• Q : Organisational change-improving hospital performance....
    Other Management :

    Critically analyse the behaviour of individuals and groups in organisations in terms of the key factors that influence organisational behaviour.

  • Q : Decision making using risk analysis....
    Other Management :

    Using your own numbers the sheet should include some of the following; profits, income, proceeds, earnings, wages, box office; and expenses, overheads, fees, operating expenses, and fixed costs, etc

  • Q : Reasearch essay-leadership position....
    Other Management :

    Research essay-synthesize your ideas with research materials to reach new conclusions demonstrate originality of thought and creative insight use MLA format correctly for formatting, in-text citatio

  • Q : Leadership-theory and practice....
    Other Management :

    0 Description of the instrument, what leadership skill/trait/approach it measures, and its importance 0 The group as scoring trends and the implications of these result 0 A brief strategic improvement

  • Q : Identify the purpose and principles behind branding....
    Other Management :

    Using the concepts from the lecture and the Module Resources, identify the purpose and principles behind branding and positioning using specific examples to illustrate. How important is branding?

  • Q : Global strategy-entry modes-foreign direct investment....
    Other Management :

    Article assignment must discuss concepts such as global strategy, entry modes, foreign direct investment, production operations management, and marketing (i.e., topics addressed in Chapters 8 and 13

  • Q : Explain and interpret leadership in business....
    Other Management :

    Topic: Explain and interpret Henry V, Act IV, Scenes 2, 3 and 4. Explain and interpret leadership in business and its relevance to Shakespeare’s Henry V, Act IV (especially Scene 3). Explain S

  • Q : Evaluate a team in an organization....
    Other Management :

    Evaluate a team in an organization of your choice (Please use AT&T), using the evaluation tool developed (I will provide this) Incorporate processes and approaches similar to an evaluation conduc

  • Q : Globalization and its effects on global central banks....
    Other Management :

    Topic: My research paper will center on how globalization has changed how countries interact with each other economically and why it may change even further in the future based on current trends suc

  • Q : Report on control and atom water management....
    Other Management :

    Write a report consider three key 1. water supply 2. control and atom water management 3. industrial use a, transport and navigation.

  • Q : Effective leaders and managers....
    Other Management :

    You’ve probably learned by now that all leaders are not managers and all managers are not leaders. While managers are concerned with the day to day operations and with meeting a firm’s g

  • Q : Principles of global health strategy and management....
    Other Management :

    The Case Study analysis focuses on Modules 1–3 of the course and asks you to write a 5-7 page paper comparing and contrasting the management of an important public sector issue in your home co

  • Q : E-business department of an organization....
    Other Management :

    Assuming that you are running the e-business department of an organization, reference to the elements of the Micro and Macro environments of e-business, how are you going to deal with each of the f

  • Q : Health care organization-gap analysis....
    Other Management :

    Select a health care organization (local or national, large or small, public or private) and perform a needs assessment/gap analysis. You may utilize your own organization if you are employed in a h

  • Q : Current risk management issue at your facility....
    Other Management :

    Prepare a 1,250- to 1,750-word paper on a current risk management issue at your facility. Include the steps that have been set in place or discussed to address the issue. Discuss how your agency deter

  • Q : Review of the characteristics-traits of entrepreneur....
    Other Management :

    Present a critical review of the characteristics/traits of an entrepreneur with reference to at least three different categories of entrepreneurship. You need to debate how the different characteri

  • Q : Understanding of financial management concepts....
    Other Management :

    Students should select one of the topics from the list below. The essay should demonstrate a student’s ability to integrate and synthesize course concepts with selected readings to communicate

  • Q : Leveraging leadership to maximize business success....
    Other Management :

    Imagine that you’re an expert in the principles of business leadership. You have been invited to present at a conference held for some of the top executives at Fortune 500 companies. Your assi

  • Q : Management planning presentation....
    Other Management :

    Imagine you are an executive for BP, JP Morgan or, GoldMan Sacs, and you are preparing a presentation for the board of directors about the organization’s direction.

  • Q : Five factors personality theory....
    Other Management :

    You will compose an 8–10-page Research Paper (not including your title, abstract, or reference page) on your own personality theory. You must use theories studied in the text to guide the deve

  • Q : Explain the leadership models or theories....
    Other Management :

    Analyze the results from the various self-assessments taken this semester (i.e. MBTI, LPI, etc.) and be sure to explain the leadership models/theories that best connect with your own leadership sty

  • Q : Risk management of an existing issue....
    Other Management :

    This assessment focuses on aspects and practices of risk management and the risk of risk management and can be considered as being a combination report and academic critical assignment.

  • Q : Dynamics of managerial leadership....
    Other Management :

    How would you describe Marchionne’s personality and leadership traits? Refer to the background textbook material on leadership traits, and consider the common traits listed in the background t

  • Q : Rhetorical analysis of a discourse communitys practices....
    Other Management :

    Pragmatics: the analysis of language in terms of the situational context within which utterances are made, including the knowledge and beliefs of the speaker and the relation between speaker and lis

  • Q : Financial basics-a money management guide for students....
    Other Management :

    You can earn up to 30 points of extra credit by reading a book on reserve and completing an assignment. The book is titled: Financial Basics: A Money-Management Guide for Students.

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