• Q : Ethic cycle-rationalizing unethical behaviors....
    Other Management :

    Review the ethical cycle (figure shown below). Discuss a decision made (at home or in the workplace), and describe the steps of the cycle in relation to your decision making process.

  • Q : Self-adjusting system of checks and balances....
    Other Management :

    A business must function as a system with checks and balances. Do you think there could be a 'generic' arrangement, working for any business, to mitigate between such conflicting interests? Maybe, e

  • Q : University activities to achieve the goal....
    Other Management :

    You have been hired as a consultant for a major university which desires to be more socially responsible. Describe three socially responsible activities the university can participate in to achieve

  • Q : Adopting a broad stance on social responsibility....
    Other Management :

    Question: Should an organization always adopt a broad stance on social responsibility? Explain how you agree or disagree with this question and why you have this perspective.

  • Q : Hersey and blanchard-situational leadership....
    Other Management :

    Hersey and Blanchard (1999) proposed that situational leadership involves the leader adapting his or her particular style to a followerâ??s stage of development or level of maturity.

  • Q : Perspective of six pillars of character....
    Other Management :

    1. Evaluate the actions of the parties from the perspective of six pillars of character. 2. Evaluate the actions from the perspective of Kohlberg's six stages of moral development.

  • Q : Company financial and bottom-line success....
    Other Management :

    Do the top leaders believe that key stakeholder and stockholder relationship building is important to the company's financial and bottom-line success?

  • Q : Managing proprietary and sensitive information....
    Other Management :

    Barring illegal activities, why do you think that employees in the organizations featured in the case do not realize themselves the dangers of loosely managing proprietary and sensitive information?

  • Q : Conducting business in japan....
    Other Management :

    Write a paper in which you identify the three most pertinent ethics issues faced by Riordan Manufacturing in conducting business in Japan.

  • Q : Myriad of leadership models-french and raven model....
    Other Management :

    Compile a list of myriad of leadership models that discuss sources of power, and explain the sources of the power that the CEO of a large company typically has at her disposal. It should also includ

  • Q : Theft reimbursement-ethics case study....
    Other Management :

    Well, I don't think that this is right. But I don't want to challenge him since I was the one who hired Mary. So, like, what do you think I should do? Question 1. How would you answer the assistant

  • Q : Success factors with in your philosophy....
    Other Management :

    What is the way you would like the management team to run your organization? What is the point of interaction and success factors with in your philosophy?

  • Q : Sarbanes oxley training-public and private sector....
    Other Management :

    Do you feel it has helped holding them accountable? Also do you feel it would be a good idea to have all companies go through Sarbanes Oxley training both the public and private sector?

  • Q : Hughes and beatty-realities for organizations....
    Other Management :

    I would add that change and discontinuity are realities for organizations wishing to remain globally competitive. How do leaders fulfill their responsibility to followers while simultaneously moving

  • Q : Mcdonalds coffee case....
    Other Management :

    In your research you might want to search Google for information on either the McDonald's Coffee Case or the case where an obese man sued a fast food restaurant.

  • Q : Maxell apparent motivation for the change....
    Other Management :

    Question 1. What is Mr. Maxell's apparent motivation for the change in the way contributions are handled? Question 2. Do you perceive an ethical dilemma?

  • Q : Preparing a departmental income statement....
    Other Management :

    Question 1.) Explain the steps required to prepare a departmental income statement. Question2.) Describe the information found on a responsibility accounting performance report.

  • Q : What is responsibility accounting....
    Other Management :

    What is Responsibility Accounting? Is it used in your current or former place of employment, and if not would it work? Why or why not?

  • Q : Advantages and disadvantages of online pharmacies....
    Other Management :

    Describe in depth the advantages and disadvantages of online pharmacies. What ethical dilemmas do they pose? Would you consider purchasing medications from an online pharmacy?

  • Q : Overall effects of transactions on stores reported income....
    Other Management :

    Question 1. Compute the overall effects of these transactions on the store's reported income for 2014. Question 2. Why is Steinbach taking this action? Is his action ethical? Give your reason, ident

  • Q : Examples showing company failure due to ceo....
    Other Management :

    Also looking for examples showing company failure due to CEO (two to three examples like why blockbuster failed due to ceo role). I am willing to know which companys in US failed due to the role of

  • Q : Why ceo are responsible for the failure of the company....
    Other Management :

    Why CEO's are responsible for the failure of the company? What is he and isn't he responsible for? Examples of CEO failure and the impact it had on the company. What should he do during hard times f

  • Q : To what extent computers destroyed ability to do mental math....
    Other Management :

    To what extent have computers destroyed our ability to do mental arithmetic? Should elementary children be allowed to use calculators and computers to do math? What are the advantages and disadvanta

  • Q : Cloud computing and virtualization migration plan....
    Other Management :

    Jill Mathews, an IT audit senior for a global insurance company, was recently asked to perform an IT audit of the company's new cloud computing and virtualization migration plan.

  • Q : What is a master budget....
    Other Management :

    What is a master budget? What are some of the underlying budgets that form the master budget? What is the budgeting process ayour organization? Is it effective? Why or why not?

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