question 1: What are the primary objectives of accounting? Question 2: What is the basic terminology of the accounting process or financial reporting?

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