• Q : Hard logic and soft logic for establishing dependency....
    Operation Management :

    Explain the difference between hard logic and soft logic for establishing dependency relationships in project schedules and offer a creative example (not from the text) for each one.

  • Q : Actual and forecast demand levels....
    Operation Management :

    Consider the following actual and forecast demand levels for the Burger King Whopper sandwhich at a local Burger King restaurant:

  • Q : One order per year strategy....
    Operation Management :

    Storage cost for the motors is $10 each. In previous years they have bought all 600 at once and they are considering doing this again. What order quantity would you advise and how much can they save

  • Q : Designing a grocery delivery business....
    Operation Management :

    You are designing a grocery delivery business. Via the Internet, your company will offer staples and frozen foods in a large metropolitan area and then deliver them within a customer-defined window

  • Q : Percentage of average value of inventory on hand....
    Operation Management :

    Stock replenishment order handling costs $15 per order. Inventory carrying costs as a percentage of average value of inventory on hand for a year 25% per year

  • Q : Project portfolio management approaches....
    Operation Management :

    Compare and contrast the project portfolio management approaches that IBM and Deloitte Consulting used to rank and select the projects for their respective portfolios.

  • Q : High political risk and the benefits....
    Operation Management :

    Discuss why a corporation would want to enter a country with a high political risk and the benefits that would need to be present to outweigh the risk. Provide specific examples to support your resp

  • Q : Primary capabilities created by supply chain technology....
    Operation Management :

    What are the primary capabilities created by supply chain technology? How can they drive supply chain excellence?

  • Q : Business service experience....
    Operation Management :

    Which of the following does not describe a business service experience?

  • Q : Socio-economic considerations of federal procurement process....
    Operation Management :

    Assess the socio-economic considerations of the federal procurement process. (explain socio economic, identify the considerations, explain the procurement process....and in fully assessing, applying

  • Q : Find the estimated regression line....
    Operation Management :

    Find the estimated regression line. What do you conclude about the relationship between the change in sugar price and the change in candy price? Might this knowledge lead to improved forecasts?How c

  • Q : Doctrine of constructive changes....
    Operation Management :

    Discuss how a value engineering change proposal, (VECP), once accepted, can be a win-win for the government and the contractor and Determine how the doctrine of constructive changes protects contract

  • Q : Compression approach to innovation....
    Operation Management :

    It used finite element analysis (FEA) software to speed up the design cycle for its 12-row subsoiler. Which aspect of the compression approach to innovation would the use of this software assist?

  • Q : Management functions of planning-organizing-leading....
    Operation Management :

    What are some of the steps a manager can take to encourage creativity in his or her technical employees? Discuss how the management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling relate t

  • Q : Minimize total controllable costs....
    Operation Management :

    Yooper calculates its holding costs using an annual rate of 28% and the company estimates that each delivery of iron ore results in a fixed cost of $1050, regardless of how many tons are ordered. Ho

  • Q : Low-volume-high- variety service....
    Operation Management :

    For a high-volume/low-variety service (business-to-consumer) and for a low-volume/high- variety service (business-to-business or professional service) identify potential gaps between customer expect

  • Q : Productivity of the processing facility....
    Operation Management :

    What is the productivity of the processing facility with the equipment currently in use?

  • Q : Three jobs for which this basis for pay....
    Operation Management :

    Identify three jobs for which this basis for pay is inappropriate providing rationale for your answers based on chapter information.

  • Q : Locations of new facilities that minimize total distance....
    Operation Management :

    Suppose it is required that one of the new facilities be located at Site 1 and space limitations prohibit locating new facility 1 at Site 1. Determine the locations of the new facilities that minimi

  • Q : Determining the capacity requirements....
    Operation Management :

    Daily demand is 2,400 parts. C&M operates one 8 hour shift per day. How many drill presses are needed to meet the capacity requirements?

  • Q : Determining the current process capability....
    Operation Management :

    What is the current process capability as measured by Cp? What is the current process capability as measured by Cpk? Is this process capable? Why or why not Does the process need an adjustment? Why or

  • Q : Breakeven quantity beyond....
    Operation Management :

    What is the breakeven quantity beyond which the first process is more attractive? What is the difference in total cost if the quantity produced is 5,000,000 units?

  • Q : Desired completion date....
    Operation Management :

    You determine the critical path in a CPM network consists of only five activities. You then compute the variances for the five critical path activities and these variances are 3, 4, 2, 1, and 6 days

  • Q : Design and effective capabilities for the barber shop....
    Operation Management :

    A town Barbara shop can accommodate 35 customers per day. The manager has determined that if two more additional barbers are hired, the shop can accommodate 80 customers per day. What are the design

  • Q : Management authorize for lens replenishment system....
    Operation Management :

    Each container holds 50 lenses. One container requires 2 days in fabrication time. Setup times are negligible. If the policy variable for unforeseen circumstances is 10 %, how many containers should

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